
Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
That's what I'm saying.....GOP thought they could reel this nikka in once he got in power Trump is like


He even bit part of Bane's speech at the Inauguration :wow:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This shyt would be HILARIOUS if the deal didn't go through :wow:

Scaramucci’s White House Role Raises Questions for Planned Sale of His Investment Firm
Decision over sale of SkyBridge Capital to China’s HNA could ultimately be in the hands of his boss, President Trump


In his first news conference Friday, Anthony Scaramucci said he had worked with the Office of Government Ethics ‘to take care of’ all conflicts of interest with his business.PHOTO: RON SACHS/CNP/ZUMA PRESS
Kate O’Keeffe and

Michael C. Bender
July 24, 2017 7:28 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON— Anthony Scaramucci’s appointment as White House communications director presents a sensitive situation for the planned sale of his investment company to a Chinese conglomerate—a deal that is now under government review.

Mr. Scaramucci first announced plans to sell a controlling stake in his hedge-fund investing firm, SkyBridge Capital, to Chinese giant HNA Group Co. in January in anticipation of joining the White House, he said. He didn’t get a job there at the time.

Meanwhile, the SkyBridge/HNA deal proceeded and, like many foreign deals, is facing a review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.

Mr. Scaramucci’s appointment to a White House position last week gives the review new significance. The committee, which reviews deals for national security concerns, is made up of top officials in the administration of President Donald Trump, and is led by the Treasury.

The panel, known as CFIUS, can approve a deal or recommend the president block it, meaning a transaction that Mr. Scaramucci stands to profit from could ultimately be in the hands of his boss, Mr. Trump.

The deal is worth $250 million, according to a person familiar with the matter. Securities filings indicate that Mr. Scaramucci has a 25%-to-50% stake in the firm, which would mean that he could stand to earn between $62.5 million and $125 million from the deal.

White House officials didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Mr. Scaramucci is far from the only official to face business issues as he joins the Trump administration.

Wilbur Ross Jr. , the billionaire private-equity investor whom Mr. Trump tapped to serve as secretary of Commerce, agreed to sell 80 assets worth at least $92 million. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was required to sell by mid-May more than $100 million of shares in CIT Group Inc., the financial firm he helped lead.

But ethics experts say the CFIUS involvement makes Mr. Scaramucci’s case unique, given that the White House and other senior Trump appointees have a hand in the outcome. In addition to Treasury, CFIUS includes representatives of the Justice, Commerce, Defense and State departments, and others, and the president has the right to overrule committee decisions.

The review is also occurring at a time when the government has ramped up its scrutiny of Chinese deals. The backers of at least five Chinese deals—including another one involving HNA—have recently refiled or said they would refile applications to the committee after failing to get CFIUS approval, according to people familiar with the matter and public disclosures.

In his first news conference Friday, Mr. Scaramucci said he had worked with the Office of Government Ethics “to take care of” all conflicts of interest with his business. “My start date is going to be in a couple of weeks, so that it’s a—100% totally cleansed and clean,” he said, later adding: “You want to go serve the country, and so the first thing you have to do is take on this mega opportunity cost by getting rid of all your assets, and so—but I’m willing to do that, because I love the country.”

The ethics office declined to comment.

President George W. Bush’s White House ethics lawyer, Richard Painter, said in an interview that he couldn’t recall a similar situation arising in which a deal by an incoming White House staffer was undergoing a CFIUS review. He recommended that the White House stay out of the process entirely and respect whatever decision CFIUS makes, without the president exercising his right to overrule it.

“The worst case is this deal gets approved and it looks like favoritism,” said Mr. Painter.

Under the terms of the deal, HNA, together with George Hornig-backed investment company RON Transatlantic, will take a stake of approximately 89% in SkyBridge, according to filings. HNA could end up with as much as 80% of SkyBridge, the filings indicate, while RON Transatlantic, which has been a minority shareholder for the past four years, could end up with between 9% and 38%, the filings show.

In recent weeks HNA has come under pressure from its own regulators back home as Beijing attempts to rein in some of its highest-profile private sector companies in what officials say is growing unease with their mounting debt and rising influence. Regulators last month ordered banks to scrutinize loans to HNA, one of China’s most acquisitive companies, and others. On Monday the closely held company unveiled a new ownership structure to try to clarify who ultimately controls it.

An HNA spokesman said in a statement Sunday: “HNA Group is a financially strong company with a robust, diversified balance sheet that reflects our continued growth and engagement across the capital markets.”

HNA has spent $5.68 billion on investments abroad so far this year, following $20 billion last year, according to Dealogic. The spreeincluded the company’s $6 billion deal for U.S. electronics distributor Ingram Micro Inc., which cleared CFIUS last year.

—Lisa Beilfuss in New York, Rebecca Ballhaus in Washington and Anjani Trivedi and Julie Steinberg in Hong Kong contributed to this article.

Write to Michael C. Bender at


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI

As I said in the transgender thread, these are marching orders. Conservatives know what they must do to win back this country and they will stop at nothing to see it through.

We're already 1 state away from changing the constitution:

Republicans already control Congress, the White House and more governors' offices than they have in nearly a century. But it's the state legislatures that hold perhaps the greatest promise for lasting change.

The GOP now holds numerical majorities in 33 legislatures, one shy of the two-thirds required to initiate a convention on constitutional amendments. There is no credible talk of using that power for amendments on hot-button social issues, such as banning abortion or gay marriage. But conservatives have a list of bread-and-butter governing issues they would like to see enshrined in the Constitution.

Don't get gassed over talks of implosion. If "mainstream" republicans and "conservative" Republicans get to 34, don't think for one second they're not going to shyt over every liberal policy and every democratic stronghold.

Do not for one second think you've won because Trump looks stupid.