
Invokana Trump
Aug 23, 2015

Sean Spicer walks his dog in his Washington neighborhood | Daily Mail Online

Out of the doghouse! Sean Spicer takes his best friend out for a walk near his DC home as he relaxes after quitting as press secretary - and he even has a gift basket to enjoy

  • Spicer was photographed near his home in the Alexandria neighborhood walking his dog on Sunday morning
  • Ex-White House press secretary also received a delivery - which appeared to be a basket of food and drinks
  • The 45-year-old made headlines on Friday when he stunning resigned from his high-profile Washington role

PUBLISHED: 15:54 EDT, 23 July 2017 | UPDATED: 16:09 EDT, 23 July 2017

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Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer isn't letting his life go to the dogs after his stunning resignation.

Instead, the man who was once chiefly charged with spinning Donald Trump's message, was spotted taking his own dog out for a walk on Sunday morning.

The 45-year-old was wearing a navy blue t-shirt with what appeared to be the White House seal on the front, as well as some black shorts and blue trainers while taking his rescue pooch, Billy, for a stroll around his Alexandria neighborhood.

Spicer also received a special delivery, with a flower man spotted carrying a basket of goods to the front door. It was not entirely clear what was inside the care package, but it appeared someone had sent Spicey some chocolates and wine to help cope - or celebrate - his newfound unemployment.

The 45-year-old abruptly resigned Friday after his former boss hired Anthony Scaramucci to serve as the new White House communications director.

Spicer denounced what he considered Scaramucci's lack of qualifications, according to people familiar with the situation.

However, he was full of praise for Sarah Huckabee Sanders - who was promoted to become the new White House Press Secretary. 'I could not have asked for a better deputy that @SHSanders45 - she will be fantastic @PressSec and serve @POTUS & @WhiteHouse very well,' he tweeted after his shock resignation.


Sean Spicer is pictured taking his dog, Billy, out for a walk near his home in Washington DC on Sunday morning


Spicer made headlines by resigning from his role as White House Press Secretary on Friday in DC


Spicer is pictured stepping off the curb as he took his beloved pooch, Billy, out for a walk on Sunday morning near his DC home


The 45-year-old was wearing a navy blue t-shirt with what appeared to be the White House seal on the front, as well as some black shorts and blue trainers


The former White House press secretary is seen strolling up a hill with Billy during their venture out together on Sunday morning


Soicer is pictured returning to his home in Washington DC on Sunday morning as Billy the rescue dog follows along behind


Spicer is seen pushing open the door to his property in DC as he heads back inside after taking Billy for a walk on Sunday


A delivery man arrived at Spicer's home on Sunday morning with what appeared to be a care package in his hands


The deliveryman from a flower store on Spicer's doorstep was carrying a basketball that appeared to have chocolates and a bottle of some sort inside


Sean Spicer walks outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington after resigning his position on July 21




Spicer (left) abruptly resigned Friday after his former boss hired Anthony Scaramucci to serve as the new White House communications director
Alexandria is not in DC... Daily Mail is #fakenews

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
I really want the tape to leak to hear what his defense would be
1. It's fake

2. Part of it is real

3. It's all real but Hillary was selling our Kryptonite supply to Russia

4. "Welcome to the Sean Hannity show, you're all great Americans. Piss is great. Piss is an American tradition. All REAL Americans love a pisser and will not tolerate a non-pisser. When you put your hand into a puddle of piss that used to be a dry spot, you'll know what to do. We're going to run through ISIS like piss through the president! I would be happy to lead you fine gentlemen into piss anytime, anywhere."


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
1. It's fake

2. Part of it is real

3. It's all real but Hillary was selling our Kryptonite supply to Russia

4. "Welcome to the Sean Hannity show, you're all great Americans. Piss is great. Piss is an American tradition. All REAL Americans love a pisser and will not tolerate a non-pisser. When you put your hand into a puddle of piss that used to be a dry spot, you'll know what to do. We're going to run through ISIS like piss through the president! I would be happy to lead you fine gentlemen into piss anytime, anywhere."
I'm talking about the tape of him dropping the N word like its old hat


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I don't think the n word tape or piss tape will ever drop. That one dude who claims to have it might be bullshytting.
I'll rank the circumstances in terms of importance and possibility.

1. It may exist. If it doesn't leak, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist
2. Its possible that as the dossier is merely compiled evidence, that there may be some misunderstanding
3. Its possible that in the compilation of the dossier, misinformation was blatantly given to corrupt the quality of the data. Intelligence agencies do this all the time
4. Its possible he made it up.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
I really want the tape to leak to hear what his defense would be, and what black people would cape for him. I mean at this point, I'm pretty sure that everybody knows he has used the word pretty in a derogatory way in his personal life, you would have to be completely stupid or ignorant to not assume that. I bet you dollar to doughnuts that he would find some kind of way to blame it on Obama and "post racial" America. Go figure :yeshrug:

@Uncle Hotep would be like "Black people use that word all the time, what's the difference if Trump uses it"



Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
@Uncle Hotep would be like "Black people use that word all the time, what's the difference if Trump uses it"

All I know is that I would love to hear Scaramucci explain it "Listen folks, this man marched on Birmingham, went 14 rounds with Ali in his prime, trained Mike Tyson and let Cuss take all the credit, was very very close with brother Malcom, a dear, dear friend of Frederick Douglas, whom by the way, is doing great things, and people are really starting to recognize him, big league, Jake. If you want to claim that our beloved president, who is like a father to not only me, but everybody in this world, Jake, is a racist, I'm going to ask you this.....what is racism? An extension on the word race, right? Well ever hear of someone named Jesse Owens, folks? Well an anonymous source let me in on a little secret, ok? Donald J Trump was actually supposed to represent the US in 1936, as he was, and still is, the fastest runner in the world, but in true Trump fashion, he knew that Jesse really want to make a statement that year in Berlin, so he let Jesse run in his place.....which just goes to show you, when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice, do you follow me, Jakey boy? That anonymous source you ask, well how about the biggest champion of civil rights to ever live, it's Donald J Trump. Plus you can just ask anyone, anywhere, as a matter of fact, look no further than Diamond and Silk, two outstanding, fantastic, black women that officially speak for all black people from what I Jake, should I go further, or are you ready to apologize to this great, all loving, beautiful man, or are you gonna wait until his face is etched into Rushmore to pay him the respect that he obviously deserves?"
We need this in our lives


May 4, 2012
:lupe: I remember reading this article a way back will mueller now be able to request information from the british?

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives, the Guardian has been told.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State



‘I Did Not Collude,’ Kushner Says in Prepared Remarks to Senators




Jared Kushner at the White House in April. In his prepared remarks for the Senate, Mr. Kushner flatly denied participating in — or having knowledge about — any collusion with Russia. Doug Mills/The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, said on Monday that he had been unaware that a June 2016 meeting he attended at Trump Tower was set up in hopes that a Russian lawyer would provide the Trump campaign with damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

In prepared remarks to congressional investigators released by Mr. Kushner’s representatives, Mr. Kushner said he arrived at the meeting late and had been so uninterested in the discussion that he emailed his assistant to ask for her help escaping.

Mr. Kushner, who is to give his statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday, said he went to the meeting at the request of the president’s eldest son, Donald J. Trump Jr. Mr. Kushner said he did not read an email forwarded by the younger Mr. Trump saying that the Russian government was providing dirt about Mrs. Clinton as part of its effort to help the Trump campaign.


In his prepared remarks, Mr. Kushner gave his first public explanation of his contacts with Russian government officials and other Kremlin-connected people over the past year. He acknowledged that after the November election, he sought a direct line of communication to the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. He characterized that action as a routine part of his job in establishing foreign contacts for Mr. Trump’s transition team.


In the remarks, he flatly denied any collusion: “I had no improper contacts. I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government.”


The contacts with Russians by Mr. Kushner and by other senior members of the Trump campaign have taken on special significance. American intelligence agencies have concluded that Mr. Putin authorized a campaign of hacking and propaganda to try to tip the 2016 presidential election in Mr. Trump’s favor. The Justice Department and Congress are investigating whether anyone around Mr. Trump helped that effort, and whether the president has tried to impede the investigation.

Document: Read Jared Kushner’s Prepared Remarks

Mr. Kushner’s closed-door appearance before Senate Intelligence Committee investigators on Monday is the start of an important period in the inquiry, one that will keep the focus on Russia despite Mr. Trump’s repeated efforts to move past the controversy. Mr. Kushner is also scheduled to speak to the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.

Donald J. Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman, are negotiating with congressional investigators about when they will appear on Capitol Hill.

In his prepared remarks for the Senate, Mr. Kushner flatly denied participating in — or having knowledge about — any collusion with Russia. He said that his efforts during the transition to establish communications with Mr. Putin were proof that there were no communications with senior Kremlin officials during the campaign.

“The fact that I was asking about ways to start a dialogue after Election Day should of course be viewed as strong evidence that I was not aware of one that existed before Election Day,” Mr. Kushner said.

Mr. Kushner’s meetings during the transition with Russia’s ambassador to the United States and with a Russian banker have put him at the center of the controversy.

Mr. Kushner said he met the Russian ambassador, Sergei Kislyak, in November, along with Michael T. Flynn, a retired general who would become Mr. Trump’s national security adviser. Mr. Kushner said that he expressed hope during the meeting that the new administration would have an improved relationship with Moscow, and that he had asked Mr. Kislyak whom he should talk to who was in direct contact with Mr. Putin.

How Key Trump Associates Have Been Linked to Russia
Several are under scrutiny by the F.B.I. and Congress.

OPEN Graphic

Mr. Kislyak said “generals” in Russia had important information to share about Syria, Mr. Kushner recalled. The United States and Russia are the dominant proxy powers in Syria’s civil war.

“He asked if there was a secure line in the transition office to conduct a conversation,” Mr. Kushner said. “General Flynn or I explained that there were no such lines. I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use.”

That request, first reported by The Washington Post and since confirmed by former senior American officials, generated suspicion that Mr. Kushner was trying to avoid American surveillance. Mr. Kushner denied that. “I did not suggest a secret back channel,” he said. When Mr. Kislyak rejected the idea of using the Russian Embassy, Mr. Kushner said, they dropped the discussion.


Days later, Mr. Kushner met Sergey Gorkov, the head of Vnesheconombank, a lender that is under American sanctions. Mr. Kushner said that Mr. Kislyak had described Mr. Gorkov as someone “with a direct line to the Russian president who could give insight into how Putin was viewing the new administration and best ways to work together.”


Mr. Gorkov gave Mr. Kushner a piece of art and a bag of dirt from Novgorod, his family’s ancestral village in Belarus. “He said that he was friendly with President Putin, expressed disappointment with U.S.-Russia relations under President Obama and hopes for a better relationship in the future,” Mr. Kushner said. He said that he had regarded it as a campaign meeting and that business deals were not discussed. And Mr. Kushner said he had disclosed the gifts to the transition office — a sign, he said, that the meeting was no secret.


Mr. Kushner said he did not discuss specific policies, including American sanctions against Russia, with either Mr. Kislyak or with Mr. Gorkov.

Conversations with foreign officials and business leaders are common during a presidential transition. But Mr. Kushner’s meetings attracted special attention because he did not immediately disclose them on federal forms required for his security clearance. Mr. Kushner said that his staff members had inadvertently filed an incomplete form, leaving off all foreign contacts — not just Russian ones — as well as other information.


Several White House aides have privately expressed concern about selective leaks of information after Mr. Kushner’s appearance in closed-door session before the Senate Intelligence Committee. By making his prepared remarks public, Mr. Kushner is ensuring that his version of the events of the past year is seen in full.

In recent days, two of Mr. Trump’s aides who have been the focus of congressional investigators have voiced concerns about what Mr. Kushner may encounter on Monday.

Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign aide who spoke to the House Intelligence Committee in a closed session on July 14, has urged officials to release a transcript of his appearance after a Democratic congresswoman who did not attend the hearing told CNN that Mr. Caputo may have “lied” to the committee.


“I’m warning anybody who would listen against doing a closed hearing in the future,” Mr. Caputo said in an interview.

Roger Stone, one of Mr. Trump’s longest-serving advisers, was scheduled to appear at a closed session this week, but it was postponed.

Mr. Stone said he wanted to make an immediate release of the transcript of the session a condition of his appearance.

“It’s not an unreasonable request,” Mr. Stone said. “Everybody in this lineup should be concerned.”

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @Cali_livin @Menelik II @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike
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the artist known az

Hail the victors
May 3, 2012
TSC FA' Life #ByrdGang
Kushner is spouting typical cac privilege trying to get out of this...blaming others (Kislyak setting up the back channel, his assistants for hitting send to quick on his forms), innocent ignorance (I didn't read the whole email chain or the subject line, I was new at this, I don't have experience in this). While his stupid ass father in law was throwing all these responsibilities at him why didn't he suggest working with an established person who has years of experience? You're either too incompetent or you knew all along whtat the fukk you were doing....either way you need to step aside