In most cases I would agree, but this isn’t a run of the mill put a criminal politician in office. This is an entire party being compromised by its racism and greed to the point they went full criminal organization and took in a money launderer for the mob who aspires to be a dictator whose loyalty is to another nation. The whole party may very well be dissolved and every member of it facing charges. They’re out here backing proud fascists like Arpaio and pro slavery pedophiles for the senate. As reprehensible as many of their voters are, they can’t maintain that unless they fully abandon democracy entirely, which they’re trying and will backfire. Whether that means violent reaction from the people when they try ending elections, or all the higher ups getting put away on criminal conspiracy charges, they’re not going to last. They set this in motion by backing trump. The modern Republican Party and a democratic government cannot coexist. One of the two will end by 2020. Either our IC holds firm and the justice system brings them down, or we essentially become the fourth Reich.
Talk to em family