
Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
Hilltard defense force up in here in full force blaming everyone but their shyt candidate again...

The only reason the Russian propaganda campaign was successful is because she was a horrendous candidate...

Last I checked...

The Russians didn't make her not go to Wisconsin...

The Russians didn't make her give paid speeches to Wall Street bankers putting herself firmly in their pockets...

The Russians didn't make her a Henry Kissinger inspired warmongering whore...

The Russians didn't make her say "I was a proud Goldwater girl"

I can go on and on but those of you genuine in this thread get the point...

Okay so thanks for showing who you are.your hate for Hillary is more important to you than anything else.
That let's me know all I need to know about you.


Nov 19, 2016
The thing is, I think its worth downplaying to a degree because relatively speaking based on what I've seen and know, Russian interference is not the most prominent issue here. Its a factor but this myopic focus ignores a few things. Americans are American's greatest threat right now tbh.

For one, Hillary more likely can blame a domestic issue for her loss than the Russians. It was Comey releasing the letter a WEEK before the election that if you look at the polling and folks like 538 have said many times, attributed more to anything to the possibility of her losing by slim margins in some places. Not the Russians. After that last memo, her numbers dropped dramatically and more than likely played up her image of being untrustworthy and corrupt in people's mind.

The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

Lets remember that the reason why Comey probably released this memo is due to pressure from pricks like Jason Chaffetz and our own American republicans who have made politics so toxic right and who basically put Comey on notice that any and every bit of information about Clinton must be shared with them. From Comey's perspective, not to make excuses, he probably released the memo because he didn't want to be accused of partisanship by these same people if it leaked on its own and gave the impression he was hiding it to benefit Clinton which is laughable.
What we know is Russian interference pushed Trump and Sanders.

We saw two relatively unknowns build a fast rises as a result and their intended goal was successful. There's no reason to deny it.

For any reasonable person Trump was the worse major candidate on both sides. Yet he's the president.

Any point that attempts to obfuscate that shows why the Russian effort was successful.

The comey statement was likely a result of all the trending social media stories.


Nov 19, 2016
Bernies trendinon twitter. :gladbron:

#crookedhillary is trending on twitter! :gladbron:

#LockherUp is trending on Twitter! :gladbron:

#BradyWearsMaga is trending on twitter! :gladbron:

HillarysDeletedEmails are trending on Twitter ! :gladbron:

Holy shyt ,they're trending on Facebook too! :damn:

Then we remember social media is where most people get their news and don't assume it's false or from a fake account.

Need more proof, just check how many of your guy friends accepted friend request from those fake women sending them request. :krs:

People were duped into believing things because they saw other one people believing it too.


Nov 19, 2016
This like if Batman captured a murderer and you complain that it was illegal cause he's not a cop. Yeah Batman is a law breaker and we gotta get him, but you still a murderer. :mjlol:
Batman is a criminal. He's a rich entitled a$$hole who thinks he is above the law. :russell:

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
What we know is Russian interference pushed Trump and Sanders.

We saw two relatively unknowns build a fast rises as a result and their intended goal was successful. There's no reason to deny it.

For any reasonable person Trump was the worse major candidate on both sides. Yet he's the president.

Any point that attempts to obfuscate that shows why the Russian effort was successful.
Trump was not an unknown. He was obviously building his image as far as back as 2012 with his idiocy and was considering running that year too before playing a background role. Him going on every news station pushing the birther stuff and suddenly being interested in politics was not a mistake before making his official run. Its rumored that once Romney lost, that he decided that night he was running for 2016.

Was the birther stuff Russian in origin. Nah this is all American and fueled by racist xenophobia that has existed in the US long before 2016 which if we remember Hillary Clinton herself pushed in 2008 during the primaries.

Sanders on the other hand did not have any more an unusual rise than say Howard Dean in 2004. He got a lot of grassroots support and people overall liked his message. This is not a mystery and ideally how politics should work, imo, instead of what we commonly see is Washington sending a candidate out who was constructed in some lab by Washington consultants and saying this is who you will vote for, suck it up.

Am I supposed to care, at least in the case of Sanders, they preferred him over Hillary? Its obvious why they preferred Trump and Sanders, and its because they felt in the case of Sanders, his focus on domestic issues means less of a focus on outside affairs, and thus less interference from the Russian perspective in their affairs in eastern Europe. In the case of Trump, its pretty much the same thing, with his focus on "America first" and less concern about the human rights record of countries like Russia which will give them carte blance to do what they want.

The thing is, regardless if its politically advantageous to Russia that this attitude exists, with or without Russia, many Americans also find this message appealing. I rather my tax money be spent on infrastructure and domestic programs instead of funding overseas regime change and interfering in other country's affairs or spending billions upon billions in military spending. I obviously wasn't conned into thinking Trump would do any of this and in fact I felt he would be worse because he is stupid and would just be a pawn of the worst of the worst people in our government right now. But that is my ability to see through the bullshyt some people fell for. Politically, Hillary "lets overthrow Qaddafi and bring back slavery" Clinton represented a continuation of bipartisan world policing which Russia obviously viewed as a threat. So, its not a surprise she was not favored over Sanders and even Trump.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
I agree with you that Hilary was not a candidate but you're missing the big issue. You have a foreign nation which is our biggest enemy successfully infiltrated our democracy and our election. Every new technology is being weaponize and we are finding out social media platforms have been weaponize. Hacking either side emails is serious. Just imagine how the Republican email were during the Republican campaign. You think the Repubs really wanted Trump?

You have the perfect storm situation that lead to Trumps election. Trump and Trump Jr. are fukking morons that may have collaborated with Russians to get dirt on Hilary. Fukking idiots. Thats treason, no way around it. Its painfully obvious that Russia has something on Trump because dude wont say nothing negative about Putin or sign those sanction docs.

This Russia investigation is exposing how many elected officials are taking money from foreign nations. Hell Flynn got exposed big time. This shyt is serious dawg.

Hate her or not but Putin was fukking scared of Hilary. Obama had his foot on Putin's throat and Hilary wouldve went for the kill.
The Rethuglican party didn't want Trump but their retarded base absolutely did...

I'm not missing the issue or trying to detract from it...

The Russians interfered in the election to get their pawn elected...

My issue is you have Hilltards in here deliberately dismissing the fact their shytty candidate made the Russians job easier which is a key reason they succeeded in getting their pawn elected...They don't ever blame their queen for her role in this perfect storm disaster, its always everyone elses fault...
Last edited:


Nov 19, 2016
Trump was not an unknown. He was obviously building his image as far as back as 2012 with his idiocy and was considering running that year too before playing a background role. Him going on every news station pushing the birther stuff and suddenly being interested in politics was not a mistake before making his official run. Its rumored that once Romney lost, that he decided that night he was running for 2016.
Trump had zero political experience. No specific policy and a campaign built around being the loudest person in the room.

Sanders on the other hand did not have any more an unusual rise than say Howard Dean in 2004. He got a lot of grassroots support and people overall liked his message. This is not a mystery and ideally how politics should work, imo, instead of what we commonly see is Washington sending a candidate out who was constructed in some lab by Washington consultants and saying this is who you will vote for, suck it up.

Even Bernie admitted he had a fast rise and was surprised about how well it took hold.

Am I supposed to care, at least in the case of Sanders, they preferred him over Hillary? Its obvious why they preferred Trump and Sanders, and its because they felt in the case of Sanders, his focus on domestic issues means less of a focus on outside affairs, and thus less interference from the Russian perspective in their affairs in eastern Europe. In the case of Trump, its pretty much the same thing, with his focus on "America first" and less concern about the human rights record of countries like Russia which will give them carte blance to do what they want

Its easy to forget the fscrs a few years later, but during Bernies rise both he and Clinton were favred by Democrats.

"Is Sanders’s ascent about Clinton’s problems? The evidence is mixed. In the WMUR poll, 73 percent of New Hampshire Democrats had a favorable view of Clinton; Sanders’s favorability was at 69 percent. A fair share of Bernie’s people like Hillary, too."

Despite your claims, the primary never really that close.

Was The Democratic Primary A Close Call Or A Landslide?

I don't care who you prefer. I really don't. But a lot of the recollection of folks seems to he way off base from what was actually happening.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
We are on the cusp of Mueller bringing the wrath of god down on this criminal, corrupt administration and thier homeboys in Russia, and we get 2 supersize pages on why Hillary was “bad candidate” (she won the popular vote :jawalrus:) on February 17th, 2018? Cool :hubie:I’ll come back when we are back on track.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Trump had zero political experience. No specific policy and a campaign built around being the loudest person in the room.

Even Bernie admitted he had a fast rise and was surprised about how well it took hold.

Its easy to forget the fscrs a few years later, but during Bernies rise both he and Clinton were favred by Democrats.

"Is Sanders’s ascent about Clinton’s problems? The evidence is mixed. In the WMUR poll, 73 percent of New Hampshire Democrats had a favorable view of Clinton; Sanders’s favorability was at 69 percent. A fair share of Bernie’s people like Hillary, too."

Despite your claims, the primary never really that close.

Was The Democratic Primary A Close Call Or A Landslide?

I don't care who you prefer. I really don't. But a lot of the recollection of folks seems to he way off base from what was actually happening.
I hate Trump as much as anyone. But its also important imo to make sure that going forward to prevent someone like Trump from coming to power again anytime soon is to be honest about some shyt whether we like it or not. Trump was not a policy wonk and Hillary Clinton for example was definitely much more educated on matters. But to say he had no policy and just a campaign on being the loudest person in the room is an oversimplification.

Like I said you don't have to like the ideas but the following is what he talked about:
-"America first"
-Revitalizing Manufacturing and bringing back coal
-Addressing illegal immigraiton
-Reducing military adventures outside of "Fighting terrorism"
- Hell he even threw in a bit of "universal healthcare" in there occasionally.
-Finally but not least reestablishing white supremacy

This isn't a question of whether all of this is good (especially the last one, I mean I'm not even going to justify talking about it as if its debatable the horribleness of it) but we all know the dude likes to repeat shyt and has limited vocabulary but he was saying this shyt consistently and there were people who were consistently listening.

He was putting this shyt out there as his beliefs like I said as far back as 2012 and I remember him being on Fox News almost every week and on TV with "Trump said such and such wacky shyt" before he started his official run. So again, I got to disagree he was as you said he was an "unknown" even if he lacked political experience.

As far as Sander's rise, I think the proliferation of Social media is more of a reasonable explanation for his "meteoric rise" than Russian interference. Even though the internet was around when Howard Dean was running, we can agree I think that social media was for the first time a major factor in a political season in 2016.

Also I've never said it was close in the primary. Hillary won in a landslide, but I know I've had the convo with you specifically before that there should have been a red flag when Sanders was winning in states during the primary that ended up costing hillary the election. She shored up a lot of votes in states that either were safe democrat or were never going democrat like in the South. Not saying they are useless votes but as far as the political math, should have been a red flag that the Hillary campaigned seemed to have ignored.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
I'm out. I'll let the thread get back on track. I'm not trying to fight as I'm sure that most people share the same values on a lot of stuff. Its just a difference in priorities and perceptions we're mostly bickering over.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012