@Dameon Farrow
Shkliarov is a Belarussian, born under the Iron Curtain but got a Master's from a German college. That alone let's you know he started out as basically aristocrat status
Next he gets into politics by offering to work for free and volunteering. He up and moves himself to the states to volunteer for Obama campaign, how does he afford this?
Working with Bernie, whose clearly networked in with RT and admitted he was aware that he was being fed by Russian Intel community.
Now Vitaly is back in Moscow working with the daughter of a Putin ally who is a reality TV star, but for some reason is taking this progressive anti Putin stance?
One question might be why scions/benefactors of Russian kleptocracy like Vitaliy or Subchak are turning on the system. But really it's just controlled opposition.
Very telling is Vitaliy is setting up some sort of forums / go fund me for Russian progressive wanna be politicians -- literally a dissident registration book