
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Trump has been on Russia's di¢k for a VERY long time.



A full page ad, pitched as an open letter from Donald Trump, that appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Boston Globe(pictured) on September 2, 1987. Trump spent a total of $94,801 on the ad space.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Bernie is a low-key Russian shill too during the campaign. Why would he fukking entertain RT?

Then next thing you know, Trump is using his talking points :dahell:

Shout out to Tad Devine. :mjpls:

Now we get to the heart of the fukking matter.

If y'all got a problem with Dana Rohrabacher, Bernie is in the spotlight too.

I mean the man did his honey-moon in the Soviet Union...who does that?

Bernie Sanders and his wife honeymooned in the USSR

Since we're going in, lets fu¢king GO IN.

Fučk it.
Last edited by a moderator:


May 2, 2012
Fresno, Ca
Trump has been on Russia's di¢k for a VERY long time.



A full page ad, pitched as an open letter from Donald Trump, that appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Boston Globe(pictured) on September 2, 1987. Trump spent a total of $94,801 on the ad space.

Help our farmers. fukk Trump and the farmers. I just learned one of my favorite local breweries is owned by the biggest agricultural distributors in the world and is holding up expansion of the tap room because he doesn't want to get the building up to fire code. I'm just waiting for the sell off to InBev. Im tired of these farmers who get rich off government grants and tax payer dollars crying broke so they can break regulatory rules.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Mueller requested phone records about Air Force One statement
The special counsel has also recently made requests for documents concerning a statement made by Sean Spicer in the days preceding James Comey's firing as FBI director.
JOSH DAWSEY09/21/2017 04:02 PM EDT

Special counsel Robert Mueller's office has also asked for documents related to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his meetings with Russian officials. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

Special counsel Robert Mueller has sought phone records concerning the statement written aboard Air Force One defending a meeting between Trump campaign officials and Russians at Trump Tower last year that was set up by Donald Trump Jr., according to two people familiar with the investigation.

Mueller has also asked the White House for documents and emails connected to a May 3 press briefing where Sean Spicer said the president had confidence in James Comey as FBI director, these people said. The request seeks to determine what White House officials – particularly Spicer – knew about the president’s plans to fire Comey in the days before it happened, according to one of the people familiar with it.

The requests, first reported by the New York Times, are the latest indication that Mueller's probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election is expanding to include what has happened in the White House since Trump took office, including questions of obstruction of justice.

Most of the requests, one of these people said, focus on what happened inside the White House after Jan. 20.

White House officials are expected to be interviewed in upcoming weeks by Mueller’s office, but the interviews have not been set, according to one of the people with knowledge of the investigation.

The special counsel’s office has also asked for documents related to former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his meetings with Russian officials, one of these people said.

Investigators are particularly interested in what happened inside the White House after former deputy attorney general Sally Yates told White House lawyer Don McGahn of the Flynn meeting with Russians. Flynn was said to have misled Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russian officials during the presidential transition.

A lawyer for Flynn couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. He hasn’t been accused of wrongdoing.

Mueller has also asked White House lawyers whether any documents related to Paul Manafort are in the White House, these people said. One White House official said there are few documents that even mention Manafort in the White House because he left the campaign in August.

The special counsel’s office declined to comment.

Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer, declined to comment “out of respect” for Mueller’s team.

He has told others in the White House he wants to speed up the investigation, and was recently heard by the New York Times telling other lawyers they needed to provide all documents, even though another White House lawyer is arguing otherwise.

The statement about the Trump Tower meeting, written on the return from a European summit earlier this year, touched off a frenzy inside the White House, with dozens of phone calls from Air Force One and back in Washington and New York.

It came as the New York Times was preparing to report about the meeting between Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Manafort and Russians at Trump Tower, which was arranged after one of the Russians had promised “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. None of the people who attended have been accused of wrongdoing.

The statement sparked frustration from Mark Corallo, the former spokesman for the legal team, and Marc Kasowitz, a former lawyer, and partially led to Corallo’s resignation, because lawyers weren’t present and the president was involved.

Mueller’s request for documents surrounding the May 3 briefing from Spicer suggest he is trying to establish who knew what – and when – around the firing, according to legal observers and others involved in the case. He has requested any documents that would show Trump’s thinking, and who was involved. Spicer's briefing followed Comey’s testimony earlier that day in which he said he was “mildly nauseous” at the thought of having influenced the outcome of the 2016 election.

Trump fired Comey on May 9. White House officials say the decision was made at Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey the weekend after Spicer’s news briefing.

Spicer declined to comment.

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Price traveled by private plane at least 24 times
HHS secretary chartered flights even to cities with frequent, inexpensive commercial options.

09/21/2017 05:58 PM EDT
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has taken at least 24 flights on private charter planes at taxpayers’ expense since early May, according to people with knowledge of his travel plans and a review of HHS documents.

The frequency of the trips underscores how private travel has become the norm -- rather than the exception -- for the Georgia Republican during his tenure atop the federal health agency, which began in February. The cost of the trips identified by POLITICO exceeds $300,000, according to a review of federal contracts and similar trip itineraries.

Price’s use of private jets represents a sharp departure from his two immediate predecessors, Sylvia Mathews Burwell and Kathleen Sebelius, who flew commercially in the continental United States. HHS officials have said Price uses private jets only when commercial travel is not feasible.

But many of the flights are between large cities with frequent, low-cost airline traffic, such as a trip from Washington to Nashville that the secretary took on June 6 to make a morning event at a medication distributor and an afternoon speech. There are four regular nonstop flights that leave Washington-area airports between 6:59 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. and arrive in Nashville by 9:46 a.m. CT. Sample round-trip fares for those flights were as low as $202, when booked in advance on Price’s charter, according to HHS’s contract with Classic Air Charter, cost $17,760.

HHS spokespeople did not respond to questions about specific aspects of Price’s travels, including how many charter trips he has taken. Charmaine Yoest, the agency’s top spokesperson, said Price’s travel for official business "comes from the HHS budget.”

In a statement, Yoest said, "“The Secretary has taken commercial flights for official business after his confirmation. He has used charter aircraft for official business in order to accommodate his demanding schedule. The week of September 13 was one of those times, as the Secretary was directing the recovery effort for Irma, which had just devastated Florida, while simultaneously directing the ongoing recovery for Hurricane Harvey . . . Some believe the HHS Secretary should be Washington-focused. Dr. Price is focused on hearing from Americans across the country.”

Nonetheless, POLITICO identified at least 17 charter flights that took place before the first storm — Hurricane Harvey — hit in late August, and included flights that did not appear to be for urgent HHS public health priorities.

For example, Price took a Learjet-60 from San Diego to the Aspen Ideas Festival — a glamorous conference at the Colorado resort town — that arrived at 3:33 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, June 24, nearly 19 hours before his scheduled panel. That flight likely cost more than $7,100, according to one charter jet agency estimate.

“If you’re going to a conference, you have some [advance] flexibility to book travel” and shouldn’t need last-minute charters, said Walter Shaub, who was the Obama-appointed director of the United States Office of Government Ethics until July. “This shows a complete disregard for the expense to the taxpayer.”

Since being confirmed in early February, Price has developed a reputation inside the agency for flying on private charters rather than taking other means of transportation, people inside and outside of the Trump administration said.

After a POLITICO investigation identified five private flights that Price took up and down the East Coast last week, Price took a charter jet to Oklahoma on Tuesday of this week, Sept. 19, where he met with Native American tribes and toured health care facilities by car — although HHS initially explored flying him by charter around the state, two people with knowledge of Price’s travels said. “There was a push from political [staff] at HHS to fly him and not drive him to these small communities,” said one of the people.

Price’s staff cut his press conference in Oklahoma short on Wednesday when reporters raised questions about his use of taxpayer funds, an attendee said.

Price’s frequent trips around the country have rankled staff inside the White House, with a senior official saying many trips aren’t related to priorities like Obamacare repeal and other items on the president’s agenda. While Price has flown to Maine, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania since last Wednesday, President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans have been frantically rallying support to pass an Obamacare repeal bill by Sept. 30. After that date, the GOP will need 60 Senate votes, not 50, to overturn the 2010 health law.

"No one is quite sure what [Price] is doing,” a senior White House official said. “You look at this week, we're doing a last final push trying to get this over the finish line, and he's nowhere to be found."

Many of Price’s trips have centered on making announcements related to the use of opioids and holding listening sessions about the epidemic, which Trump labeled a national emergency and continues contribute to rising death rates from drug abuse. Price has labeled fighting the opioid epidemic one of his top priorities.

But rather than fly commercially to these events, which are scheduled well in advance, Price tends to rent corporate-style jets. Sometimes, he ferries big-name guests along with him. In May, Price and Kellyanne Conway — the White House counselor and former Trump campaign manager who traveled with Price to Philadelphia last week to tour an addiction treatment center -- made stops in four different states in the span of two days.

The pair traveled to Lansing, Michigan and Charleston, West Virginia for opioid-related meetings in the morning and early afternoon on May 9. That happened to be the same day Trump abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey. On May 10, she and Price were in Augusta, Maine and Concord, New Hampshire, for more opioid-related events.

Price again made an opioid-related visit to Chattanooga, Tennessee on July 6 where he took a private plane, according to two sources with knowledge of the situation. According to records, HHS signed a $14,570 charter plane contract for DC to Tennessee travel with a July 6 effective date.

In June, Price spoke at a physicians association conference in San Diego, where he vowed to wring out wasteful spending in the government’s health care programs. Getting “value” for spending “is incredibly important,” he said.

Price took a private plane to get the meeting, which was one stop on a five-state sprint of charter travel that cost $50,420.

Josh Dawsey and Josh Gerstein contributed reporting.

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