
cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
There can be one way this ends if history is any indication. The scope of this investigation is massive and alot of people are going to be headed to jail. Russians were masterful as fukk with the finese on the American governmentand populace. My only question would be what made them think they could pull it off and why Trump as the figure head of your subversive plot? Guy cant keep his mouth shut and has bumbled thru his entire presidency making his treason very transparent. Just imagine the damage they could've done with someone a alittle more competency and guile.

every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
the russians got trump in as a puppet.
they embarrassed america in a way that is without comparison.

the result:
everyone knows and now they are acting upon it.

how many steps ahead did russia think this through?
how many steps ahead did the US think this through?
how many of those plans are now out the window?
how much of this shyt is being done on the fly?

now you are looking at the long term geo-political potential
of each nation because that is what shields them from the
unexpected events that we see taking place.

Last edited:


Dec 4, 2016
Scoop: Trump privately trashes Rick Saccone
  • The reason: Trump thinks Saccone is a terrible, "weak" candidate, according to four sources who've spoken to the president about him.
  • Trump held that opinion of Saccone before leaving for the rally, and I've not been able to establish whether his time on the ground with the candidate changed his mind.
  • Trump isn't the only top Republican who’s found Saccone underwhelming. The widely-held view from Republican officials: Democrat Conor Lamb is a far superior candidate to Saccone and running a far better campaign. Lamb is running effectively as Republican Lite. He's pro-gun and says he personally opposes to abortion (though he supports abortion rights).
  • The thing that most irks senior Republicans involved in the race: Saccone has been a lousy fundraiser. Lamb has outraised Saccone by a staggering margin — nearly 500 percent.
Jesus Christ. I read an article earlier this week about the GOP disliking him even before Trump's comments. Here is a snippet:

But as election day grows closer, the national GOP is increasingly pinning the blame on Saccone. In interviews with nearly two dozen administration officials, senior House Republicans and top party strategists, Saccone was nearly universally panned as a deeply underwhelming candidate who leaned excessively on the national party to execute a massive, multimillion-dollar rescue effort. It was complete with visits from the president, vice president and several Cabinet members.

They describe a candidate who largely ignored pleas to raise the money he needed, who blindsided the White House and the national party with his choice of a political strategist, and whose amateur-style social media feed included low-quality videos of him at a local bar and yukking it up with Santa. To make matters worse, Saccone is up against a Democratic rival the party could hardly have engineered had it tried: Conor Lamb, an Ivy League-educated 33-year-old Marine veteran and former federal prosecutor.

Lamb has used a nearly $4 million war chest to cast himself as independent of his party, airing slickly produced TV ads underscoring his aversion to Pelosi and his fondness for shooting machine guns. He has a campaign staff of 16 full-time employees, compared with just four for Saccone.
Republicans trash their candidate in Pa. special election


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
:francis: Reporter was in his feelings

He should tell his kids to do his homework

If he did he could have ripped Trump's 3% to pieces

1% of GDP is about $200B.... Trump added about $80B to the deficit in his first year, and his tax cuts are going to add even more to that. They're talking about a $1T deficit soon up from the $665B we're at now.... so damn near 2% of his 3% is going to be borrowed from the future. I don't have the private sector numbers in front of me but I'd love to see how much private sector growth Trump has seen since Obama finished

That is the kind of shyt you have to ask that would get Mnuchin out of character. Some of these journalists need to do their jobs and not get so fukking emotional. Mnuchin made him look stupid. "What do I tell my kids" :what:
I don’t understand why y’all are getting on Chick for just trying to get these people that ride with trump to just admit that they don’t have any morals. This shyt is way beyond the pale of normal.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I don’t understand why y’all are getting on Chick for just trying to get these people that ride with trump to just admit that they don’t have any morals. This shyt is way beyond the pale of normal.
They're obviously not going to admit that, it was a stupid and emotional line of questioning

Would have been much better to break down their flawed economic plan

You take out the deficit and inflation and I bet Trump's 3% growth is non existent. And then he could get at how his tax cuts are a gift to the rich, who will not stimulate the economy with it. Wifey and I are supposed to get another 7k next year... We are not spending a dime of it, we already probably save about 20% of our pre tax earnings. You have to get at them in their when house... Why ask the treasurer about morals, bigly stupid.

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
Jesus Christ. I read an article earlier this week about the GOP disliking him even before Trump's comments. Here is a snippet:

Republicans trash their candidate in Pa. special election

There's a cloud over this race because of the redistricting taking place in PA this year. I don't think the loser would even have low morale given the district won't exist under the new maps that are taking effect sometime before the election.


Dec 4, 2016
There's a cloud over this race because of the redistricting taking place in PA this year. I don't think the loser would even have low morale given the district won't exist under the new maps that are taking effect sometime before the election.
Typically, yeah, but because of the current climate it is being framed as a 'canary in the coal mine' type of election race. They touch on it briefly in the article:
Even more troubling for Republicans, because Pennsylvania’s congressional map is being redrawn, the special election district will likely no longer exist by the time of the November election. But with so much attention trained on the race, House GOP leaders determined they had little choice but to spend whatever is needed to pull Saccone over the finish line.
Some Republicans say it’s unfair to pin the blame solely on Saccone. They argue that his struggles reflect the broader challenges the party is facing as the midterms approach.

Particularly concerning, they say, is the fact that the millions of dollars Republicans have spent — much of it highlighting the GOP tax cuts and attempting to tie Lamb to Pelosi — has failed to move the needle.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Charles Blow BURIED Melania :wow:

Opinion | Melania Knew

Melania Knew
Charles M. BlowMARCH 11, 2018

President Trump and his wife, Melania, leaving Air Force One on March 2. Al Drago for The New York Times
Dear America: Come on, you can’t be serious.

The ongoing saga over a president, a porn star and a payoff is so lewd and tawdry that it can’t simply be added to the ever-expanding list of horrible misbehaviors of a womanizing misogynist.

It’s not even the infidelity that most bothers me. I view that as an issue between spouses and with the other person involved. I contend that we on the outside never really know what understandings may exist in a marriage, unless the two parties within reveal it.

In this case, Melania knew exactly the kind of man she was getting.

When Donald first meets Melania, they are at a New York Fashion Week party to which Donald has been invited by the wealthy Italian businessman who brought Melania to America on a modeling contract and work visa. According to GQ, sometimes, to promote his models, the businessman “would send a few girls to an event and invite photographers, producers, and rich playboys.”

Trump is on a date with another woman that night. He is also in the process of divorcing Marla Maples, his second wife, with whom he had had an affair while still married to his first wife, Ivana Trump.

According to GQ, “He sent his companion to the bathroom so he could have a few minutes to chat up the model he’d noticed. But Melania knew of Trump’s reputation — which was immediately confirmed by the fact that he had come to the party with a date and was now asking for her number.”

That’s right, Melania knew.

In April 2004, Donald proposes to Melania at the Met Gala.

By the way, just to underscore how vile this man is, in September 2004, Trump goes on Howard Stern, and while discussing with Stern how beautiful they both find Trump’s daughter Ivanka, Stern says, “Can I say this? A piece of ass.” Trump responds, “Yes.”

Trump marries Melania in January of 2005. They had signed a prenuptial agreement. Nine months later, in September, “Access Hollywood” records Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women — kissing and gropingthem without prior consent — and claiming: “When you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Six months after the tape is recorded, on March 20, 2006, Mr. and Mrs. Trump’s son Barron is born. (That means that Melania was pregnant when Trump was making his lewd remarks about assaulting other women.)

Four months after Barron is born, porn star Stephanie Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, alleged that she and Trump initiated a consensual, sexual relationship after meeting at a golf tournament.

Clifford alleges that the “intimate relationship” began in July 2006 and continued “well into the year 2007.”

Trump also goes on “The View” in 2006 and says of Ivanka: “ she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” His daughter! And remember, he is newly married to Melania, who will give birth to Barron just 14 days after his appearance on the show.

And through it all, Melania has remained. So, that’s their marriage. They clearly have some sort of understanding, some emotional elasticity — or financial dependency — that is beyond my comprehension.

So that part is what it is.

As for the present news, it is not clear to me if the money paid by Donald Trump’s personal attorney to Clifford, to prevent the disclosure of a sexual affair Clifford says she had with Trump, will be found in violation of federal campaign finance laws. Neither is it clear to me if the courts will allow Clifford to get out of her nondisclosure agreement.

Those are all legal issues. What matters most to me about this sordid tale is the way it fits into a pattern of behavior and a Trump worldview about women: that they are mere objects and opportunities, a reward owed to men of wealth, and that objections and protestations are invalid.

This is about the defamation of, silencing of, and shouting down of women.

At the very same time that the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have given voice to women, and led to men being held accountable, particularly in the private sector, Trump has almost single-handedly aided in the numbing of America’s sympathies for women who speak up about the sexual exploits, misdeeds and assaults of elected officials.

Yes, there have been some political resignations, but primarily among people who have confessed to their sins. But among the men like Trump who deny the accusations, little has been done. Indeed, Trump has made a habit of defending such men, using the forcefulness of their denials as proof of innocence. Trump himself has been accused of sexual misconduct by 19 women.

America, this is not about partisanship; this is about principle. Each of us must proclaim that this situation is over the line, that women matter, that their voices and their stories matter, that propriety, honor and character matter.