May 3, 2012
St louis

We Are Now in Cold War 2.0
Putin has given up on the White House—and that’s terrible news for Trump
John R. Schindler07/31/17 10:14am

Russian President Vladimir Putin. NATALIA KOLESNIKOVA/AFP/Getty Images
Such simplistic statements, implying that relations between two rival nuclear powers are based on a personal friendship between leaders, made American foreign policy mavens across the political spectrum wince. Trump was content to ignore the wide range of issues where Washington and Moscow are at odds—above all, Putin’s war on Ukraine and his saber-rattling in Eastern Europe.

As it turned out, I was an optimist. In the half-year since Donald Trump became our 45th president, his policies toward Putin have proven an obsequious hash. Still unable to admit the consensus of our Intelligence Community that Moscow interfered in our 2016 election—his election—Trump has kowtowed to the Kremlin strongman, including in public, to no effect except making his White House appear ridiculous.

Trump’s obvious desire to appease Moscow by returning their two spy centers in New York and Maryland that were shuttered by President Barack Obama in December in retaliation for Kremlin meddling in our election became an embarrassment among Republicans. Considering that those “dachas” functioned for decades as covert signals intelligence sites—the latter, located on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, was a particularly important SIGINT base for Moscow—that Trump wanted to hand them back to Russian intelligence raised awkward questions in Washington. Therefore, the idea died, much to Kremlin chagrin.

Above all, Putin wanted his American superfan, once in office, to lift the sanctions that Congress placed on Russia due to its aggressive war on Ukraine, which are doing real damage to Russia’s ailing economy. Sanctions relief is an obsession in Moscow these days, and most of the strange, secretive relations between Team Trump and the Kremlin during 2016 revolve around Russia’s ardent desire to escape the West’s painful sanctions regime.

That wish, too, has faltered. Last week, Congress approved continuing sanctions on Russia, and in fact increased them. This passed by overwhelming majorities—the tally was 98 to two in the Senate and 419 to three in the House—making them veto-proof. Adding insult to injury, Congress added a provison that the White House cannot lift any sanctions on Russia without approval from the Hill. Trump, thoroughly defeated and rebuked by his own party, has indicated he will sign the legislation—sheepishly, one assumes, since he really has no choice.

In response to such Congressional impudence, Putin has retaliated with unprecedented fury, de facto shuttering American diplomatic facilities in Russia. The Kremlin has ordered an astonishing cut of 755 personnel at our embassy in Moscow and our consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok by the beginning of September. This will leave 455 American diplomats in Russia, according to the Kremlin.

These numbers are mysterious, however, since there are nowhere near 755 American diplomats serving in Russia. As recently as 2013, the State Department employed1,279 people at its missions in Russia; of those, 301 were Americans while 934 were local-hires, what Foggy Bottom calls Foreign Service Nationals. Although few Americans realize it, these FSNs (as they’re known in diplo-speak) outnumber Americans at most of our embassies around the world.

Since there aren’t 755 American diplomats to kick out of Russia, this means Moscow wants the State Department to fire the lion’s share of its FSNs in the country. The Kremlin thereby means to cripple our diplomatic operations in Russia. It bears noting that Obama’s end-of-2016 retaliation against Putin required the sending of 35 Russian diplomats—in reality, they were all spies—back home. Russia’s response involves more than twenty-fold the number of State Department employees.

To call Putin’s push-back excessive is charitable. This sends an indelible message to Washington that the Kremlin seeks no parley with America. We are now unquestionably in Cold War 2.0—and perhaps worse. After all, you only shut down the other side’s diplomatic facilities in your country when you’re in an actual war with them. None of this bodes well for peace and international harmony.

That said, the person who ought to be really worried here is Donald Trump. He was elected with clandestine Kremlin help and he regularly hoisted fulsome praise on Vladimir Putin—and now it’s all fallen apart. Only six months into his presidency, Moscow has assessed that Trump is a naif, an incompetent weakling who cannot deliver what Russia needs. He is therefore expendable.

As stereotypical Chekists, Putin and his retinue wanted chaos in America in 2016 and that surely Trump has delivered, with myriad assistance from Russia’s intelligence agencies. The mounting political crisis that the president has put himself in will eventually be his undoing, and the Kremlin is content to watch the unfolding mess in Washington consume American politics for months, perhaps years to come.

Now that Trump is expendable to Moscow, he ought to worry that leaks unflattering to him and his entourage may go public. We know that Russian hackers pillaged Republicans as well as Democrats in 2016, while only the latter have been disseminated by Kremlin fronts. Not to mention Trump’s decades of shadowy financial dealings with Russian oligarchs, which the Kremlin surely knows all about. Putin is biding his time and, right now, he’s holding most of the important cards. He may ultimately decide Trump’s political fate, which now resides in Moscow’s hands.

John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he’s also been a Navy officer and a War College professor. He’s published four books and is on Twitter at @20committee.

the comb over gotta be shyttin kittens.



May 26, 2012
San Diego
He needs to be among the elite in order to report on them!! All of those sacrifices are for his listeners/viewers.

I can't remember the exact insane quote, but it was something like "I wear a blazer and a rolex watch the uniform of middle and working class, to show I am not a satanist, I am wearing the uniform of one to show none of this matters"

Jul 26, 2015
She has no choice it's pics of her and Flynn seated at the table with Putin in Russia on RT lmaoo

She lost me on the argument against sanctions and saying Russian interference wasn't definitive (the creepy zoomed in headshot of that clip aint help much either :hhh:), but I'm gonna need to see more proof than a picture of her sitting at a RT dinner that she herself posted on her own damn presidential website almost a whole year before the election before I conclude this is more than just Democrats crying about scapegoats for their own colossal fukk ups.

And what she was saying about North Korea wasn't a defense of them having nukes, it was her opposition to military action for regime change.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

U.S. embassy in Moscow says locked out of diplomatic property
  • 39m
  • 0
Cars drive past the U.S. embassy building in Moscow Thomson Reuters

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Moscow accused Russian authorities on Monday of barring diplomatic staff from a property on the outskirts of Moscow, after having earlier granted access until midday on Tuesday for them to retrieve belongings.

The Russian foreign ministry did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The property, in a picturesque spot on a bend in the Moskva river north-west of the Russian capital, is leased by the U.S. embassy for its staff to use for recreation.

Moscow has said it is taking it back as part of retaliatory measures after Washington approved a fresh round of sanctions against Russia.

A Reuters TV cameraman outside the country residence, known in Russian as a dacha, saw five vehicles with diplomatic license plates, including a truck, arrive at the site. He said they were denied entry.

An embassy spokeswoman said: "In line with the Russian government notification, the U.S. Mission to Russia was supposed to have access to our dacha until noon on Aug. 1.

"We have not had access all day today or yesterday," she said. "We refer you to the Russian government to explain why not."

(Reporting by Gennady Novik and Polina Devitt; Writing by Christian Lowe; Editing by Catherine Evans; Editing by)

Read the original article on Reuters. Copyright 2017. Follow Reuters on Twitter.
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State




Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role


Anthony Scaramucci spoke outside of the White House last week. Tom Brenner/The New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his position as communications director, three people close to the decision said Monday, relieving him just days after Mr. Scaramucci unloaded a crude verbal tirade against other senior members of the president’s senior staff.

Mr. Scaramucci’s abrupt removal came just 10 days after the wealthy New York financier was brought on to the West Wing staff, a move that convulsed an already chaotic White House and led to the departures of Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, and Reince Priebus, the president’s first chief of staff.

The decision to remove Mr. Scaramucci, who had boasted about reporting directly to the president not the chief of staff, John F. Kelly, came at Mr. Kelly’s request, the people said. Mr. Kelly made clear to members of the White House staff at a meeting Monday morning that he is in charge.

It was not clear whether Mr. Scaramucci will remain employed at the White House in another position or will leave altogether.