
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The Russian government doesn’t like being called fascist

By Josh Rogin November 2 at 1:54 PM

The Russian government is loudly protesting after Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) called it “fascist” Wednesday during a hearing on Russia’s political interference in the United States. But the senator is standing by his analysis of the regime of Vladimir Putin.

“With the current fascist leadership of Russia enthusiastically undermining our democracy, America must defend the values that made us great, and aggressively confront this espionage and the enemies that sponsor it,” Wyden said during the Senate Intelligence Committee’s hearing on social media influence in the 2016 U.S. elections.

In a statement to Russia’s state-controlled news agency, TASS, the Russian Embassy in Washington complained about Wyden’s characterization of the Russian system.


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“It seems that yet another Washington lawmaker has said goodbye to adequacy,” the embassy said. “Did he understand what he was talking about? Or the only thing he was after was to attract attention to himself once efforts to force out evidence from those summoned for questioning are failing.”

The Russian Embassy said that the remark was part of an overall effort to “hide awkward facts by insults” and denied that Russia interfered in the U.S. political process at all. It said that Wyden’s “provocations” harm already uneasy U.S.-Russia relations.

“It’s high time for those here who prefer the tone of hucksters who unleashed World War II to get the message that Russia never interferes into the United States’ domestic affairs,” the embassy said.

In a statement to me, Wyden doubled down:

As the son of a family who fled Germany and lost members in Kristallnacht, I have spent my life knowing what fascism is and committed to resisting it at every turn. Putin’s use of state power to kill, jail and exile the press and political opponents, while attacking unpopular groups within society and promoting violence against them, has all the hallmarks of a fascist. We must not forget that the fascist regimes of the last century were elected governments.

Rather than dismiss the Russian espionage campaigns to sow division in our society and undermine our democracy, Americans must learn the lessons of the last century and stand up to these bullies. We will not allow democracy to be undermined by lies and propaganda sponsored by foreign powers.

Merriam-Webster defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime … that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”

Sounds like Putin’s Russia.




Josh Rogin is a columnist for the Global Opinions section of The Washington Post. He writes about foreign policy and national security.
Follow @joshrogin


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Ring the alarm

Page testified that he told sessions about the Russia trip​





Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip

(CNN)Former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page privately testified Thursday that he mentioned to Jeff Sessions he was traveling to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign — as new questions emerge about the attorney general's comments to Congress about Russia and the Trump campaign.

During more than six hours of closed-door testimony, Page said that he informed Sessions about his coming July 2016 trip to Russia, which Page told CNN was unconnected to his campaign role. Page described the conversation to CNN after he finished talking to the House intelligence committee.

Sessions' discussion with Page will fuel further scrutiny about what the attorney general knew about connections between the Trump campaign and Russia — and communications about Russia that he did not disclose despite a persistent line of questioning in three separate hearings this year.

Page's testimony was one of the more highly anticipated events in the congressional Russia investigations, given the scrutiny he's faced because of his connections to Russia and his visible role pushing back about his Russia ties in nationally televised interviews.

Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican who is leading the House intelligence committees Russia probe, confirmed to CNN that Page told the committee he had informed Sessions about his trip, though Conaway downplayed its significance.

"I don't make anything sinister out of it. He said Sessions did not react or comment one way or the other," Conaway said in an interview. "If I were Sessions, I wouldn't have recalled it either. It was just in passing. He was walking out of the room. A guy he had never met before, grabs him, 'Hey, I'm out on the team. I changed my travel plans to go to Russia.'" :hhh:

Page told CNN after the interview that he informed Sessions about the trip during a group dinner in Washington, and that he mentioned it in passing.

"Back in June 2016, I mentioned in passing that I happened to be planning to give a speech at a university in Moscow," Page told CNN. "Completely unrelated to my limited volunteer role with the campaign and as I've done dozens of times throughout my life. Understandably, it was as irrelevant then as it is now. If it weren't for the dodgy dossier and all the chaos that those complete lies had created, my passing comment's complete lack of relevance should go without saying.":kobeyoumad:

Page said it was the only time he met Sessions.

A source familiar with the meeting told CNN that the encounter occurred at a dinner at the Capitol Hill Club, attended by members of the Trump national security team, including Sessions. Near the end of the dinner, Page approached Sessions to say hello and thanked the then-senator for the dinner, and Page also mentioned he was headed to Russia.:jordanhilarious: Sessions didn't respond and moved on to the next person waiting to shake his hand, this source said.

A Justice spokesperson declined to comment.

Several lawmakers from both parties described the session as meandering, at-times confusing and contradictory. Page did not have a lawyer present, which is highly unusual, lawmakers said.

Conaway said that Page was "fulsome" in his answers and he answered all of the questions the committee asked.

Moreover, Page reached a rare agreement to allow the committee to release a transcript of his testimony, something that will happen early next week. Some members said his testimony will help move the investigation forward, though Page told the committee that the Trump campaign made him sign a non-disclosure agreement.

"It was terrific to have the opportunity to help clear the record as to the falsehoods from the dodgy dossier, which started this whole thing against me in the final two months before the election," Page told reporters after his marathon session, referring to the Trump-Russia dossier produced by former British agent Christopher Steele. "I'm glad the truth is finally becoming known."

Page interacted with Sessions because the then-Alabama senator was leading the national security team for the Trump campaign.

Sessions is already facing new questions over his testimony on Capitol Hill about Russia and the Trump campaign following the revelations this week that he rejected a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed by foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty for making a false statement to the FBI about contacts with people connected with the Russian government.

At a June Senate intelligence committee hearing, Sessions testified that he wasn't aware of any conversations between "anyone connected to the Trump campaign" and Russians about "any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States."

In another exchange with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Sessions was asked if Page met with Russian officials "at any point during the campaign."

"I don't know," Sessions responded.

Asked at a Senate hearing last month whether he believed Trump campaign surrogates had communications with Russians, Sessions replied, "I did not and I'm not aware of anyone else that did, and I don't believe it happened."

Democrats on the Senate intelligence and judiciary committees are interested in formally asking Sessions to clarify his testimony, according to a Senate aide.

Page traveled to Moscow for a few days in early July 2016, where he gave a lecture critical of US foreign policy and later met with Russians whom he described as academic scholars and business leaders. He has said that the topic of sanctions might have come up in his conversations but that he was not there as an emissary of the Trump campaign. After the trip, the FBI grew concerned that he had been compromised by Russian operatives, US officials previously told CNN.
The committee has asked Page to produce more documents, according to members, to comply with the subpoena they previously issued.

CNN's Marshall Cohen and Evan Perez contributed to this report

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Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
I can only imagine how many pounds in sweat Carter lost during those 6 1/2 hours. He can barely get through 20 minutes with Chris Hayes without sounding like English is his 5th language.
My father always says "if you don't lie, you don't have remember anything". How many gears rotate in his brain when he talks tells you all you need to know