
Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
Get disrespected on the world stage brehs.

How will the Dotard's fragile ego instruct him to respond?


Kim hit him with the

"In '88 - you was getting chased through your building, calling my crib and I ain't even give you my numbers"

"Kim Jung across the belly - the dotard lost already.... :mjlol:"
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The day we started to question our elections was the day Russia won.

America is washed, and our own hubris is getting in the way of seeing that.

Trump can go tomorrow, and every judge he appointed and every cabinet member with him, but the damage has been done and is irreversible.


You can't beat America in a straight up fight without destroying yourself...but you can wound it...have the motherfukker walking around with a limp

That's what Bin Laden did...that's what Putin did...yo we haven't even SEEN what the Chinese are doing yet, they moving quiet as fukk just buying up land in the middle of places that America has forgotten :wow:



Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Of course the ATL
His sons, family and business is still done for even if he dies.

Breh based on what? Y'all projecting right now what y'all want to happen, nothing that's happened so far has led me to believe that Trump or the Trumps are done for

Clearly obstruction and collusion occurred at some level with Trump, in the end I think Mueller will recommend impeachment and nothing will happen after that. Hope I'm wrong but :francis:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Republicans find no evidence of collusion or Russian preference for Trump

House Intelligence Committee Republicans have completed a draft report in their year-long Russia probe that states they found no evidence President Trump or anyone affiliated with him colluded with Russian officials to affect the outcome of the 2016 elections, a conclusion expected to incite backlash from committee Democrats.

Republicans also determined that while the Russian government did pursue “active measures” to interfere in the 2016 election, they did not do so with the intention of helping Trump’s campaign, contradicting the findings of the intelligence community.

“We’ve found no evidence of collusion,” Rep. K. Michael Conaway (R-Tex.), who is in charge of the Russia probe, told reporters on Monday. He noted that the worst they had uncovered was “perhaps some bad judgment, inappropriate meetings, inappropriate judgment at taking meetings” — such as the June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower, which Conaway said “shouldn’t have happened, no doubt about that.”

“But only Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn or someone else like that could take this series of inadvertent contacts with each other, meetings, whatever and weave that into some sort of a fiction, page turner spy thriller,” Conaway said. “We’re not dealing in fiction, we’re dealing in facts and we found no evidence of any collusion.”

The GOP’s conclusion comes as special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe is ramping up its investigation of the Trump team’s alleged effort to coordinate activities with Russian officials, even gathering evidence that an early 2017 meeting in they Seychelles was an effort to establish a backchannel to the Kremlin.

It also contradicts the preliminary findings of committee Democrats like ranking member Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), who told reporters last month that based on what he had seen, there was “ample evidence” of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Democrats and Republicans on the committee have interviewed the same 73 witnesses and viewed the same 300,000-plus documents, according to the tally Conaway gave reporters on Monday. But Democrats say there are thousands more pages of documents the committee never procured, and dozens more witnesses they need to call in to interview.

Committee Democrats have also clamored for the panel to issue several subpoenas for witnesses who either have ignored the committee’s requests to appear or given incomplete answers during their interviews with the panel.

Democrats have also warned Republicans against shutting down the panel investigation before Mueller’s investigation is completed.

But Conaway dismissed the idea of keeping the investigation over any longer, telling reporters that if Democrats expected him to “sit around and wait with the expectation that something might happen,” his answer was “no.”

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He also argued against using subpoenas or stronger measures — such as contempt citations — to compel any more testimony from witnesses who have appeared before the panel but refused to answer questions related to their time in the administration, arguing that Trump might eventually want to invoke executive privilege.

“You use subpoenas when you think you can actually get something from them, and we’re not particularly confident that the subpoena process will get us any more information that we had,” Conaway said Monday. “We’ve interviewed everyone we think we need to interview.”

Democrats were not part of the drafting of the GOP’s report, and were not presented with a copy of the findings before Conaway addressed the press. Conaway told reporters that he would give committee Democrats the report on Tuesday for their comments, suggestions and proposed changes, which he would take under advisement before presenting it to the intelligence community for redactions. He said that the report would likely not be released to the public before April.

Read more at PowerPost


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Ivanka Trump never cut ties with the Trump Organization. That’s turned into a problem.
By Anita Kumar

FILE - In this June 27, 2017, file photo, Ivanka Trump applauds during an event in Washington. An Ivanka Trump-branded store was scheduled to open in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017, selling handbags, jewelry and candles. A representative for the first daughter’s brand says the store on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue will add shoes and clothes in 2018. Jacquelyn Martin AP
WASHINGTON Donald Trump isn’t the only Trump with potential conflicts of interest in the White House.

Ivanka Trump — a senior White House adviser who is doing everything from lobbying the Senate on tax policy to representing her father at a G20 summit of world leaders — will pull in more than $1 million a year from the family business that has continued to develop luxury resorts across the globe during the Trump presidency.

Some of those Trump-branded developments are hiring state-owned companies for construction, receiving gifts from foreign governments in the form of public land or eased regulations and accepting payments from customers who are foreign officials.

Ivanka Trump’s continued relationship with the businesses affiliated with the Trump Organization creates countless potential conflicts of interest prohibited by federal law and federal ethics standards as she works as a special assistant to the president. And just like her father, she is being accused of violating the so-called emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution that forbids government officials — not just presidents — from accepting gifts from foreign governments without the approval of Congress.

“To the extent she’s still taking money and she’s still in the West Wing she has many of the same issues,” said Stephen Spaulding, chief of strategy at Common Cause, a nonpartisan group that has examined Donald Trump’s conflicts of interest.

Much has been written about problems caused by Ivanka Trump’s brand of clothes, handbags and shoes, which are primarily made overseas by low-wage laborers, but little attention has been paid to trouble caused by her continued relationship with the Trump Organization, the sprawling family real estate empire now run by two of her brothers.

And her troubles go way beyond criticism that she is profiting off her father’s presidency. Trump, who just returned from a trip representing the United States in South Korea, faces serious questions as a result of her decision to be involved in both the family business and the White House: Is a foreign government gaining access to her through the business? Are business deals a factor in U.S. foreign policy? Are foreign governments able to build goodwill with her because of the company?

Ivanka Trump is believed to still have only an interim security clearancenearly 14 months into her father’s tenure because of the complex finances of her husband, top presidential aide and New York real estate developer Jared Kushner. But her continued ties to the family businesses, whose developent deals often involve international financing and buyers, could actually be causing the delay, according to former administration officials and attorneys familiar with clearance guidelines.

“If there are foreign financial obligations, commitments, reliances, that would be an item in a security clearance file,” said Paul Pillar, former deputy chief of the intelligence community’s counterterrorism center who served nearly three decades at the CIA.

Federal employees applying for clearance do not automatically have to sell their overseas investments but it’s not uncommon for them to be forced to divest larger stakes and resign positions at companies. The criteria for determining who is granted a clearance indicates businesses are a concern that could be disqualifying: “Substantial business, financial, or property interests in a foreign country, or in any foreign-operated business that could subject an individual to a heightened risk of foreign influence or exploitation or personal conflict of interest.”

“That can be a real problem,” said Mary Kuntz, a Washington lawyer who represents people going through the security clearance process, some of whom have had to sell investments.

When her father was sworn in, Ivanka Trump resigned her numerous vice president positions with the Trump Organization but she planned to continue to receive money from its businesses, according to her financial disclosure report filed last year, which outlined her future relationship to the companies.

Each year starting in 2017, she was expected to receive a total of $1.5 million from three companies affiliated with the Trump Organization. She was expected to receive more money from additional Trump Organization businesses but the other amounts were not detailed.

Ivanka Trump is required to file a financial disclosure report covering her 2017 financial assets and liabilities in May

The companies involve at least five projects that have come under scrutiny for possible ethics and legal violations:

  • A major construction company owned by the Chinese government was awarded a contract to build a road as part of the residential piece of a Trump development in Dubai.
  • A local government plans to build a road to shorten the drive between the main airport on the Indonesian island of Bali and the new high-end Trump resort and golf course.
  • A construction company owned in part by the governments of Saudi Arabia and South Korea expects to build the Trump Lido City development in Indonesia that includes a Disney-like theme park
  • Ivanka Trump’s brother, Donald Jr., recently visited India to promote new luxury housing projects, offering home buyers dinner and conversation for a booking fee of $38,000. But after criticism, he scrapped plans to give a foreign-policy speech alongside Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
  • The Trump International Hotel Washington D.C., which opened in a historic site in the capital, has been cited in lawsuits accusing the president of violating the Constitution by accepting money from customers who are foreign officials.
The Trump Organization argues that it doesn’t hire companies or benefit from governments because it generally does not own the overseas developments but rather earns money by licensing its name and managing the properties. But company officials, including Ivanka Trump and her brothers, have taken great interest in the projects, meeting with developers and walking the sites to check on progress.

Since she joined the White House, Ivanka Trump’s vague government responsibilities have led her to travel to Saudi Arabia and South Korea and meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago, a Trump resort in Florida.

The family’s foreign projects are moving forward despite the Trump Organization’s vow that it would not be involved in new foreign deals or transactions with a foreign entity other than “normal and customary arrangements” made before the inauguration. The company withdrew from some foreign projects but kept others.

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The FBI is reviewing negotiations and financing surrounding the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver, a project that Ivanka Trump played a leading role in developing before her father’s presidential campaign, according to CNN. The project was developed by the Vancouver Holborn Group, whose CEO is wealthy Malaysian scion Joo Kim Tiah, whose father was convicted of making false reports to the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange.

Noah Bookbinder, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said his group chose to focus its emoluments lawsuit on the most direct and important target, Donald Trump, but that everything that applies to the president applies to his daughter. “You really still have conflicts of interest for any matter concerning that company,” he said.

Officials at the White House and the Trump Organization did not respond to questions about Ivanka Trump’s relationship to the business.

But Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for the attorney hired by Ivanka Trump and Kushner, told McClatchy that her relationship to the Trump Organization was modified last year based on advice she received from lawyers.

“When Ms. Trump became a federal employee, she transitioned from being an active investor and manager to being merely a passive investor,” he said. “She did this as a result of ethics advice she received, and has followed that advice.”

Ivanka Trump’s financial disclosure report states that the Office of Government Ethics asked that she receive lump-sum payments instead of a profit-driven fluctuating amount of money to reduce her interest in the performance of the business.

The cap does nothing to solve the problem. Her relationship to the entity remains the same

Austin Evers, former senior counsel in State Department who is now executive director of the watchdog group American Oversight

According to the 98-page financial disclosure report, Ivanka Trump was to receive these lump-sums from three Delaware incorporated companies, all affiliated with the Trump Organization. They are: $800,000 from TTT Consulting and $600,000 from TTTT Venture, both for consulting, licensing and management of real estate properties; and $100,000 from T International Realty for consulting work for the luxury real estate brokerage company.

Ivanka Trump also retains an interest in Ivanka Opo Hotel Manager LLC, which includes the Washington hotel project that she spearheaded before joining the White House. The hotel, which includes an Ivanka Trump branded spa, has quickly become a popular meeting place for Republican and conservative groups in the nation’s capital. The report does not indicate how much she will receive from the hotel.

Mirijanian said before she joined the White House, Ivanka Trump invested money in a number of different companies with her family members, sharing in any profits.

“She no longer provides any services to those companies, and she no longer receives any earned income or compensation from them,” he said. “Based on her prior financial investment in those companies, she now receives fixed income based on her passive investment in those companies, something not uncommon for federal employees with outside investments.”

Ivanka Trump promoted the GOP’s tax overhaul efforts at a special event held at Capitol Hill on Oct. 25. Emma DumainMcClatchy DC Bureau

Robert Kelner, a Washington attorney who represents federal employees who are required to file financial disclosure reports, said he has never had an agency or OGE ask one of his clients to switch to a fixed income. He criticized the practice, saying it only addresses the appearance of financial conflicts of interest and not actual conflicts of interest.

Some wealthy officials who served in current and previous administrations have divested their investments and holdings. But others have not, choosing instead to place their assets in a trust and recuse themselves on issues that could relate to their financial interests.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, for example, effectively “cashed out” $180 million worth of ExxonMobile shares that would have become vested over a decade after his planned March 2017 retirement. Those shares, earned retirement compensation for the long-serving executive, were sold in advance and then the money was put into a trust that will distribute the money to Tillerson over a 10-year period.

Ivanka Trump's disclosure differs, however, in that the Trump Organization is a collection of privately held companies that disclose little to the public, and none of the family members have made their recent tax returns public. That means there is no way to know what her lump-sum payments actually represent beyond a vague stake in the family business that is not tied to present profits.

An OGE official declined to speak about any specific case, but said that it’s “not uncommon” for the office to ask an employee to switch to a fixed income to alleviate concerns stemming from a federal law that forbid employees from participating in government matters if they or their family has a financial interest.

To further reduce Ivanka Trump’s interest in each of the companies, the fixed payments are being guaranteed by the other two companies.

The OGE official said that a so-called cross-guarantee doesn’t help conflicts of interests issues. “We don’t usually get involved with this,” the official said.

Ivanka Trump shifted her assets to various trusts while she serves in the White House, though many questions remain about the details of the arrangement, which have not been disclosed.

Her father, for example, did not fully separate from his business interests when he was sworn in as president. Instead he placed his holdings in a trust designed to hold assets for his “exclusive benefit,” which he can receive at any time. He also retains the authority to revoke the trust.

Kevin G. Hall and Ben Wieder in Washington contributed.

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin