
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Oh, there you are!

You still dodging and censoring posts about Jeremy Corbyn being a CONFIRMED SPY?

No one is safe.

How naive are you? "I didn't know he was a spy" :duck:

Trump does this and yall dont excuse it. Corbyn does it, and the media is "corrupt" :laff:

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information
Siegfried Mortkowitz2/16/18, 9:04 PM CET


Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn | Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information
The Labour leader’s office calls the claims a ‘ridiculous smear’ worthy of a ‘bad James Bond movie.’

PRAGUE — A former Czechoslovak intelligence agent claimed Friday that Jeremy Corbyn took money in exchange for passing on information during the Cold War.

The allegation by the former agent, Ján Sarkocy, was called into question by the head of a Czech intelligence archive. A spokesperson for Corbyn called the claim a “ridiculous smear.”

Sarkocy told Czech TV station ČT 24 that the Labour leader — who was then a backbench MP — knew he was collaborating with Czechoslovakia’s StB security service and that he was paid for the information he provided.

“[Corbyn] was recruited. He was getting money [for information],” the former StB agent said, adding that he did not pay any money himself to Corbyn. He also said Corbyn was not the only member of the British Labour Party to be recruited.

According to the Sun newspaper on Wednesday, the Labour leader was “vetted by Czech agents in 1986 and met one spook at least three times — twice in the [House of] Commons.” Corbyn allegedly warned the spy of “a clampdown by British intelligence.” The paper claimed that the Czechs even had a codeword for the then Labour backbench MP — COB.

Sarkocy said that he had passed Corbyn on to the former Czechoslovak secret service and that the recruitment had been carried out “under Russian supervision.”

“All the information we received, not only from him but also from another, supporting source, was regarded in Moscow as first-rate,” Sarkocy said. “I knew what [former British Prime Minister] Margaret Thatcher would have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

Asked whether Corbyn would have known that he was an StB member, Sarkocy — who was operating under the cover name Ján Dymic — said that there would have been no doubt at the time that all Czechoslovak diplomats were members of the secret service.

Světlana Ptáčníková, who heads the Czech Security Forces Archive disputed the new allegations. “If Corbyn had been an agent, his file would have been under a different category,” she said, explaining that the StB had strict rules regarding file management, and that once someone was recruited, the new agent’s file would have been categorized differently. “The former agent’s [Sarkocy’s] allegations are in direct contradiction with archival materials,” she said.

Sarkocy was expelled from Great Britain in 1989 along with several other agents. In the final report about their meetings, Corbyn was described as “RS,” a person of interest, rather than an agent, ČT 24 reported. There are passages in the files indicating that the secret service was trying to dispel any suspicion that Corbyn may have regarding possible StB involvement, Ptáčníková said. The file, which uses capital letters for the Labour leader’s name, states that all expenses should be handled so that “CORBYN could not deduce any operative interest,” from the StB.

A spokesperson for Corbyn said: “Jeremy was neither an agent, asset, informer nor collaborator with Czechoslovak intelligence. These claims are a ridiculous smear and entirely false. The former Czechoslovak agent Ján Sarkocy’s account of his meeting with Jeremy was false 30 years ago, is false now and has no credibility whatsoever. His story has more plot holes in it than a bad James Bond movie.”


@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin


Nov 26, 2016
It's obvious that people will believe what they want to regarding Bernie, and that's their right. :yeshrug:

For me, his message is honest if slightly implausible. I have no problem with it. It's what people want to hear.

What I have a problem with is when the message doesn't mesh with the man. :francis:

Your campaign manager was Ted Devine, basically Paul Manafort lite. You came up with every excuse not to release your taxes to the public.

These two points were easy for some to gloss over but they were pretty big reasons for pause in my view.

Considering the way Devine continued to attack Hillary after the primary was effectively over and what we know now about the level of misinformation that was spread, coupled with Bernie's acknowledgement that they knew the Russians hacked the DNC email servers all along, you have to ask the question. Why did they persist in spreading the misinformation and Russian talking points after the primary? :gucci:

I feel like even if Bernie didn't knowingly coordinate with the Russians, Devine did. I'll wait to see what Mueller reveals in the coming months.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Why are yall spinning this to mean bernie conspired with the Russians?

Everyone knew and nobody said anything over fear of a backlash. Bernie downplayed the Hillary email stories every time he was asked about them. Literally said he was tired of hearing about her emails and to stick to the important issues at a national debate.

What more could he have said short of flat out exposing the Russian meddling( which everyone including obama, the fbi, and Hillary knew of but weren't willing to talk about)

This is all bullshyt and is just gonna end up with the center left and far left further at war with each other.
Seems like you like Bernie more than his platform... :sas1:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It's obvious that people will believe what they want to regarding Bernie, and that's their right. :yeshrug:

For me, his message is honest if slightly implausible. I have no problem with it. It's what people want to hear.

What I have a problem with is when the message doesn't mesh with the man. :francis:

Your campaign manager was Ted Devine, basically Paul Manafort lite. You came up with every excuse not to release your taxes to the public.

These two points were easy for some to gloss over but they were pretty big reasons for pause in my view.

Considering the way Devine continued to attack Hillary after the primary was effectively over and what we know now about the level of misinformation that was spread, coupled with Bernie's acknowledgement that they knew the Russians hacked the DNC email servers all along, you have to ask the question. Why did they persist in spreading the misinformation and Russian talking points after the primary? :gucci:

I feel like even if Bernie didn't knowingly coordinate with the Russians, Devine did. I'll wait to see what Mueller reveals in the coming months.
FOr me its the same with Corbyn

I LIKE their platforms, but just like Sanders he's got some serious flaws that people overlook because he represents an ideologically starved wing of politics.

Give me a less compromised Sanders or a Corbyn that isn't a fukking spy, and then we can talk.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Oh, there you are!

You still dodging and censoring posts about Jeremy Corbyn being a CONFIRMED SPY?

No one is safe.

How naive are you? "I didn't know he was a spy" :duck:

Trump does this and yall dont excuse it. Corbyn does it, and the media is "corrupt" :laff:

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information
Siegfried Mortkowitz2/16/18, 9:04 PM CET


Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn | Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

Former Czechoslovak spy alleges Jeremy Corbyn took money for information
The Labour leader’s office calls the claims a ‘ridiculous smear’ worthy of a ‘bad James Bond movie.’

PRAGUE — A former Czechoslovak intelligence agent claimed Friday that Jeremy Corbyn took money in exchange for passing on information during the Cold War.

The allegation by the former agent, Ján Sarkocy, was called into question by the head of a Czech intelligence archive. A spokesperson for Corbyn called the claim a “ridiculous smear.”

Sarkocy told Czech TV station ČT 24 that the Labour leader — who was then a backbench MP — knew he was collaborating with Czechoslovakia’s StB security service and that he was paid for the information he provided.

“[Corbyn] was recruited. He was getting money [for information],” the former StB agent said, adding that he did not pay any money himself to Corbyn. He also said Corbyn was not the only member of the British Labour Party to be recruited.

According to the Sun newspaper on Wednesday, the Labour leader was “vetted by Czech agents in 1986 and met one spook at least three times — twice in the [House of] Commons.” Corbyn allegedly warned the spy of “a clampdown by British intelligence.” The paper claimed that the Czechs even had a codeword for the then Labour backbench MP — COB.

Sarkocy said that he had passed Corbyn on to the former Czechoslovak secret service and that the recruitment had been carried out “under Russian supervision.”

“All the information we received, not only from him but also from another, supporting source, was regarded in Moscow as first-rate,” Sarkocy said. “I knew what [former British Prime Minister] Margaret Thatcher would have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

Asked whether Corbyn would have known that he was an StB member, Sarkocy — who was operating under the cover name Ján Dymic — said that there would have been no doubt at the time that all Czechoslovak diplomats were members of the secret service.

Světlana Ptáčníková, who heads the Czech Security Forces Archive disputed the new allegations. “If Corbyn had been an agent, his file would have been under a different category,” she said, explaining that the StB had strict rules regarding file management, and that once someone was recruited, the new agent’s file would have been categorized differently. “The former agent’s [Sarkocy’s] allegations are in direct contradiction with archival materials,” she said.

Sarkocy was expelled from Great Britain in 1989 along with several other agents. In the final report about their meetings, Corbyn was described as “RS,” a person of interest, rather than an agent, ČT 24 reported. There are passages in the files indicating that the secret service was trying to dispel any suspicion that Corbyn may have regarding possible StB involvement, Ptáčníková said. The file, which uses capital letters for the Labour leader’s name, states that all expenses should be handled so that “CORBYN could not deduce any operative interest,” from the StB.

A spokesperson for Corbyn said: “Jeremy was neither an agent, asset, informer nor collaborator with Czechoslovak intelligence. These claims are a ridiculous smear and entirely false. The former Czechoslovak agent Ján Sarkocy’s account of his meeting with Jeremy was false 30 years ago, is false now and has no credibility whatsoever. His story has more plot holes in it than a bad James Bond movie.”


@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin
Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency

Story proven false by Czechs. :umad:

Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency

Czech archive keepers have confirmed that Jeremy Corbyn did not collaborate with a spy | Leon Neal/Getty Images

Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency
Secret service archives show a meeting took place, but Labour leader considered it to be with a diplomat.
2/16/18, 2:41 PM CET
Updated 2/16/18, 7:59 PM CET

Jeremy Corbyn was not a collaborator with the communist-era secret service in Czechoslovakia, Czech media reported Friday, rebuking a story in the British press claiming that he met with a spy from that country in London.

According to the Sun on Wednesday, the Labour leader was “vetted by Czech agents in 1986 and met one spook at least three times — twice in the [House of] Commons.” Corbyn allegedly warned the spy of “a clampdown by British intelligence.” The paper claimed that the Czechs even had a codeword for the then Labour backbench MP — COB.

The Sun’s account was further disputed in Czech press on Friday. New agency ČTK quoted Svetlana Ptáčníková, who heads the Czech Security Forces Archive, which keeps documents from the now defunct Czechoslovak communist secret service (known as the StB). She said although Corbyn did meet an StB officer — referred to as Jan Dymic in the archives — the Labour leader considered him a diplomat.

“Mr. Corbyn was neither registered [by the StB] as a collaborator, nor does this [his alleged collaboration] stem from archive documents,” Ptacnikova said.

The Czech archive keepers have found signs that the StB tried to prevent Corbyn from discovering the real identity of the Czechoslovak official he was meeting, Ptacnikova said.

Jan Dymic was a cover name, she said, which was not unusual, adding that intelligence officers officially worked at Czechoslovak diplomatic and trade missions abroad. It is believed that Dymic was actually Ján Sarkocy, the third secretary of the Czechoslovak foreign ministry, in charge of “peace movement.”

He was probably meeting Corbyn in his capacity as a diplomat, Ptáčníková told ČTK. He was expelled from Britain in 1989.

In response, a spokesperson for Corbyn said: “This confirms these claims are entirely false and a ridiculous smear.”

This story has been updated with additional details and to clarify the original source of media report in the Czech Republic.

Not going to derail this thread any further. :hubie:

Carry on


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
PBS NewsHour
40 mins ·
H.R. McMaster, U.S. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, said at the Munich Security Conference that the federal indictments showed the U.S. was becoming “more and more adept at tracing the origins of this espionage and subversion.”

Meddling 'incontrovertible' to U.S., 'just blabber' to Russia
Russian and American officials exchanged barbs in Germany over the U.S. indictment of 13 Russians accused of a plot to disrupt the 2016 election.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency

Story proven false by Czechs. :umad:
Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency
Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency

Czech archive keepers have confirmed that Jeremy Corbyn did not collaborate with a spy | Leon Neal/Getty Images

Jeremy Corbyn never knowingly met communist spy, says Czech agency
Secret service archives show a meeting took place, but Labour leader considered it to be with a diplomat.
2/16/18, 2:41 PM CET
Updated 2/16/18, 7:59 PM CET

Jeremy Corbyn was not a collaborator with the communist-era secret service in Czechoslovakia, Czech media reported Friday, rebuking a story in the British press claiming that he met with a spy from that country in London.

According to the Sun on Wednesday, the Labour leader was “vetted by Czech agents in 1986 and met one spook at least three times — twice in the [House of] Commons.” Corbyn allegedly warned the spy of “a clampdown by British intelligence.” The paper claimed that the Czechs even had a codeword for the then Labour backbench MP — COB.

The Sun’s account was further disputed in Czech press on Friday. New agency ČTK quoted Svetlana Ptáčníková, who heads the Czech Security Forces Archive, which keeps documents from the now defunct Czechoslovak communist secret service (known as the StB). She said although Corbyn did meet an StB officer — referred to as Jan Dymic in the archives — the Labour leader considered him a diplomat.

“Mr. Corbyn was neither registered [by the StB] as a collaborator, nor does this [his alleged collaboration] stem from archive documents,” Ptacnikova said.

The Czech archive keepers have found signs that the StB tried to prevent Corbyn from discovering the real identity of the Czechoslovak official he was meeting, Ptacnikova said.

Jan Dymic was a cover name, she said, which was not unusual, adding that intelligence officers officially worked at Czechoslovak diplomatic and trade missions abroad. It is believed that Dymic was actually Ján Sarkocy, the third secretary of the Czechoslovak foreign ministry, in charge of “peace movement.”

He was probably meeting Corbyn in his capacity as a diplomat, Ptáčníková told ČTK. He was expelled from Britain in 1989.

In response, a spokesperson for Corbyn said: “This confirms these claims are entirely false and a ridiculous smear.”

This story has been updated with additional details and to clarify the original source of media report in the Czech Republic.

"I didn't knowingly meet with spies...three plus times...":heartylaugh:

"These spies didn't tell me they were spies..." :kobeyoumad:

Sounds familiar :TrollTrump::TrumpWelp:


@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Spy 30 years ago and have your Czech spy handler come out and tell everyone you were spying brehs :laff:

Have a moderator angrily censor two innocuous and serious threads because it reveals his partisan bias, brehs :mjpls:

Have the former head of MI6 come out and warn the public you are an intelligence threat to the country, brehs....where have I heard that before? :jbhmm:

So...Jeremy Corbyn was recruited by Czech communist intelligence?!?!

@Brooklynzson @cook Is this the sort of thing yall do in Higher Learning?

We got alt-right trolls and mods just censoring posts with INFORMATION FROM REPUTABLE SOURCES?

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Ya man is named front and center in an international federal criminal indictment and you upset you can't control the narrative any longer


But when the levees break and the water starts to flow, we see a lot your favorites can't swim...


The cleansing is upon us! :blessed:


@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin
