Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
voter turnout is def what we need.
i need to educate myself on gerrymandering.
i understand the basics of the practice but i really want to dig my teeth into it.

voter turnout could be completely negated by gerrymandering and is.

this whole situation with trump as president is still surreal to me.
Gerrymandering does have its limits. It does unfairly tip the scales. But mathematically shown that in a lot of districts, if the turnout is high enough then it can negate the effects of a gerrymander. That is why at the same time republicans engage in voter suppression tactics to solidify the gerrymandered imbalance. When turnout is high enough, democrats constantly win.

However, the problem is getting people to vote. There was only 46% voter turnout last election. In other countries, 60-70% turnout is the norm. However, if you have candidates that people would LOVE to vote for, turnout will in increase. There is a reason why Obama's elections had historically high turnout numbers. With time, people forget about the Obama campaign. I remember people were EXCITED to go out and vote for the guy. They were excited to put a Obama biden sign on their front yard or put a bumper sticker on their car. Think to 2016, and even if you supported Clinton, the problem was that that same energy wasn't there. Even most people who supported her only did so because they realize intellectually a Democratic president is in their best interest and Trump is an idiot. But no one, outside of a few were like "WOOOO CLINTON!!!". In the case of Obama, a lot of "experts" attribute this to him being black and nothing else. But these dudes forget this guy had folks of all stripes rooting for him and voting for him. That is because his campaign was heavily economically populist (pay their fair share, healthcare reform, etc). If you don't have the emotional energy, the person who is maybe not a hardcore participant in the political process will succumb to apathy and if they have a choice to stay home and play some video games or go stand in line to vote, they'll stay at home and play video games. If they don't hate Trump as much as Democrats think they should and don't love the democrat as much as democrats wish they did, then they will think "why the fukk should I bother voting? Its all the same to me and doesn't matter who wins".

The point I guess I'm driving at though with my question is that, unfortunately, I do not see the Democrats improving themselves and selling themselves to people. Just saying Trump is awful isn't enough. You can say Trump is awful all day, but at the end of the day he is in the white house and Republicans have all the power at the moment. I do not see a broad strategy from Democrats at the moment that says to me they will win in 2020 and possibly 2018. They let Republicans lead them around on the leash by being a purely reactive party to whatever outrage that Trump created today or whatever fukkery Republicans are doing. It's like owning a restaurant and telling all passerbys that the restaurant across the street has terrible food and not to eat there, but never saying "you know what my food is pretty good, have a sample on me". The passerby is just going to say "ok I won't eat there" but probably won't come into your restaurant.

At this point, I wish Democrats collectively could just ignore Trump and instead anytime they're in the public eye, selling what they will do to make the country better. That is how you win. Because, the consequences are getting dire and trust, this country will not survive this dude being in the WH 4 more years. So Democrats, need to do every single thing possible to make sure they win.


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013

