Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Bloomberg Politics and Bloomberg shared a link.


Putin Praises Trump as Ready Partner, Blasts U.S. ‘System’
Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Donald Trump as a willing partner as he lashed out at the U.S. for what he described as its “unpredictable” behavior.

  • Bloomberg Politics
    8 hrs ·
    He said Trump is someone with whom he can seek compromises and “come to an agreement.”
Full blown f*ckery. It's like the person holding the camera for the Worldstar fight instigating because neither person wants to throw a punch.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Bloomberg Politics and Bloomberg shared a link.


Putin Praises Trump as Ready Partner, Blasts U.S. ‘System’
Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Donald Trump as a willing partner as he lashed out at the U.S. for what he described as its “unpredictable” behavior.

  • Bloomberg Politics
    8 hrs ·
    He said Trump is someone with whom he can seek compromises and “come to an agreement.”


they are slap boxing naked while wearing bullet proof vests.
guns all around but they never grab one.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

There's been a new twist in a controversial CNN story that led to the firing of 3 journalists last year

There's been a new twist in a controversial CNN story that led to the firing of 3 journalists last year



Anthony Scaramucci.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
  • The New York Times published a story this week that seemed to corroborate a key detail about a meeting between former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci and a Russian investor.
  • The meeting was first reported by CNN last year in a controversial story.
  • CNN retracted the story amid concerns over its accuracy and whether it followed proper editorial procedure. The three journalists responsible for reporting and editing the story were forced to resign.
  • Tom Frank, the journalist who reported the CNN story and was later forced to resign, called the Times story "very interesting."
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A New York Times report this week about the FBI's Russia investigation appears to corroborate key details from a story last year that led to the firing of three CNN journalists.

CNN reported in June that the Senate Intelligence Committee was scrutinizing a January 2017 meeting between Anthony Scaramucci, who would later become the White House communications director, and Kirill Dmitriev, a Kremlin ally and the head of a sanctioned Russian investment fund. The story cited one anonymous source.

After facing public backlash from Scaramucci and others, CNN retracted it the next day, replaced the story with an editor's note saying it did not meet editorial standards, and apologized to Scaramucci. Three days later, the outlet asked for the resignations of the three journalists who were primarily responsible for reporting and editing the piece.

The Washington Post reported that the episode was perhaps one of the most significant and public embarrassments for CNN since 1998, when it had to retract some of its reporting on Operation Tailwind, a US military initiative in which US forces allegedly used sarin gas during the Vietnam War.

Employees at the network told The Post that management acted swiftly to retract the story and ask for the resignations of the journalists involved because its publication had violated internal vetting and fact-checking procedures.

Enter The Times' report on Tuesday, which seemed to align with some elements of CNN's story. In particular, The Times reported that Dmitriev met with Scaramucci at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2017.

Russian state media quoted Scaramucci as saying, after his meeting with Dmitriev, that the Obama administration's new sanctions on Russia — which were imposed that month to penalize it for interfering in the 2016 election — were ineffective and detrimental to the US-Russia relationship.

The Times did not cite its sourcing when it reported on the meeting.

CNN did not say whether any element of its story last year was inaccurate or misleading, but a person familiar with the matter said the issue with the piece centered around its claim that the Senate and the Treasury Department were investigating the Scaramucci-Dmitriev meeting.

Tom Frank, the journalist who authored CNN's story last year, tweeted on Wednesday that he "found the NYT story very interesting."

He did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.

"The story in question was retracted because it did not meet CNN's editorial standards," CNN said in a statement to Business Insider on Wednesday. "An investigation into the matter determined that the journalists involved in the story's publication failed to follow the network's clearly defined editorial procedures and therefore the company was unable to stand behind their reporting. Because of those reasons, CNN accepted their resignations. We stand behind that decision."

The Scaramucci-Dmitriev meeting came on the heels of a separate meeting Dmitriev attended in the Seychelles islands. That meeting featured Erik Prince, an associate of President Donald Trump, and George Nader, a Middle East expert and adviser to the United Arab Emirates' Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

The meeting's purpose was reportedly to create a back channel of communication between the incoming Trump administration and Russia. Emirati officials participated in the hopes of encouraging Russia to distance itself from Iran, a major Kremlin ally.

Nader testified to a grand jury in recent weeks about that meeting, as well as another one at Trump Tower in December 2016, as part of the special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to include CNN's statement on its retracted story.

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

hes just bad at this



Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel


President Trump sought information from two witnesses about matters they had discussed with the special counsel’s office. Tom Brenner/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The special counsel in the Russia investigation has learned of two conversations in recent months in which President Trump asked key witnesses about matters they discussed with investigators, according to three people familiar with the encounters.

In one episode, the president told an aide that the White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II, should issue a statement denying a New York Times article in January. The article said Mr. McGahn told investigators that the president once asked him to fire the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. Mr. McGahn never released a statement and later had to remind the president that he had indeed asked Mr. McGahn to see that Mr. Mueller was dismissed, the people said.

In the other episode, Mr. Trump asked his former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, how his interview had gone with the special counsel’s investigators and whether they had been “nice,” according to two people familiar with the discussion.

The episodes demonstrate that even as the special counsel investigation appears to be intensifying, the president has ignored his lawyers’ advice to avoid doing anything publicly or privately that could create the appearance of interfering with it.

The White House did not respond to several requests for comment. Mr. Priebus and Mr. McGahn declined to comment through their lawyer, William A. Burck.


Reince Priebus, Mr. Trump's first chief of staff, was fired in July. Doug Mills/The New York Times
Legal experts said Mr. Trump’s contact with the men most likely did not rise to the level of witnesses tampering. But witnesses and lawyers who learned about the conversations viewed them as potentially a problem and shared them with Mr. Mueller.

In investigating Russian election interference, Mr. Mueller is also examining whether the president tried to obstruct the inquiry. The former F.B.I. director James B. Comey said that Mr. Trump asked him for his loyalty and to end the investigation into his first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.
After firing Mr. Comey, the president said privately that the dismissal had relieved “great pressure” on him. And Mr. Trump also told White House officials after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation that he needed someone running the Justice Department who would protect him.

The experts said the meetings with Mr. McGahn and Mr. Priebus would probably sharpen Mr. Mueller’s focus on the president’s interactions with other witnesses. The special counsel has questioned witnesses recently about their interactions with the president since the investigation began. The experts also said the episodes could serve as evidence for Mr. Mueller in an obstruction case.

“It makes it look like you’re cooking a story, and prosecutors are always looking out for it,” said Julie R. O’Sullivan, a law professor at Georgetown University and expert on white-collar criminal investigations.

She added, “It can get at the issue of consciousness of guilt in an obstruction case because if you didn’t do anything wrong, why are you doing that?”

Central figures in investigations are almost always advised by their own lawyers to keep from speaking with witnesses and prosecutors to prevent accusations of witness tampering. The president has not been questioned by Mr. Mueller; Mr. Trump’s lawyers are negotiating terms of a possible interview. Learning even basic details about what other witnesses told investigators could help the president shape his own answers.

Mr. Trump’s interactions with Mr. McGahn unfolded in the days after the Jan. 25 Times article, which said that Mr. McGahn threatened to quit last June after the president asked him to fire the special counsel. After the article was published, the White House staff secretary, Rob Porter, told Mr. McGahn that the president wanted him to release a statement saying that the story was not true, the people said.

Mr. Porter, who resigned last month amid a domestic abuse scandal, told Mr. McGahn the president had suggested he might “get rid of” Mr. McGahn if he chose not to challenge the article, the people briefed on the conversation said.

Mr. McGahn did not publicly deny the article, and the president later confronted him in the Oval Office in front of the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly, according to the people.

The president said he had never ordered Mr. McGahn to fire the special counsel. Mr. McGahn replied that the president was wrong and that he had in fact asked Mr. McGahn in June to call the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, to tell him that the special counsel had a series of conflicts that disqualified him for overseeing the investigation and that he had to be dismissed. The president told Mr. McGahn that he did not remember the discussion that way.


Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, refused the president’s request to deny a New York Times article saying that Mr. Trump ordered him to fire the special counsel. Pete Marovich for The New York Times
Mr. Trump moved on, pointing out that Mr. McGahn had never told him that he was going to resign over the order to fire the special counsel. Mr. McGahn acknowledged that that was true but said that he had told senior White House officials at the time that he was going to quit.

It is not clear how the confrontation was resolved. Mr. McGahn has stayed on as White House counsel, one of the few senior administration officials who has been with the president since the campaign.

Mr. Priebus met with the president in the West Wing in December, according to the people with knowledge of their encounter. Allies of Mr. Priebus, who was fired by Mr. Trump in July, have cautioned him to keep his distance. But Mr. Priebus, who is seeking to build a law practice as a Washington power broker who can open doors for clients, has maintained contact and occasionally visited the White House to see Mr. Trump and his own replacement, Mr. Kelly.

Mr. Trump brought up Mr. Priebus’s October interview with the special counsel’s office, the people said, and Mr. Priebus replied that the investigators were courteous and professional. He shared no specifics and did not say what he had told investigators, and the conversation moved on after a few minutes, those briefed on it said. Mr. Kelly was present for that conversation as well, and it was not clear whether he tried to stop the discussion.

It is not illegal for the subject of an investigation to learn what witnesses have told investigators.
But that is usually done through lawyers for the people involved because their communications are often shielded from prosecutors because of attorney-client privilege. In organized crime and complex white-collar investigations, prosecutors often ask witnesses whether they have spoken to the person under investigation to determine whether they are coordinating their stories.

Mr. Priebus has had a long and complicated relationship with the president. He was one of the few who publicly defended Mr. Trump after the Times article about his attempt to fire Mr. Mueller, which cited the president’s view that Mr. Mueller had too many conflicts to be the special counsel.

“He expresses concerns with the conflicts, but I never heard the idea or the concept that this person needed to be fired,” Mr. Priebus said last month in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I never felt it was relayed to me that way, either. And I would know the difference between a level 10 situation as reported in that story and what was reality. And it just — to me, it wasn’t reality.”


@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin
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