
Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
For comedic value?
The only reasons I can think of is that he gets flustered up there, and he might walk into a "gotcha", or they need to conduct their business in public, and win the court of public opinion, because they can't really get anything done through the system with the republikunts controlling the majority.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?

And pretty soon it will come out she is a cancer patient, and the republikunts are gonna hit the fainting couch, clutching their rosary beads, talking about "the tolerant left". Guess what you fukking a$$holes, I for one am done playing nice, I'm going through it, and you want to take away my wife's coverage for no good reason but to erase Obama's legacy, suck my fukking dikk. Anybody that stood up there to support this president and his assault on a system that provides health care for our sickest and most vulnerable deserves to be a casualty. Fukk em all.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The New Presidential Interview


President Trump in the Oval Office at the conclusion of an interview with Reuters in February. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
WASHINGTON — As we walked out the door of the West Wing, the one sometimes guarded by a uniformed Marine and used by the president to greet visiting heads of state, editors back in the office texted the obvious question: Did we have any news?

Um, yes. Yes, we did. My colleagues Maggie Haberman, Michael Schmidt and I had just finished an interview with President Trumpone day last week and the challenge was not whether there was a headline but how many.

In just 50 minutes, the president undercut his attorney general by saying he regretted appointing him, accused a former F.B.I.director of trying to leverage compromising information against him, hinted that he might fire the special counsel examining Russian election meddling if the investigation strayed too far into his finances, and revealed that he had talked about sanctions with Russia’s president.

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Whatever else he is, Mr. Trump is a news machine. He generates headlines every time he speaks. He has made the White House press corps a growth industry. With other presidents, we sometimes struggled to find nuggets of news in an interview; with Mr. Trump we were overwhelmed. After the session on Wednesday, I have now interviewed seven presidents — some in office, some after they left — and with Mr. Trump the experience is strikingly different in almost every respect.

Bill Clinton was discursive, ranging widely over a variety of topics and citing at length arguments, anecdotes or pieces of information that had recently fascinated him, whether or not they related to the day’s news. He read voraciously and usually had a lot on his mind. These interviews were invariably compelling but not necessarily newsy, and pinning him down on questions was a challenge.

President Trump met with three New York Times reporters for an exclusive interview in the Oval Office. Peter Baker provides an inside look at key takeaways from the meeting that may not have made it to print.

July 21, 2017. Photo by Doug Mills. Watch in Times Video »
George W. Bush was more concise and stayed on topic — generally more reflective, thoughtful and informed than he was given credit for but highly disciplined about sticking to the message he wanted to impart. He gave interviews when he had a point to make. The trick was crafting a question that would surprise him and get him off script to say what he really thought about something.

Barack Obama enjoyed the give and take of an interview, but there was more give than take. He preferred professorial answers, speaking in full paragraphs. He was smart, logical and impressive. But reporters with long lists of questions watched the clock tick and strained to politely interrupt the world’s most powerful person in order to get to more than just a few of them.

None of these men came close to Mr. Trump in his capacity to provoke. A product of the New York tabloid world, Mr. Trump has an unerring instinct for saying things that will produce gasps. An aide may try to steer him away from perilous topics or suggest that something be said off the record, but he usually plows forward anyway. Indeed, while other presidents are routinely joined by multiple advisers and an official stenographer for such interviews, just one aide was present at ours.

This is hardly heedless. Mr. Trump toggled from on the record to off the record with remarkable fluidity. Clearly he was conscious that some things would be problematic if quoted, so it’s fair to conclude that the provocative things he said on the record were intentionally so. When we asked more than once whether he might fire the special counsel, he very consciously avoided a direct answer. (We pressed him repeatedly to stay on the record, and the vast majority of the time he did.)

Unlike with other presidents, though, there was no need to knock him off the script. He happily answered every question we asked, even if it would ultimately overshadow the designated messages of the day — in this case health care and made-in-America economics.

When it came to the Russia matter, he easily could have dismissed questions by saying — as have other presidents — that he could not comment on a continuing investigation. Instead, he teed off, presumably because he wanted to.

With Mr. Trump, the conversation is more rat-a-tat. He doesn’t mind if you interject. But he tends to veer wildly from thought to thought, moving on before you’ve fully explored what he just said.

His precision can be suspect — among other things, he mixed up details of a letter written by James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director; misconstrued the point of a story in The New York Times that annoyed him; and claimed that some people get health insurance for $12 a year. But the conversation moves so quickly from one newsworthy topic to another that it is hard to challenge each assertion.

For all the troubles of his presidency — he had just come from lunch with Republican senators trying to resurrect a health care bill that most think is dead — we found him in a relaxed, upbeat mood. There was none of the fiery media bashing that marks his public appearances. Is that, then, shtick to fire up the base, or genuine grievance? Probably a measure of both.

But he said he would talk with us again, even though we were from the “failing New York Times.”

We’re available anytime.