
I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
as scary as it may sound, i can imagine large groups of heavily armed white nationalist militias camping out around the white house to protect their orange emperor.
would the attorney general be able to stop law enforcement from cracking down on something like this and if so, how would the president attempt to capitalize on it?


Heavily armed Malitas would be arrested on sight in DC... those clowns ain’t that stupid to pull that shyt off knowning DC is crawling alphabet city


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Heavily armed Malitas would be arrested on sight in DC... those clowns ain’t that stupid to pull that shyt off knowning DC is crawling alphabet city

after seeing what happened with the cliven bundy standoff and how those clowns descended upon charlottesville, i don't know man.
it could start out as just a bunch of rednecks in tents...then after a few days the guns start showing up and i bet cheeto would go out there to thank them on live tv.

cheeto: "look at all of these patriots out here to protect the man they case you don't know, that's me."



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State






Operative Offered Trump Campaign ‘Kremlin Connection’ Using N.R.A. Ties


Donald J. Trump, then the Republican presidential nominee, speaking at the National Rifle Association convention in Louisville, Ky., in May 2016. Ty Wright for The New York Times
WASHINGTON — A conservative operative trumpeting his close ties to the National Rifle Association and Russia told a Trump campaign adviser last year that he could arrange a back-channel meeting between Donald J. Trump and Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian president, according to an email sent to the Trump campaign.

A May 2016 email to the campaign adviser, Rick Dearborn, bore the subject line “Kremlin Connection.” In it, the N.R.A. member said he wanted the advice of Mr. Dearborn and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, then a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump and Mr. Dearborn’s longtime boss, about how to proceed in connecting the two leaders.

Russia, he wrote, was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and would attempt to use the N.R.A.’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky., to make “‘first contact.’” The email, which was among a trove of campaign-related documents turned over to investigators on Capitol Hill, was described in detail to The New York Times.

Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign, secured a guilty plea on Friday from President Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, for lying to the F.B.I. about contacts with Moscow’s former ambassador to the United States. But those contacts came after Mr. Trump’s improbable election victory.

The emailed outreach from the conservative operative to Mr. Dearborn came far earlier, around the same time that Russians were trying to make other connections to the Trump campaign. Another contact came through an American advocate for Christian and veterans causes, and together, the outreach shows how, as Mr. Trump closed in on the nomination, Russians were using three foundational pillars of the Republican Party — guns, veterans and Christian conservatives — to try to make contact with his unorthodox campaign.


Rick Dearborn, left, a Trump campaign adviser, received an email asking for advice on how to arrange a meeting between Mr. Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Both efforts, made within days of each other, centered on the N.R.A.’s annual meeting and appear to involve Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of the Russian central bank and key figure in Mr. Putin’s United Russia party, who was instructed to make contact with the campaign.

“Putin is deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump,” the N.R.A. member and conservative activist, Paul Erickson, wrote. “He wants to extend an invitation to Mr. Trump to visit him in the Kremlin before the election. Let’s talk through what has transpired and Senator Sessions’s advice on how to proceed.”

It is not clear how Mr. Dearborn handled the outreach. He forwarded a similar proposal, made through Rick Clay, an advocate for conservative Christian causes, to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a top campaign aide. Mr. Kushner rebuffed the proposal at the time, according to two people who have seen Mr. Kushner’s email.

Mr. Sessions told investigators from the House Intelligence Committee that he did not recall the outreach, according to three people with knowledge of the exchange.
Mr. Dearborn did not return requests for comment, and Ty Cobb, the White House lawyer dealing with matters related to the investigations, declined to comment. Repeated attempts to reach Mr. Erickson were not successful.

Intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia, on orders from the highest levels of its government, undertook a sophisticated campaign to hack Democratic computers, spread propaganda and undermine the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. The repeated outreach around the N.R.A. convention, where Mr. Trump accepted the group’s endorsement, came just weeks after a self-described intermediary for the Russian government told George Papadopoulos, a campaign aide, that the Russians had “dirt” on Mrs. Clinton. And just weeks later, the president’s eldest son arranged a meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who promised damaging information about the would-be Democratic nominee.

“The Kremlin believes that the only possibility of a true reset in this relationship would be with a new Republican White House,” Mr. Erickson wrote to Mr. Dearborn, adding, “Ever since Hillary compared Putin to Hitler, all senior Russian leaders consider her beyond redemption.”


Alexander Torshin, a deputy governor of the Russian central bank and key figure in Mr. Putin’s United Russia party
, was instructed to make contact with the Trump campaign. Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS, via Getty Images
Congressional investigators obtained the email as part of their inquiry into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether Mr. Trump’s campaign aided the efforts. It appears to have caught the attention of senators as well. Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, penned letters to several Trump campaign foreign policy advisers last week asking for all documents related to the N.R.A., Mr. Erickson, Mr. Torshin, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dearborn and others.

Mr. Erickson, a longtime conservative operative who has been involved in several presidential campaigns, presented himself in the email as a well-connected intermediary to the upper reaches of the Russian government. By “happenstance” and the reach of the N.R.A., Mr. Erickson wrote, he had been put in position to “slowly begin cultivating a back-channel to President Putin’s Kremlin” in recent years.

“Russia is quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S. that isn’t forthcoming under the current administration,” he wrote.

Indeed, evidence does appear to show deep ties between Mr. Erickson, the N.R.A. and the Russian gun rights community that were formed in the years when many American conservatives, put off by the Obama administration’s policies, were increasingly looking to Mr. Putin as an example of a strong leader opposing immigration, terrorism and gay rights.

The N.R.A. was one of Mr. Trump’s biggest backers during the campaign, spending tens of millions of dollars to help elect him.

Mr. Erickson has known Maria Butina, a former assistant to Mr. Torshin and the founder of the Right to Bear Arms, a Russian gun-rights group, for several years. Ms. Butina, who helped Mr. Torshin make the request through Mr. Clay, hosted Mr. Erickson at a September 2014 meeting of the group at its Moscow office. And in February 2016, the two incorporated a company, Bridges LLC, together in South Dakota. What the company does is unclear.

In December 2015, Mr. Erickson returned to Russia as part of an N.R.A. delegation that included David Keene, the group’s onetime president, top donors and
David A. Clarke Jr., the former sheriff of Milwaukee County
who became a popular Trump campaign surrogate. At one stop, the group met with Dmitry Rogozin, the deputy prime minister in charge of defense. A photograph from the meeting shows Mr. Torshin was also present.

In the United States, the hospitality was returned. Mr. Torshin and Ms. Butina attended the N.R.A.’s annual convention in 2014 and 2015. Ms. Butina told the conservative news site Townhall that she attended the N.R.A. Women’s Leadership Luncheon as a guest of Sandra S. Froman, a former president of the group. And in 2015, she was given a tour of the N.R.A.’s Virginia headquarters.

Attempts to contact Ms. Butina were unsuccessful.

Mr. Erickson does not explicitly name Mr. Torshin in the email to Mr. Dearborn, but the message appears to refer to him, the people familiar with the communication said. Instead, he describes “President Putin’s emissary on this front,” whose plans match those of Mr. Torshin.

Mr. Torshin, he wrote, was planning to attend a reception being planned by Mr. Clay honoring wounded veterans that he expected Mr. Trump would also attend. Mr. Torshin expected to use the reception to “make ‘first contact’” with the candidate and present Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania, with a gift from the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to Mr. Clay, neither Mr. Trump nor his campaign officials attended the veterans’ dinner. The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and Mr. Torshin did attend a separate N.R.A. dinner that night.

Mr. Torshin served in the upper house of the Russian Parliament and was a member of the country’s National Anti-Terrorism Committee, a government body that includes the ministers of defense, interior and foreign affairs and the director of the Federal Security Service, known as F.S.B., the K.G.B.’s successor. He has been a leading advocate of gun rights in Russia and of more closely linking the government and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Spanish investigators say that while he was in Parliament, Mr. Torshin laundered money for the Russian mafia through Spanish banks and properties. Mr. Torshin has denied those accusations.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @Cali_livin @GnauzBookOfRhymes @Dracudiddy


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
as scary as it may sound, i can imagine large groups of heavily armed white nationalist militias camping out around the white house to protect their orange emperor.
would the attorney general be able to stop law enforcement from cracking down on something like this and if so, how would the president attempt to capitalize on it?


theres no open carry in DC
maybe they can hang out on like the border of west virginia or something and look tough
with their dont piss on me flags and play soldier


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

In one section of the book, titled "Let Trump Be Trump," Lewandowski recalled the real estate mogul's wrath at Manafort, after learning that Manafort had suggested that he appear on television instead of Trump himself.

“Did you say I shouldn’t be on TV on Sunday? I’ll go on TV anytime I g--dam f---ing want and you won’t say another f---ing word about me!” Trump told Manafort, according to Lewandowski.

“Tone it down? I wanna turn it up! ... You’re a political pro? Let me tell you something. I’m a pro at life. I’ve been around a time or two. I know guys like you, with your hair and skin ...”


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Awwww shyt... :robertmuelllerumad:

Kushner stashing protect against his effort to stop US effort against Israeli settlements

Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose He Led a Foundation Funding Illegal Israeli Settlements Before U.N. Vote
By Chris Riotta On 12/3/17 at 6:00 AM
Jared Kushner failed to disclose his role as a co-director of the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation from 2006 to 2015, a time when the group funded an Israeli settlement considered to be illegal under international law, on financial records he filed with the Office of Government Ethics earlier this year.

The latest development follows reports on Friday indicating the White House senior adviser attempted to sway a United Nations Security Council vote against an anti-settlement resolution passed just before Donald Trump took office, which condemned the structure of West Bank settlements. The failure to disclose his role in the foundation—at a time when he was being tasked with serving as the president’s Middle East peace envoy—follows a pattern of egregious omissions that would bar any other official from continuing to serve in the West Wing, experts and officials told Newsweek.

The first son-in-law has repeatedly amended his financial records since his initial filing in March, along with three separate revisions to his security clearance application. Despite correcting his financial history on multiple occasions, he has yet to include his role as co-director to the family foundation.

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump making their way to board Air Force One before departing from Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv on May 23, 2017. Mandel Ngan, Getty

The omission was first discovered by a team of researchers at American Bridge, a progressive research and communications organization, and shared exclusively with Newsweek on Friday afternoon. The researchers suggested Kushner’s failure may have been more than an inadvertent mistake, but instead an attempt to avoid "potential conflicts with his job negotiating Middle East peace." Newsweek later independently confirmed Kushner's omission on his multiple financial disclosures.

"Every successive failure to disclose his financial holdings makes it harder and harder to believe Jared Kushner isn't trying to intentionally deceive the American people," Pat Dennis, the group’s research director, told Newsweek. "At the very least, his security clearance needs to be revoked immediately. He has no business accessing sensitive national security information."

The foundation donated at least $38,000 between 2011 and 2013 to a fundraising group building a Jewish seminary in a West Bank settlement known as Beit El. During that period, Kushner’s foundation also donated an additional $20,000 to Jewish and educational institutions in settlements throughout the region, the Associated Press reported. Had Kushner included the role in his financial records, his involvement in such donations—and the following conflicts of interest that could possibly arise in his government position—may have been considered by the Office of Government Ethics.

Despite the U.S.’ longstanding policy to diplomatically reject the construction of Israeli settlements, Kushner seemed to wave in a new diplomatic era among members of Trump’s transition team working on foreign issues, according to sources who spoke with The Washington Post, NBC, Buzzfeed and Bloomberg. Each of those reports pointed at Kushner as being the "very senior member" of the transition team mentioned in charging documents Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed Friday.

Kushner demanded future National Security Adviser Mike Flynn "get on the phone to every member of the Security Council and tell them to delay the vote" on the West Bank settlement resolution, Buzzfeed reported Friday.
The move may have violated over the 200-years-old law called the Logan Act, which bars "unauthorized citizens" from negotiating with "foreign governments having a dispute with the United States."

Flynn’s guilty plea appears to indicate he’s cooperating with Mueller’s team and could be willing to shed more light on how critical decisions were made throughout the transition, as well as on Russia’s impact in the 2016 presidential election.

"My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel’s Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country," Flynn said in a statement. "I accept full responsibility for my actions."

Kushner stated that he was a member of the board of directors of the Kushner Family Foundation from 2010 to 2017, though publicly available financial records for that foundation do not include his name on the board. Instead, Kushner’s role as a director for one of his family foundations can be found in the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation’s financial records from 2015—the last year of which such documents are currently available to the public.

Whether Kushner’s latest discovered omission was intentional or not remained a mystery on Friday afternoon, as news was exploding surrounding his involvement in the U.N. Security Council vote, which ultimately approved the resolution condemning West Bank settlements.
Representatives for the Office of Government Ethics, Jared Kushner and the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

"He’s revised his forms several times already," Dennis said. "There’s no reason his lawyers couldn’t have done what our researchers did. It wasn’t rocket science."

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @Cali_livin @GnauzBookOfRhymes @Dracudiddy


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014

In one section of the book, titled "Let Trump Be Trump," Lewandowski recalled the real estate mogul's wrath at Manafort, after learning that Manafort had suggested that he appear on television instead of Trump himself.

“Did you say I shouldn’t be on TV on Sunday? I’ll go on TV anytime I g--dam f---ing want and you won’t say another f---ing word about me!” Trump told Manafort, according to Lewandowski.

“Tone it down? I wanna turn it up! ... You’re a political pro? Let me tell you something. I’m a pro at life. I’ve been around a time or two. I know guys like you, with your hair and skin ...”


At this point if we were to find out that Trump is a child in a really lifelike adult mecha suit, I wouldn't be surprised.


Mar 6, 2015
This man is up early watching Fox and Friends trying spin this investigation into oblivion. :mjlol:

Continuously trying to discredit the Justice Department and FBI? You done fukked up now. :ufdup:

Sometimes I forget he is an actual human. And not some Artificial Intelligence computer typing up tweets.


All Star
May 30, 2012
as scary as it may sound, i can imagine large groups of heavily armed white nationalist militias camping out around the white house to protect their orange emperor.
would the attorney general be able to stop law enforcement from cracking down on something like this and if so, how would the president attempt to capitalize on it?


These clowns ain't really about that life like that. They buy lots of guns and go to shoooting ranges and talk ish. on the net But they never had anyone pull a gun them and punch them in the mouth. You do have fringe groups that are mostly in remote areas and lone wolf types that can make noise, but they arent any sort of imperial guard for Trump


Apr 30, 2012
Right now you know cheeto and the loon squad are heavily weighing the option of firing Mueller...

Probably hasn't slept since Thursday...
We could get this all over with quickly if he did that.

Problem is, even if the Republicans remove Trump and put Pence in, the investigation won't stop just because Mueller is gone.