Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
No. He has not failed to warn about Russia.

Russia is entitled to defend their sovereignty. If Russia doesn’t want Hillary Clinton to be president because she would cause an Eastern European recession they are entitled. But the agents involved risk the death penalty if found

I personally support them in their hatred of Clinton and they made the world a better place both in the USA and abroad by helping to fight against her election.

The only true collusion is the endless coordinated news from the DNC and major news outlets we and our children are subject to 24/7 for the last decade

And go ahead and call me a Russian supporter and Russian spy for my views. My literal great great x7 grandfather signed the Declaration of Independence and he himself would stand with me today on this fighting the ultimate evils of our world.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
@Broke Wave you are officially on notice.

I see you trying to diminish the severity of the charges, implications, and legal standards of evidence and proof.

Stop trolling.

Don’t even reply to me. I’m on to your bytchassness. Cut it out.
Eat a dikk you fukking clown

Who would want Trump fried more than me? I never thought he was funny nor was I ever on his dikk the way you were for MONTHS :mjlol:

People get mad when I state the facts.

Mueller is going to end the Trump Presidency but it won’t be for collusion or anything directly related to the election. You can take that to the bank.


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
Russian Influence Campaign: What’s in the Latest Mueller Indictment

A number of things stand out in this account.

The first is the sheer scale of the alleged operation. The Internet Research Agency was funded to the tune of $15 million a year, the indictment claims, with a contingent of 80 full-time staffers by 2016 and bonuses running to the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Prigozhin, who allegedly funded the operation through a consortium of companies, is a personal friend of Putin’s and has an exclusive contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense to cook meals for the Russian military.

:jbhmm: I don't think the media is reporting enough on the scope of the operation. This wasn't 15 guys in a Siberia farm house. This was the equivalent of a government agency with a budget or a well funded non profit organization/lobbyist organization being involved in collusion.

The indictment discusses three distinct stages of the Internet Research Agency’s operation: a planning stage in 2014; an operational stage that began in 2015 and became increasingly direct and aggressive throughout the 2016 campaign; and a curious third stage involving money laundering and bank fraud that allegedly began in mid-June 2016.

Efforts began by May 2014, when the indictment says the Internet Research Agency had decided to “interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election.” Initially this involved several employees traveling to the United States—ostensibly on vacation but in fact covertly gathering intelligence. Those defendants allegedly gathered information and generated reports for the agency, which reimbursed their travel expenses. By June 2014, the indictment says, the organization was taking active steps to obscure its finances and control.

Once again this was a well planned/funded campaign by Russia to interfere and corrupt our democracy and they want to try and do it again to keep the dotard Trump in position to remove sanctions

:hubie: He'll he already broke the constitution by refusing to enact the new sanctions

Also that third wave coincides with the Trump Jr meeting. Trump did put his man in place to hide the emails (until he died) so maybe the belief was that the crime could be hidden and they could go back to business. The other (more likely) option is they said fukk it before we burn the network let's clean some dirty money.

But in April 2016, this operation became more aggressive, according to the indictment. On April 6, 2016, shortly after Trump clinched the Republican nomination, the group began spending money to promote content explicitly supporting Trump’s candidacy and opposing Clinton’s. On June 13, the Internet Research Agency allegedly opened fraudulent bank accounts with funds to obfuscate the source of its spending in the United States. And from July 2016, onward it organized political rallies, mostly in support of Trump and some supporting Clinton. That August, the Internet Research Agency directly contacted unwitting Trump campaign officials to discuss times and locations of proposed rallies.

We don’t know what specifically precipitated this change of tack—or what coordination, if any, this operation had with the hacking of the DNC and of Clinton’s campaign chairman, Podesta. The indictment makes no mention of either event; nor does it establish a causal link between those hacks and the Internet Research Agency’s work. But it is perhaps useful to recall other events around the time for context.

The fateful phishing email targeting John Podesta was sent on March 19, 2016. Two weeks later, on April 3, the trove of documents on hidden wealth known as the Panama Papers was released. Those documents first publicly implicated corruption involving Putin on April 6—the approximate date on which the indictment alleges the Internet Research Agency bought its first advertisement explicitly attacking Hillary Clinton. Russian journalist Andrei Soldatov has argued that Putin interpreted the Panama Papers as a personal attack against him and sought to intervene in the U.S. election in response.
:ohhh: So once they realized Trump had a real chance they went into high gear. I do not think Russia thought this out well and it seems like they got angry and reacted.

I have a feeling that Trump Jr. Meeting made them feel bulletproof.

That's also explain the one real issue with the the short sightedness of this collusion, why put a idiot/racist as president when a moderate traitor would of left Russia alone?The places they normally do these operations leadership takes bribes. I think they felt from that Trump Jr meeting that would of been the scenario. However when America gets right again Russian Oligarchs are going to be fukked and as time goes on I think they are starting to realize it
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
The same way yall attack me for the Corbyn spying revelations, I find it funny you all are just not realizing Sanders and Jill Stein aren't being fully forthright :sas1:

SOMETHING is off :patrice:


Bernie knew. He said nothing. He did nothing. He even admitted it.

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin
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