
The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State




Exclusive: Mueller team's focus on Manafort spans 11 years

Washington (CNN)Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team is reaching back more than a decade in its investigation of Paul Manafort, a sign of the pressure Mueller is placing on President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman.

The FBI's warrant for a July search of Manafort's Alexandria, Virginia, home said the investigation centered on possible crimes committed as far back as January 2006, according to a source briefed on the investigation.
The broad time frame is the latest indication that Mueller's team is going well beyond Russian meddling during the campaign as part of its investigation of Trump campaign associates. Manafort, who has been the subject of an FBI investigation for three years, has emerged as a focal point for Mueller.

The search, an unusually hard-nosed tactic in a probe that centers on possible tax and financial crimes, began before dawn as Manafort and his wife lay in bed, according to sources briefed on the matter.

FBI agents entered with guns drawn and insisted on searching Kathleen Manafort for weapons, a standard part of FBI searches but a jarring event for the Manaforts, the sources said.

Mueller's team has warned Manafort that they are working to charge him with possible tax and financial crimes, the sources said, an indication the investigation could be in an advanced stage.

A spokesman for Manafort declined to comment.

Manafort has previously denied financial wrongdoing regarding his Ukraine-related payments, his bank accounts in offshore tax shelters, and his various real estate transactions over the years.

Justice Department prosecutors concluded last year that there wasn't enough evidence to bring charges against Manafort or any of the other US subjects in the Ukraine probe, according to sources briefed on the investigation. A spokesman for the special counsel declined to comment.

Mueller's team could be facing a deadline if they want to bring charges arising from older tax returns: The six-year statute of limitations for Manafort's taxes filed in 2011 expires October 15. They already may be too late for the years prior to 2011

But the government could have more time depending on the exact nature of the charges that it wants to bring.

The period mentioned in the search warrant covers much of the decade that Manafort worked as a consultant for Ukraine's former ruling party. It's that work, which extended beyond the ouster of the president, Viktor Yanukovych, amid street protests in 2014, that prompted the FBI's interest in Manafort. Yanukovych's Party of Regions was accused of corruption and the FBI sought to learn whether the American consultants hired by the Ukrainian party, which also included Mercury LLC and the Podesta Group, were involved. The Justice Department probe also looked into whether the US firms violated the federal law that requires registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

All three firms earlier this year filed retroactive registrations with the Justice Department.
Mueller's office has subpoenaed reams of financial records from Manafort, in addition to the documents agents seized during the search, according to sources.

Investigators also have obtained Manafort's notes from the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who promised to provide negative information on Hillary Clinton, the sources said.

Manafort, who attended with Donald Trump Jr. and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, wrote notes on his phone during the meeting.

The notes portray a meeting largely focused on a Russian lawyer's complaints about investment fund manager William Browder and his role in pushing sanctions legislation to punish Russia. The Russian lawyer repeated claims that Browder made campaign donations to both parties as a way to pass a Russia sanctions law, according to sources briefed on the notes.

Manafort's lawyers also turned over a one-page document containing the notes to Congress, which is investigating as well.

The notes are disjointed, the sources who have seen them said, and appear to focus on Russia's frustration over a law passed in 2012 that led to frozen assets of powerful Russian officials.

Earlier news reports about the reference to political contributions in the notes have led to speculation that the meeting attended by Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner included a request for donations.

But people who have seen the notes say the reference is to political contributions that the Russian lawyer alleged Browder made.

CNN's Marshall Cohen contributed to this report.




@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike
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Nov 19, 2016
Trump is not guilty of collusion with Russia to destroy our election. I will apologize as soon as those receipts come on proving something/anything.

I hate this corny ass word, but it's a NothingBurger until then...and Napoleon is going raise your heart rate with sirens until yall finally realize that.

President can fire who ever he wants, when ever he happens all the time. Napoleon can't put up enough sirens that's gone change that.


There is no there .... there.....11 months of spinning wheels and not a single piece of data, evidence, anything that makes the case for the ambiguous accusations........

NothingBurger w/ bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, mustard...and side of cajun crinkly fries



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
what the fukk???????? :gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci:

Yo...this motherfukker apologized to Erdogan in a phone call???? FOR BEATING PEOPLE UP??????? :mindblown:

Erdogan: Trump apologized to me over brawl between Turkish bodyguards and protesters
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that President Trump called him last week to apologize for the bloody fight between Erdogan’s security and protestors in D.C in May.

Erdogan told PBS NewsHour on Tuesday that Trump had “called me about a week ago about this issue.”

“He said that he was sorry and that he was going to follow up on this issue when we come to the United States within the framework for an official visit,” Erdogan said.

A grand jury indicted 19 defendants last month in the brawl that took place outside the Turkish embassy, including 15 Turkish security guards. Sixteen of those indicted were charged in June on criminal complaints.

Two of the defendants were arrested in June after the fight. The rest remain at large.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike
Last edited:


Mar 6, 2015
what the fukk???????? :gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci:

Yo...this motherfukker apologized to Erdogan?????????? :mindblown:

Erdogan: Trump apologized to me over brawl between Turkish bodyguards and protesters
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that President Trump called him last week to apologize for the bloody fight between Erdogan’s security and protestors in D.C in May.

Erdogan told PBS NewsHour on Tuesday that Trump had “called me about a week ago about this issue.”

“He said that he was sorry and that he was going to follow up on this issue when we come to the United States within the framework for an official visit,” Erdogan said.

A grand jury indicted 19 defendants last month in the brawl that took place outside the Turkish embassy, including 15 Turkish security guards. Sixteen of those indicted were charged in June on criminal complaints.

Two of the defendants were arrested in June after the fight. The rest remain at large.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike

I wish Obama went all out. Lifetime reparation payments for Descendants of Slaves type shyt.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Team Mueller expands!


Bob Mueller Brings on FBI Alum Stephen Kelly to Handle Capitol Hill
“We think he’s an a$$hole,” said one source who’s worked with Kelly in his new, previously unreported, role. Others, though, said he’s “tough” but “it’s never personal.”

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast

Having hired a host of seasoned federal prosecutors for his probe of the president’s associates, Bob Mueller has now brought on a liaison to Capitol Hill.

Stephen Kelly, formerly the longtime congressional affairs chief for the FBI, has joined the probe, according to several sources familiar with his new role.

“Stephen Kelly is exactly who I would hire if I wanted to share as little information with Congress as possible,” said a Hill staffer who has interacted with Kelly in his new role as Mueller’s congressional liaison.

While Mueller is the face of the investigations into potential coordination between Team Trump and the Kremlin, several Capitol Hill committees are also investigating the issue. And as soon as Mueller’s probe began, concerns emerged that the multiple investigations could butt heads.

So Kelly’s role is key. It’s his job to keep congressional investigators up to date on the special counsel’s probe. He’s also the point of contact for Capitol Hill staffers working on their own, separate Russia-related investigations, and he’s charged with preventing conflict between Mueller’s team and the Hill.

Kelly has been working alongside Mueller since the early days of the special counsel investigation. His role on the probe has not been previously reported.

“We think he’s an a$$hole,” said a source from a Capitol Hill committee that works closely with the Mueller probe. “It’s unfortunate because the relations with Mueller’s legal team are otherwise strong. The lawyers on each side have worked in the same space for years.”

Kelly undoubtedly has the requisite experience for the role. Before joining the FBI as Assistant Director for its Office of Congressional Affairs, he worked on Sen. Patrick Leahy’s (D-VT) Judiciary Committee staff.

And like other notable members of Mueller’s team––including Andrew Weissmannand Greg Andres––Kelly is an alum of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York, as his FBI bio details.

Kelly’s time at the FBI overlapped with the directorships of both Mueller and James Comey. A former intelligence committee staffer who worked with Kelly said he helped burnish both men’s reputations on the Hill.

“Comey also enjoyed a good relationship with people on the Hill, which you see even now,” the former intelligence committee staffer said, adding that at least some of that friendliness was due to Kelly’s work.

A retired senior FBI official said Kelly briefed Mueller and then Comey multiple times per week when each led the bureau.

When he represented the FBI on the Hill, Kelly was known as an aggressive, vocal advocate––willing to raise his voice and argue forcefully on behalf of the FBI.

Kelly’s last role at the FBI was in the general counsel’s office, according to the retired official, who said Kelly moved to that position from his post running the Bureau’s congressional relations. An FBI spokesperson declined to comment on Kelly’s work at the Bureau.

Capitol Hill staffers who dealt with Kelly during his time heading Congressional Affairs frequently used the word “tough” to describe him.

“He was tough when he needed to be on behalf of the bureau,” said the former intelligence committee staffer. “Some staffers take that personally, but it’s never personal.”

“If people are asking for things that are unreasonable, he’ll let them know that they’re unreasonable,” the former staffer added.

Another former staffer who worked with Kelly said Hill staffers were often frustrated he wouldn’t tell them more about ongoing FBI investigations, including into the Benghazi attacks and the Boston Marathon bombing.

“I think there will probably be tension with members of Congress who want more detail on where the Mueller probe is going,” that former staffer said.

Other Capitol Hill and administration alums told The Daily Beast this kind of tension is to be expected.

Jamil Jaffer, who as senior counsel for the House intelligence committee worked closely with Kelly and his team, said Kelly’s toughness will be an asset for Mueller.

“Stephen Kelly is a smart, hardworking guy who did a great job representing the FBI on Capitol Hill, and will do the same for Bob Mueller,” said Jaffer, who now heads the National Security Law and Policy Program at George Mason’s Antonin Scalia School of Law.

“The reality is that these positions are tough because they relate to an ongoing, continuing battle between the legislative and executive branches over what information can and should be shared,” Jaffer added. “Stephen Kelly is familiar with that battle and can help congressional staff get the information they need, but he can also tell them when he thinks they don’t need it.”

And Ronald Weich, who was Kelly’s Justice Department counterpart, told The Daily Beast that Kelly is hardworking and savvy.

“Stephen was very good at maintaining a bright-line to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations,” said Weich, who is now dean of the University of Baltimore’s law school. “He felt strongly about it and he was good at it.”

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike


Adeptus Brehstartes
Aug 6, 2017
what the fukk???????? :gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci::gucci:

Yo...this motherfukker apologized to Erdogan in a phone call???? FOR BEATING PEOPLE UP??????? :mindblown:

Erdogan: Trump apologized to me over brawl between Turkish bodyguards and protesters
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that President Trump called him last week to apologize for the bloody fight between Erdogan’s security and protestors in D.C in May.

Erdogan told PBS NewsHour on Tuesday that Trump had “called me about a week ago about this issue.”

“He said that he was sorry and that he was going to follow up on this issue when we come to the United States within the framework for an official visit,” Erdogan said.

A grand jury indicted 19 defendants last month in the brawl that took place outside the Turkish embassy, including 15 Turkish security guards. Sixteen of those indicted were charged in June on criminal complaints.

Two of the defendants were arrested in June after the fight. The rest remain at large.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike

This shyt is a circus
