May 8, 2012
Hell no


Dude France is infinitely closer to Russia than Germany and the U.K. are

What are you talking about?

And Russia can get at any Russian in Germany way easier
The UK has essentially cut itself off from being able to touch Russia in a meaningful way in the long-term. It is no longer part of an EU power bloc and, through Brexit, will now cease to be the financial hub it was in the past, which made it an important location for Russian oligarchs looking to move money through the global financial system. With that shifting back towards the continental EU, the UK won't be able to touch Russian money as it had in the past and, I suspect, this is one of the key reasons Russia feels that it can increasingly provoke the UK government. The UK has retired from being a player and has weakened itself in the process to be able to respond without the full backing of the US government.

France has always been closer to Russia as a counterbalance to US domination of continental Europe and a rising Germany, but France and Germany currently make up the EU power bloc. If Russia were to begin to provoke the French government, they will immediately lose a relatively sympathetic partner and the financial impact on Russia would be far more devastating long-term if Germany and France were to take a hardline than anything the UK can currently do.

Edit: And I didn't say it would be more difficult to get at Germany, my point is that they would be less inclined to because of the more severe consequences.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Whats crazy about this, is that this is about Hillary's emails :laff:


FBI disciplinary office recommends firing former deputy director Andrew McCabe

FBI disciplinary office recommends firing former deputy director Andrew McCabe

The FBI office that handles employee discipline has recommended firing the bureau’s former deputy director over allegations that he authorized the disclosure of sensitive information to a reporter and misled investigators when asked about it — though Justice Department officials are still reviewing the matter and have not come to a final decision, a person familiar with the case said.

The recommendation from the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility is likely to add fuel to the political fire surrounding former deputy director Andrew McCabe, who abruptly stepped down from his post earlier this year but technically remained an FBI employee.

McCabe was hoping to retire in just days, when he becomes eligible for his full benefits. If he is fired, he could lose his retirement benefits.
President Trump has long made McCabe a particular target of his ire, and the recommendation to fire the former No. 2 FBI official could give him new ammunition.

Through a representative, McCabe declined to comment. A Justice Department spokeswoman said in a statement: “The Department follows a prescribed process by which an employee may be terminated. That process includes recommendations from career employees and no termination decision is final until the conclusion of that process. We have no personnel announcements at this time.”

An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz has for some time been working on a report that blasts McCabe for allowing two high-ranking bureau officials to sit down with the Wall Street Journal as the news outlet prepared a report in 2016 on an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s family foundation, then misleading the inspector general’s team about his actions. A person familiar with the matter said Horowitz’s findings are what sparked the Office of Professional Responsibility’s recommendation, which was first reported by the New York Times. Horowitz’s report has not been released.

[Report said to fault FBI’s former No. 2 for approving improper media disclosure, misleading inspector general]

McCabe, 49, had long been expected to retire on March 18, though he abruptly left his post earlier this year after his boss, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, was told of what the inspector general had found.

The situation now seems fraught for all involved. If the Justice Department does not move on the recommendation, conservatives might view officials there as unfairly protecting McCabe. Trump — who already has a strained relationship with Justice Department leaders — might be particularly displeased.

But if the FBI fires McCabe with just days to go before his retirement, it could be viewed as bending to the will of a vindictive president. Trump has previously suggested McCabe was biased in favor of Clinton, pointing out that McCabe’s wife, who ran as a Democrat for a seat in the Virginia legislature, received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from the political action committee of Terry McAuliffe, the then-governor of Virginia and a noted Clinton ally. The president remarked in December that McCabe was “racing the clock to retire with full benefits.”

The inspector general has since January 2017 been investigating the FBI and Justice Department’s handling of the politically charged probe into Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, which is separate from the foundation probe. McCabe represents but a piece of that work.

Horowitz is also examining broad allegations of misconduct involving former FBI director James B. Comey, including the public statement he made recommending that the Clinton email case be closed without charges and his decision 11 days before the election to reveal to Congress that the FBI had resumed its work. McCabe briefly took over as the FBI’s acting director after Trump fired Comey in May.

The article McCabe authorized FBI officials to discuss came just as the bureau announced it was resuming its look at Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, though it focused more on the separate case involving her family’s foundation.

The article presented McCabe as a complicated figure — one who lower-level officials felt was stymieing their work, even though it detailed McCabe pushing back against Justice Department officials so the case could move forward.

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The inspector general was interested in McCabe’s role in authorizing officials to talk about the matter, people familiar with the case said, because the article detailed ongoing criminal investigative work, which law enforcement officials are not normally allowed to discuss.

The Wall Street Journal report was written by Devlin Barrett, who is now a reporter with The Washington Post. Recently released text messages show that Barrett had talked with the FBI’s top spokesman, Michael Kortan, and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who worked for McCabe, two days before it was published.

Background briefings with reporters are common in Washington, particularly when reporters have information that officials feel compelled to respond to or add context to. In this instance, though, it might have been viewed as inappropriate because the discussion was focused on an ongoing criminal investigation.


Dreams and Nightmares
Oct 12, 2012
In the Cloud
the IC better remember this shyt...
whole admin stays pissing on them
This administration wants a subordinate, SS-style IC that bows down to Trump and does all his biding for him, no questions asked. Trump himself said he wished he had control over the Judicial branch and in his mind, things like this will make them comply in the long run. In reality, it is (hopefully) going to cause them to turn on Trump and air out all his dirty laundry.