
May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Holy shyt.

This dude is STILL working for foreign governments OPPOSED BY THE USA!!!





Manafort Working on Kurdish Referendum Opposed by U.S.

Manafort Working on Kurdish Referendum Opposed by U.S.

September 20, 2017


Lebanese Kurds demonstrated on Sunday in Martyrs’ Square in Beirut in support of the referendum vote on Iraqi Kurdish independence.

Anwar Amro / Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

WASHINGTON — Paul J. Manafort, the former campaign chairman for President Trump who is at the center of investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, is working for allies of the leader of Iraq’s Kurdish region to help administer and promote a referendum on Kurdish independence from Iraq.

The United States opposes the referendum, but Mr. Manafort has carved out a long and lucrative career advising foreign clients whose interests have occasionally diverged from American foreign policy.
And he has continued soliciting international business even as his past international work has become a focus of the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into ties between Russia and Mr. Trump and his associates, including possible collusion between them to influence the presidential election.

In fact, the work for the Kurdish group appears to have been initiated this summer around the time that federal authorities working for Mr. Mueller raided Mr. Manafort’s home in Virginia and informed him that they planned to indict him.

While the Kurdish referendum, scheduled for Monday, is nonbinding, the American government and the international community have expressed serious concerns about it. They fear that, if it passes overwhelmingly, as expected, it could further destabilize Iraq, damage the coalition fighting the Islamic State, and potentially spark violence in disputed areas.

In a statement on Wednesday, the State Department urged Kurdish leaders “to accept the alternative, which is a serious and sustained dialogue with the central government, facilitated by the United States and United Nations, and other partners.”

The Iraqi Kurdish leader, Massoud Barzani, and his allies, who are the driving force behind the referendum, hope it will put their semiautonomous oil-rich region on a path toward full independence, which they contend is their right. Independence could also allow the Kurdistan Regional Government, for which Mr. Barzani serves as president, to have uncontested control over its lucrative oil exports.

The Kurdistan Regional Government had paid millions to Washington lobbying firms with deep connections to both Democrats and Republicans, including more than $1.5 million over the last three years, according to Justice Department records. But it has also worked to build support for independence from think tanks and scholars who might be willing to vouch for the referendum’s fairness, and use it to win bipartisan support in Washington for Kurdish independence, according to people familiar with the outreach.

Mr. Manafort agreed to assist with the referendum, including a planned push for Western recognition, after he was approached several months ago by an intermediary for Mr. Barzani’s son, Masrour Barzani, according to two people familiar with the arrangement.

Mr. Manafort has traveled to the region since then to advise the Barzanis’ allies on the referendum, according to Kurdish independence advocates. One of Mr. Manafort’s lieutenants is in Erbil preparing for the referendum, and Mr. Manafort himself may return to the region in the coming days for the vote, according to the advocates.

A spokesman for Masrour Barzani, who serves as the head of the security council in his father’s government, confirmed that Mr. Manafort was hired “to assist in the referendum and in the aftermath of the referendum.” But the spokesman, who asked that he not be named, declined to specify what Mr. Manafort’s role entailed.

The spokesman said Mr. Manafort was part of a team of international experts involved in holding the referendum. Asked if Mr. Manafort was hired because of his ties to Mr. Trump, the spokesman said he had been chosen because of his experience in referendums and global affairs.

The spokesman would not provide information about who is paying Mr. Manafort or how much he is being paid.


Paul J. Manafort, President Trump's former campaign chairman, is at the center of the special counsel investigation by Robert S. Mueller III.

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Mr. Manafort, said his client “does not discuss his current or future clients.” Mr. Maloni would not say whether Mr. Manafort intended to disclose his Kurdish work and source of income to the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which would be required if he lobbied the American government on behalf of a foreign client. “If his work requires registration with FARA, Mr. Manafort will comply with the law,” Mr. Maloni said.

The White House and Justice Department did not immediately respond to questions about whether Mr. Manafort had contacted them about the Kurdish referendum.

Mr. Manafort’s associates say he has come under increasing financial strain from mounting legal bills as his lawyers have responded to inquiries from congressional committees and the special counsel related to the Russia inquiries. The associates said the scrutiny had made it difficult for Mr. Manafort to maintain his consulting business.

Nonetheless, he has continued traveling the world pitching potential business deals, with a particular focus on China. He met in April with a Shanghai construction billionaire whom Mr. Manafort is advising on how to pursue infrastructure contracts around the world.

Mr. Manafort participated in a May meeting in New York about a plan under which an investment fund linked to the Chinese government-owned China Development Bank would invest $30 billion in Puerto Rico through the bond debt owed by the island’s government, and possibly through investments in its critical infrastructure.

And a spokesman for the Ecuadorean government, which has accepted billions of dollars in loans from the China Development Bank, said that Mr. Manafort met earlier this year with Lenín Moreno, who subsequently was elected president, to discuss possible investment opportunities.

But supporters of the Kurdish independence referendum are concerned that Mr. Manafort’s legal problems may hurt their cause.

“Someone at the center of a controversy about Russian subversion of a U.S. presidential election and who has been warned that he will be indicted is not without handicaps as an advocate,” said Peter W. Galbraith, a former American diplomat and longtime advocate for Kurdish independence. Mr. Galbraith, who is in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish region, as an unpaid adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government, was unaware of Mr. Manafort’s involvement before being informed by The New York Times, and suggested he would have advised against it.

“But, look, on the other hand, they’re a foreign country who wants to get international recognition, and if you can get somebody who is close to the president of the United States to be your advocate, then that could help,” Mr. Galbraith said.

Mr. Manafort is working on the Kurdish referendum with Philip M. Griffin, a longtime associate, who is in Erbil ahead of the vote, according to the spokesman for Mr. Barzani.

Mr. Griffin is based in Kiev, and worked for Mr. Manafort until 2011, primarily on behalf of the Russia-aligned president of Ukraine at the time, Viktor Yanukovych.

He also helped run a program for foreign ambassadors at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last July, through which the Russian ambassador at the time, Sergey I. Kislyak, met with Jeff Sessions, then an Alabama senator and now Mr. Trump’s attorney general.

Mr. Manafort’s work for Mr. Yanukovych and Mr. Sessions’s meetings with Mr. Kislyak are now subjects of interest for congressional investigators and Mr. Mueller’s team.

Mr. Griffin did not respond to requests for comment.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike

Lol when did the Kurds become enemies of the US?

And skip the Trump/Russia shyt.....This is gods work. Kurdistan should have happened with Americas help long ago.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
It's what he's been doing his whole damn career? Why would he stop now?

He's going to take the fall for Trump, Oliver North style. No names named, just take your lumps and move on.
He ain't taking the fall for Trump they ain't even boys like that and Trump only met him for the first time when he joined the campaign lol

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Manafort might as well go on the run....has his passport been revoked or anything? What's stopping him from hiding out in one of his foreign countries, it's over for him pretty much.
If he goes hiding in Europe or Asia, the KGB will almost certainly find him and they'll kill him to silence him like they've done to some 11-12 different diplomats since November.

Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016
If he goes hiding in Europe or Asia, the KGB will almost certainly find him and they'll kill him to silence him like they've done to some 11-12 different diplomats since November.

If it was me I would take a boat to one of those Carribean islands that just got trashed and post up there for a min

Then again if it was me I would not have made a career out of working with fascists to undermine my native country :manny:

NY's #1 Draft Pick

Apr 30, 2012
He's getting a poll bump from sort of handling the Hurricane shyt well...told ya'll...

And these idiots will also give him a poll bump from the UN speech because shytheads don't understand the ramifications of telling the rest of the world that you'll destroy another country.
He didn't do shyt tho:martin: