Ms. Elaine

Spoiled Brat
Jan 10, 2016
Avocado Toast
What concern trolling? Pelosi and Schumer are weak. They allowed YEA votes from the party on some of the most controversial nominees for his cabinet. They got rid of the 60 vote rule when they had control of the senate.

He sent a tweet. A tweet. Not even a press release stating it. That's not forcing anyone's hand. That's just a comeback. Trump takes his tweeting seriously (if you can't tell), so you front him on him turf. You engage the media (who is on your side) in a press conference don't answer any questions, and have them hounding your opposition for an answer. He'll (or his administration will) have to back down on his tweet.

I'm glad you have something to be concerned about, but don't let it be me.

If you think Pelosi or Schumer are the right leaders for the party in Congress, you've got more problems with what the Democratic Party's ideology should be than a Republican who watches Fox News thinks a conservative should be.

And I'm not a "nikka", I'm a grown ass black MAN, so address me as one or shut the fukk up.

Hold a press conference for a picture that doesn't mean shyt and in the process distract from the main issue at hand - the fact that the AG committed PERJURY. :russ:

This thread Is currently talking about Jeff Sessions and you're busying trying to derail it debating the leadership capabilities of Nancy Pelosi and Chuch Schumer. :dame:

"nikka" once again keep your negative Nancy concern trolling, defeatist attitude mixed in with a bit of an inferiority complex to yourself. You aren't contributing anything to this thread.
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General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Schumer claps back!!!

The 2003 photo shows Schumer and Putin eating doughnuts in 2003 during Putin’s trip to New York to attend the opening of a Russian gas company’s station

:leon: Schumer with the counter punch


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
America really fukked this up :snoop:


Look at that fukking STARE :damn:

Putin FEARED Hillary.

fukking. Idiots. :wow:
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May 14, 2015
Hold a press conference for a picture that doesn't mean shyt and in the process distract from the main issue at hand - the fact that the AG committed PERJURY. :russ:

"nikka" once again keep your negative Nancy concern trolling, defeatist attitude mixed in with a bit of an inferiority complex to yourself. You aren't contributing anything to this thread.

You aren't contributing a damn thing. No ideas, no thoughts, just a bunch of trying to assert yourself as some sort of..... actually I don't know what you're trying to assert yourself as. I didn't know as being a black man, I had to have some sort inferiority complex, especially for discussing how a leader responds to a serious matter in our government. Didn't know I had to have an inferiority complex to say something about how the Democratic party has shot itself in the foot time and time again, and this time America can't afford stupid games. It's not trolling.

Yes, you hold a press conference unless you want your response to be handled as a zinger. Which no one is taking his tweet seriously. Not the media. Not anyone in this thread. And definitely not Trump or his administration. If the only thing you want is the AG to resign, instead of full investigation in to Trump's campaign, finances and links to Russia, you're misguided. But I forgot you're a guy who calls himself Ms. Elanie, so I shouldn't expect much more than that.

You're the type of person who doesn't see the endgame, and you think it's just some sort of cheerleading contest. He's not being prosecuted unless they think the statement was malicious. The only way to prove it was malicious is to investigate the meetings and why they had them. The only way to keep anyone from pleading the 5th or come up with a number of excuses to say why he misspoke in front of a congressional committee is to get an independent review of the all of the information beforehand. It's not defeatist. It's not negative. It's being realistic.

You know instead of just complaining about my posts.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
You aren't contributing a damn thing. No ideas, no thoughts, just a bunch of trying to assert yourself as some sort of..... actually I don't know what you're trying to assert yourself as. I didn't know as being a black man, I had to have some sort inferiority complex, especially for discussing how a leader responds to a serious matter in our government. Didn't know I had to have an inferiority complex to say something about how the Democratic party has shot itself in the foot time and time again, and this time America can't afford stupid games. It's not trolling.

Yes, you hold a press conference unless you want your response to be handled as a zinger. Which no one is taking his tweet seriously. Not the media. Not anyone in this thread. And definitely not Trump or his administration. If the only thing you want is the AG to resign, instead of full investigation in to Trump's campaign, finances and links to Russia, you're misguided. But I forgot you're a guy who calls himself Ms. Elanie, so I shouldn't expect much more than that.

You're the type of person who doesn't see the endgame, and you think it's just some sort of cheerleading contest. He's not being prosecuted unless they think the statement was malicious. The only way to prove it was malicious is to investigate the meetings and why they had them. The only way to keep anyone from pleading the 5th or come up with a number of excuses to say why he misspoke in front of a congressional committee is to get an independent review of the all of the information beforehand. It's not defeatist. It's not negative. It's being realistic.

You know instead of just complaining about my posts.

So Sessions is going to get away with perjury and no one will care enough to protest against it? :martin:

Ms. Elaine

Spoiled Brat
Jan 10, 2016
Avocado Toast
You aren't contributing a damn thing. No ideas, no thoughts, just a bunch of trying to assert yourself as some sort of..... actually I don't know what you're trying to assert yourself as. I didn't know as being a black man, I had to have some sort inferiority complex, especially for discussing how a leader responds to a serious matter in our government. Didn't know I had to have an inferiority complex to say something about how the Democratic party has shot itself in the foot time and time again, and this time America can't afford stupid games. It's not trolling.

Yes, you hold a press conference unless you want your response to be handled as a zinger. Which no one is taking his tweet seriously. Not the media. Not anyone in this thread. And definitely not Trump or his administration. If the only thing you want is the AG to resign, instead of full investigation in to Trump's campaign, finances and links to Russia, you're misguided. But I forgot you're a guy who calls himself Ms. Elanie, so I shouldn't expect much more than that.

You're the type of person who doesn't see the endgame, and you think it's just some sort of cheerleading contest. He's not being prosecuted unless they think the statement was malicious. The only way to prove it was malicious is to investigate the meetings and why they had them. The only way to keep anyone from pleading the 5th or come up with a number of excuses to say why he misspoke in front of a congressional committee is to get an independent review of the all of the information beforehand. It's not defeatist. It's not negative. It's being realistic.

You know instead of just complaining about my posts.

What does one have to do with the other, you stupid piece of shyt? :what: In fact, it can be argued that a resignation would expediaye or increase the likelihood of an investigation.

You're unwarrantly gassing up the Trump administration when they're in panic mode but nah, you don't have an inferiority complex. :dame:

You are living proof that "knowledge" isn't for everyone. You think you're being rational and making sense, but in reality you are not. The very definition of a smart dumb nikka. :francis:

Further cemented by the fact that you thought it was burn to accuse me of being a man. :ehh: