
Nov 19, 2016
It’s amazing how much he’s managed to slide away from even with that privilege. A public endorsement of wife beating. This shythead is a real life version of the toy Alabama man :scust:
There are a lot of abusive relationships in this country. It isn't uncommon for people to view women as innately inferior to men and need to be put in or reminded of there place -- mere objects in many ways.

So no, this shouldn't be surprising. Most of those men even when caught never believe it is because their actions were wrong. Instead they believe they were just unfairly persecuted.

Then you have women who view this as the norm. No different than when women blame women for being raped.

The laws exist for a reason.


May 7, 2012
You need both houses under Dems control to impeach AND remove.

In addition to that, how will he be prosecuted if he's in office? Was there a president that was prosecuted while in office?

This isn't a question of is he guilty. This is a question of can the law be enforced.

No, you need a majority of the House to file articles of impeachment and then 2/3 of the Senate.

If all Dems vote for impeachment, you then only need enough GOP votes to constitute a majority. Doesn't mean it's a cake walk by any stretch. Impeachment will only be possible if there is overwhelming direct evidence of trump crimes. If it's just a judgment call, then I think it will be very hard to convince 20 or so GOP senators to vote to remove him.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


A federal court just unsealed Trump’s 20-year-old dirty secrets

A federal court just unsealed Trump’s 20-year-old dirty secrets
By Grant Stern

February 10, 2018
A federal appeals court just issued a ruling (embedded below) that will unseal records dating back 20-years about Donald Trump’s former senior advisor and original Russian connection, the mobster Felix Sater. Forbes Media LLC and reporter Richard Behar filed the successful request to reveal Felix Sater’s criminal past.

Sater’s company, Bayrock, developed the Trump SoHo Hotel-Condominium in lower Manhattan and a tower in Fort Lauderdale, which both spawned fraud lawsuits, one of which went all the way to the Supreme Court to partially unseal his criminal past and mafia ties.

Now, the 2nd Circuit Federal Court of Appeals has issued a ruling to publicly reveal the court dockets, briefings and records related to Sater’s 1998 conviction for running a massive pump-and-dump penny stock scam. The three-judge panel opined:

The special master shall, in close consultation with the Office of the Clerk of Court, oversee the unsealing all the documents on the dockets of the two above-captioned appeals forwhich the Report recommends unsealing.

The 21 documents on those dockets which the Reportrecommends be unsealed subject to redaction shall be redacted in the manner set forth in the Report and the Addenda.

Add your name to millions demanding Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH TRUMP & PENCE!

Notably, in addition to unsealing Sater’s criminal history, the court’s order will release a brief in the case written by Trump biographer and Pulitzer-winning journalist David Cay Johnson. The court ruled:

In addition, in accordance with the special master’s recommendation, Intervenors’ motionto unseal all the motion papers filed by Intervenors in the course of this unsealing action, as well as the amicus brief filed in the course of this unsealing action by amici et al., is GRANTED. It is hereby ORDERED that all the motion papers filed by Intervenors in the instant unsealing action, as well the amicus brief filed in the instant unsealing action by amici, et al., shall themselves be UNSEALED

Donald Trump promoted the Trump SoHo project on his former reality TV show, NBC’s The Apprentice, and reaped a substantial cash reward for slapping his name on the building and management fees, even though the entire project flopped and resulted in a foreclosure. But the Trump Organization continued to manage it and earn $3 million annually for keeping its flagging brand on the front door until bought out late last year.

The Trump family hid a dark secret through the financing, construction and attempts to sell the Trump SoHo; Sater’s past as a felon should’ve disqualified him from borrowing $350 million or owning the company that did.

Instead, the Trump family, which leaked emails show knew about Sater’s felonious past, kept it all quiet in the wake of the New York Times revealingthe conviction, and even as the project solicited new financing.

Ivanka and Eric Trump were close to being criminally charged for their roles in Trump SoHo until family fixer attorney Marc Kasowitz intervened, and was later discovered to have given a substantial political donation to the Manhattan D.A. Cyrus Vance.

A racketeering and fraud lawsuit against Sater and Bayrock is still in the discovery phase in federal court, after he lost a motion to dismiss the case at the end of December 2016. Bayrock whistleblower Jody Kriss is one of the plaintiffs and told all about Trump’s dirty deal to Bloomberg.

Shortly after President Trump’s inauguration, reports emerged of Sater working to be a secret back-channel diplomat for the Administration — hand carrying a Ukraine “peace plan” aimed at dropping sanctions to the White House — along with Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen.

Evidence emerged last year that Felix Sater had advised the Trump Campaign, and late last year, the New York Times obtained an email from Sater, telling Cohen that he could get all of Putin’s team behind the Trump Campaign which “will get Donald Trump elected.”

Special Counsel Mueller is even investigating Donald Trump and Felix Sater’s Trump SoHo project as part of his probe of Russian election interference.

Now that the federal court agreed to unseal the records, the public is set to know a whole lot more about Felix Sater’s grand scheme to unite the Russian and Italian mafias under one criminal enterprise operating out of the penthouse of the Trump Office building at 40 Wall Street.

Here is the court order unsealing Felix Sater’s criminal court dockets:

Felix Sater Criminal Docket – Trump SoHo – Unsealing Order, 10-2905 by Grant Stern on Scribd

Add your name to millions demanding Congress take action on the President’s crimes. IMPEACH TRUMP & PENCE!

@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin
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MR. Conclusion

All Star
May 30, 2012
No, you need a majority of the House to file articles of impeachment and then 2/3 of the Senate.

If all Dems vote for impeachment, you then only need enough GOP votes to constitute a majority. Doesn't mean it's a cake walk by any stretch. Impeachment will only be possible if there is overwhelming direct evidence of trump crimes. If it's just a judgment call, then I think it will be very hard to convince 20 or so GOP senators to vote to remove him.

In other words you need both the house of senate and the house of congress under Dems control. Am I missing something?