Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
I hate this corny ass word, but it's a NothingBurger until then...and Napoleon is going raise your heart rate with sirens until yall finally realize that.

There is no there .... there.....11 months of spinning wheels and not a single piece of data, evidence, anything that makes the case for the ambiguous accusations........

NothingBurger w/ bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mustard...and side of cajun crinkly fries

Even Van Jones said non-chalantly its's a Five Guy's level "NothingBurger".....he said that...not me or any other poster that can see the Hollywood drama being presented for unfortunately easily fooled people.

NothingBurger Bacon Deluxe on Friday!!!!

Nothingburger :cook: :eat:. They keep reaching and pointing. He already met with Putin....they mad...the best they can do is ................. keep investigating their own tail aka lack of evidence and purposeful misinformation.

Anyone with as much power/authority as Trump NEVER gets punished for anything in the United States.

What's up @I_Got_Da_Burna ? :shaq:

Tell your Coli fam goodbye. :demonic:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Manafort and former business partner asked to surrender in connection with special counsel probe

Manafort and former business partner asked to surrender in connection with special counsel probe


Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his former business partner Rick Gates will turn themselves in on charges stemming from Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 election, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The precise charges the men face were not immediately clear. Gates did not respond to a request for comment, nor did Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort. Manafort was spotted walking into the FBI’s Washington Field Office Monday morning.

Washington — especially those in political and media circles — had been anxiously anticipating the charges since CNN reported Friday night that a grand jury had approved the first charges in Mueller’s investigation. That report was soon matched by others, including Reuters and the Wall Street Journal, though affiliates of many involved said they were in the dark as to what was about to come. About a dozen reporters staked out the entrance to the federal courthouse in downtown D.C. Monday morning, waiting for any glimpse of prosecutors or possible defendants.

Spokespeople for Mueller and the Justice Department declined to comment over the weekend. They did not immediately return messages Monday.

Mueller was appointed in May to oversee the probe of possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, taking over work that the FBI had begun in July 2016. Prosecutors have been probing Manafort’s work as a political consultant in Ukraine, where he advised a Russia-friendly political party for years before his work with Trump. They have also been examining Manafort’s personal finances.

While the probe has focused acutely on Manafort and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, investigators have shown interest in a broad array of other topics.

Those include meetings the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had with the Russian ambassador and a banker from Moscow in December, and a June 2016 meeting at Trump tower involving the president’s son, Donald Jr., and a Russian lawyer. Mueller’s team has requested extensive records from the White House, covering areas including the president’s private discussions about firing James B. Comey as FBI director and his response to news that Flynn was under investigation, according to two people briefed on the requests.

Mueller is also investigating whether Trump obstructed justice leading up to Comey’s firing. His team has been actively presenting records and bringing witnesses before the grand jury in D.C. for the last three months.

[Special Counsel Mueller using grand jury in federal court in Washington as part of Russia investigation]

Any grand jury indictment would be shared with deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, who is acting as the attorney general because Jeff Sessions, having served as a surrogate for the Trump campaign, recused himself from the matter.

Late Friday afternoon, the federal court’s chief judge, Beryl A. Howell, presided as host for a ceremonial portrait unveiling of a fellow judge and explained to the crowd of hundreds of guests that Rosenstein could not be present because of an important meeting he was called to at the Justice Department.

FBI agents working for Mueller raided Manafort’s home in Alexandria in late July, armed with a search warrant that allowed them to enter at dawn without warning the occupants. Such an invasive search is only allowed after prosecutors have persuaded a federal judge that they have evidence of a crime and they have reasonable concern that key evidence could be destroyed or withheld.

Prosecutors also warned Manafort they planned to indict him, according to two people familiar with the exchange. Manafort associates had said Friday evening, though, they had no indication that Manafort has been or would be indicted.

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Flynn’s lawyer, Robert Kelner, said late Friday, “we are not commenting tonight.” A person familiar with Flynn’s defense said he, too, had received no notice of pending indictment.

Wayne Holland, a McEnearney Associates real estate agent who helped Manafort buy the condo in Alexandria, Va., that was raided by the FBI this summer, testified Oct. 20 before the grand jury in Mueller’s probe after he and his firm were unsuccessful in an effort to quash subpoenas, Holland said Friday.

Holland declined to discuss his testimony, first reported by Politico, but confirmed that an opinion unsealed Friday by Howell denied his and his firm’s motion to quash a subpoena by claiming real estate broker records are confidential under Virginia and District laws.

Devlin Barrett, Carol Leonnig, Sari Horwitz, Spencer S. Hsu, Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller and Adam Entous contributed to this report.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Invanka B-Day
A Week From 1 Year Anniversary of the Election
Hillary on a Media Book Tour for Best-Seller
Lowest Approval Rating in Modern Presidential History
No Major Legislative Bills Passed
Russia "The Nothing Burger" just got super sized.

TRUMP: DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Yo Manafort"

"You In For a Long Stay, Shackled on the Bus first thing come Monday" - Prodigy



I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush

5am in Dc :Illuminatos:

B-2s wiped out Iraqi air defenses during shock and awe. They were flying out of Whiteman straight to Iraq. 30 hr flight missions. Saddam was
China was :lupe: and Putin was

B-2 Bombers Lead 'Shock and Awe'

No other aircraft in the world has that take of range without refueling.. you ever see a B-2 fly at night? That’s the most sinister looking piece of work to witness :whoo:

just occurred to me that shytbag in chief may have been tweetshouting out to Putin for emergency help:scust:

Do something... :Stopitnow:

All the rumors it was the kush its almost disappointing it's only manafort

Slow train coming breh sit tight :Wordtellmore: