
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I feel like this was already known, though. :bpthink:

What's the meaningful distinction between earlier reporting and this now?
Slow walking the confirmation.

You know how the government works.

First it was rumored that Russians targeted several states.

But no one would say so on record

Now we know it literally and verbatim from an official.

It solidifies what actually happened.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Texts From 2016 Show FBI Employees Preparing Obama Briefing on Russia
Exchange doesn’t relate to Clinton email probe, as a Republican senator suggests
Del Quentin WilberUpdated Feb. 7, 2018 5:16 p.m. ET

Text messages from 2016 show preparation to brief Barack Obama about Russia’s interference in that year’s election, according to associates of the FBI employees involved in the exchange, not, as a Republican senator suggested, meddling by the then-president in the federal Hillary Clinton email investigation.

A 25-page report released Wednesday by Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, highlights previously cited text messages between Peter Strzok, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, and Lisa Page, a bureau lawyer with whom he was having an extramarital affair. Mr. Strzok supervised the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state and was to become the lead agent on the special counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating any ties between Trump associates and Russia.

Mr. Strzok was removed in July, however, after the Justice Department’s inspector general uncovered numerous text messages between Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page, in 2015 and 2016, that were highly critical of Mr. Trump. Since Mr. Strzok’s removal was disclosed in December, staffers for Mr. Johnson and other senators have been poring over the pair’s correspondence, and the Justice Department has turned over to Congress two batches of the pair’s texts.

While The Wall Street Journal obtained many of the text messages between the two staffers last week, reporting that they showed no overall conspiracy against Mr. Trump, Republicans and the president himself have cited the messages as evidence that the Russian probe amounts to a wider plot to undermine him.

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Mr. Trump tweeted Wednesday, “NEW FBI TEXTS ARE BOMBSHELLS!” He didn’t cite any particular text message.

In his Wednesday report, Mr. Johnson pointed to a Sept. 2, 2016, exchange in which Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page were discussing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to deliver to Mr. Obama.

“Potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Ms. Page said, using the acronym for President of the United States. Mr. Johnson said the text raises questions about “the type and extent of President Obama’s personal involvement” in the Clinton investigation.

But associates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said that exchange referred to the president’s wanting information on Russia election meddling, which the FBI was heavily involved in over that period. That exchange occurred just days before Mr. Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China. Mr. Obama said in December 2016 that he had addressed the issue of tampering with the election process with Mr. Putin at that September meeting.

In August and September 2016, the FBI was no longer actively investigating the Clinton matter, after Mr. Comey had said that July that he was recommending no criminal charges be filed. In late October 2016, the FBI ramped up its investigation into Mrs. Clinton again when the bureau learned about a potential trove of new Clinton-related emails on the computer belonging to the husband of one of her aides. Mrs. Clinton and her allies have cited that announcement as a big factor in her election loss.

Mr. Johnson’s office didn’t immediately provide further comment about his assertions regarding the text messages.

Democrats said Republicans have been taking the Strzok-Page messages out of context and overstating their importance. They criticized Mr. Johnson, for example, for last month suggesting that one text in which Ms. Page discussed forming a “secret society” amounted to “corruption at the highest levels of the FBI.” Associates of Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page said there was no such group and that she meant it as a dark joke. Mr. Johnson later told CNN the text might be a joke.

Last month, Mr. Johnson also suggested to a Wisconsin radio station that once text from Mr. Strzok showed the FBI agent “had a plan to do something, because he just couldn’t abide Donald Trump being president.” The text and others since made public, in fact, show the agent was ambivalent about joining Mr Mueller’s team.

The Wednesday report from Mr. Johnson looked anew at the July statement from Mr. Comey about Mrs. Clinton, suggesting that it softened the description of her actions. And it asked why the FBI didn’t use a grand jury to compel testimony but instead offered immunity deals.

“The information available to the Committee at this time raises serious questions about how the FBI applied the rule of law in its investigation of classified information on Secretary Clinton’s private email server,” the report said.

Mr. Trump cited Mr. Comey’s handling of the Clinton email probe when he fired the FBI director last May. That firing led to the appointment of Mr. Mueller a week later. That Mueller probe, which is also looking into potential obstruction of justice by the president and his aides, has returned indictments of two Trump campaign aides and guilty pleas by two other advisers.

Mr. Trump has denied obstruction and having worked with Russia. Moscow has denied election meddling.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under Mr. Obama though not during the Clinton probe, told reporters Wednesday the president never intervened in an investigation.

“President Obama and I are friends, but he also understood—as I understood-—that there has to be a wall between the Justice Department and the White House," Mr. Holder said at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. Though he made decisions that Mr. Obama presumably didn’t agree with, Mr. Holder said, “I never heard from him.”

—Peter Nicholas contributed to this article.

Write to Del Quentin Wilber at