Pinedo is like the typical (wannabe, try hard) morally vacant capitalist/libretarian/ move fast and break things type....Look at his goofball profile picture. I've met guys like this. SEO guys. Shameless opportunists, deeply into the most bizarre corners of the internet and internet based businesses, from hacking, to social media marketing and bots, buying likes and followers, it is all part of the same general playing field. Anything for a contract, any client or any task.
Also, the new face of the "alt right", (though I don't know if he fits THAT profile) the hackers/internet technicians are not 400 pound freaks, but white collar suburbanities, trading bitcoin and stolen ID's, bitcoin, as that
@tru_m.a.c post from months back explained, helps alt right, and other movements through it's use.
He's like the West Coast internet version of a Papadoolpous, younger, ambitious, fully embracing a quest for money and power, prestige, not really criminals or even close to it, just white collar suburban guys who intentionally got involved with "the wrong crowd".
That is what I meant by a type.
"The LinkedIn page indicates he worked various jobs between 2009 and 2012, including as a sales associate for LA Fitness, a gym."