
May 7, 2012
Not sure if this was posted.

Trump’s lawyer in Russia probe has clients with Kremlin ties

Trump's lawyer represents a Putin lackey oligarch and the bank Kushner met with recently (he needs $250M+ to refinance debt on a property). Few choice quotes.

Deripaska has said congressional investigators have contacted his attorneys seeking information about his business dealings with Paul Manafort, a Trump campaign manager during the presidential campaign. More than a decade ago, Deripaska invested in a fund that Manafort set up in the Cayman Islands that bought assets primarily in Ukraine.

The Associated Press reported in March that Manafort “secretly worked for” Deripaska as far back as 2006 to influence politics and business dealings inside the United States to benefit Putin’s government. Manafort signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006 and maintained a business relationship until at least 2009, the AP reported.

Deripaska has denied the report, and he sued the AP for libel last month. Deripaska said he “never had any arrangement, whether contractual or otherwise, with Mr. Manafort to advance the interests of the Russian government,” according to the lawsuit. In newspaper ads taken out after the AP story, he said, “I want to resolutely deny this malicious assertion and lie.”

Former associates of Sberbank, the other Russia-tied Kasowitz client, also have come under scrutiny in media reports.

The bank’s former vice president, who is now chief executive of another Russian state-owned financial institution, Vnesheconombank, met with Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner, in December.

Kushner’s interactions with the Russian banker are a part of the FBI’s investigation into potential coordination between Moscow and the Trump campaign team.

Sberbank was one of the sponsors of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow produced by Trump, who owned the competition. The deputy head of the bank at the time was Sergey Gorkov, who met with Kushner in December. Gorkov, a graduate of the academy of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, the domestic successor of the former Soviet KGB intelligence bureau, was named to head VEB in February 2016.

VEB has maintained that Gorkov’s meeting with Kushner was part of a new business strategy and was conducted with Kushner in his role as the head of his family’s real estate business. The White House has said the meeting was unrelated to business and was one of many diplomatic encounters the soon-to-be presidential adviser was holding ahead of the inauguration.


May 3, 2012

Stuff like that is why reddit is so entertaining and interesting.
Yet there's a certain section of the coli that insists it's nothing but racism.


thecoli is stupid. reddit has so much knowledge, its crazy.

reddit has 200 mil users a month. and it really depends. you could go on reddit at 11a and a thread about a police shooting could be full of racists screaming all lives matter. same thread gets posted at 4pm and you'd see some smart self aware people posting.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
So, it is believed, if the reports are true from sources inside the IC, that folks that are/were part of Trumps team colluded with Russian state actors to obtain the democratic parties emails/get inside thier main server to find the Clinton campaigns voter targeting strategies, as well as find and release emails from within the party. It is believed that Carter Page, Roger Stone were part of this collusion operation. There was also a massive effort to weaponize disinformation about the content of the email leaks on the part of the Russian govt, in collusion with at least Roger Stone, possibly infowars (may have been incidental), definitely Wikileaks
Nothing so far has been reported that Trump was part of this effort directly, but while investigating the Russian hacking, through incedental intercepts, Paul Manafort's name has come up, so after some journalistic investigation into Paul Manafort, it has been proven that Paul Manafort has very strong ties to the pro-Putin party in Ukraine, and should have registered as a foreign agent. That investigation is on going.
All the while, Mike Flynn, Trumps pick as the NSA, was a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey, and also took money from the Russian state run media group. We all know what happened there.
How we got to where we are now, 2 things, 1 Trump most likely obstructed justice by trying to get heads of IC departments to let Flynn off the hook, 2 Trump to this point has refused to admit or say that Russia tried to interfere with our election, which doesn't make any sense at this point.
Now that there is a special investigation, we are slowly finding out about secret meetings with members of his administration and Russian actors, some of the dossier has been confirmed, and then he fired the FBI director, went on TV and admitted it was because of the Russia investigation. With the team that Mueller is assembling, it is obvious at this point that they are following the money, and he has always had dirty money.
It's pretty obvious, optic wise, at this point that he has some kind of Russian connection through money, historically, but we are going to find out how recent and deep those ties go through this investigation. He is not doing himself any favors at all not renouncing Russia's attempts to interfere with our elections, at least as the president of the United States, even with all the pressure on him to do so, he just flat out refuses. That of course does not make him guilty, in the United States, innocent until proven guilty, but, imo, you have to have the blinders on to not be bracing for something to break.
In this thread, we are prepared, putting the pieces together through others investigative journalism, and for the most part all agree on the fact that with all the nefarious actions by Trump and his administration, that folks are gonna get their issue.
There are so many things that I am leaving out, but that's what the thread is for, so many things in here.
I'm presenting you with my perspective, which I'm sure is shared by many in this thread. Nobody is going to change our minds on what we see, through senate and house investigations, investigative journalism, testimony under oath, etc.. there is enough evidence there to confirm to the contributors in this thread that this president and administration is corrupt, unethical, and guilty of crimes including, but not limited to obstruction, treason, fraud, and perjury.
Trolls derail this thread, and try to get the contributors of this thread off message, off topic, that is why we want them out. I respectfully have been keeping out of the Trumpset threads and will try my hardest not to engage the Trump fans on this site in threads created by Trump fans, because I realize we shouldn't b1tch about trolls and then go and fukk with those folks in their own threads.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
So, it is believed, if the reports are true from sources inside the IC, that folks that are/were part of Trumps team colluded with Russian state actors to obtain the democratic parties emails/get inside thier main server to find the Clinton campaigns voter targeting strategies, as well as find and release emails from within the party. It is believed that Carter Page, Roger Stone were part of this collusion operation. There was also a massive effort to weaponize disinformation about the content of the email leaks on the part of the Russian govt, in collusion with at least Roger Stone, possibly infowars (may have been incidental), definitely Wikileaks
Nothing so far has been reported that Trump was part of this effort directly, but while investigating the Russian hacking, through incedental intercepts, Paul Manafort's name has come up, so after some journalistic investigation into Paul Manafort, it has been proven that Paul Manafort has very strong ties to the pro-Putin party in Ukraine,
and should have registered as a foreign agent. That investigation is on going.
All the while, Mike Flynn, Trumps pick as the NSA, was a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey, and also took money from the Russian state run media group. We all know what happened there.
How we got to where we are now, 2 things, 1 Trump most likely obstructed justice by trying to get heads of IC departments to let Flynn off the hook, 2 Trump to this point has refused to admit or say that Russia tried to interfere with our election, which doesn't make any sense at this point.
Now that there is a special investigation, we are slowly finding out about secret meetings with members of his administration and Russian actors, some of the dossier has been confirmed, and then he fired the FBI director, went on TV and admitted it was because of the Russia investigation. With the team that Mueller is assembling, it is obvious at this point that they are following the money, and he has always had dirty money.
It's pretty obvious, optic wise, at this point that he has some kind of Russian connection through money, historically, but we are going to find out how recent and deep those ties go through this investigation. He is not doing himself any favors at all not renouncing Russia's attempts to interfere with our elections, at least as the president of the United States, even with all the pressure on him to do so, he just flat out refuses. That of course does not make him guilty, in the United States, innocent until proven guilty, but, imo, you have to have the blinders on to not be bracing for something to break.
In this thread, we are prepared, putting the pieces together through others investigative journalism, and for the most part all agree on the fact that with all the nefarious actions by Trump and his administration, that folks are gonna get their issue.
There are so many things that I am leaving out, but that's what the thread is for, so many things in here.
I'm presenting you with my perspective, which I'm sure is shared by many in this thread. Nobody is going to change our minds on what we see, through senate and house investigations, investigative journalism, testimony under oath, etc.. there is enough evidence there to confirm to the contributors in this thread that this president and administration is corrupt, unethical, and guilty of crimes including, but not limited to obstruction, treason, fraud, and perjury.
Trolls derail this thread, and try to get the contributors of this thread off message, off topic, that is why we want them out. I respectfully have been keeping out of the Trumpset threads and will try my hardest not to engage the Trump fans on this site in threads created by Trump fans, because I realize we shouldn't b1tch about trolls and then go and fukk with those folks in their own threads.
:salute:Fair enough.


Nov 26, 2013
*Waiting for evidence*

:ohhh:you show a certain bold indifference to the FBI's reputation and 2 ton king kong-ness, it's rather entertaining :lolbron:

Below is an excerpt of how it went down for SAC hedge fund, the blue is to show you the cold ass motherfukkness of the FBI, the red is to give you a hint of what is happening right the fukk now to the Trump-Russia mob coalition

So the authorities approached hedge-fund employees, one by one, confronting them with evidence of their crimes and asking them what else they knew. Because the suspects weren’t anticipating being under surveillance, the F.B.I. could tail them for weeks. Then one day, as a suspect headed into a coffee shop and prepared to place his usual order, an agent would sidle up and place the order for him.

The tactics echoed the approach the F.B.I. had used to dismantle the New York Mob. The plan was to arrest low-level soldiers, threaten them with lengthy jail terms, and then flip them, gathering information that could lead to arrests farther up the criminal hierarchy. Over time, agents produced an organizational chart with names and faces, just as they had with La Cosa Nostra. At the top of the pyramid was Steven Cohen.
Inside the Biggest-Ever Hedge-Fund Scandal

you gon learn:lolbron:


Nov 26, 2013
So, it is believed, if the reports are true from sources inside the IC, that folks that are/were part of Trumps team colluded with Russian state actors to obtain the democratic parties emails/get inside thier main server to find the Clinton campaigns voter targeting strategies, as well as find and release emails from within the party. It is believed that Carter Page, Roger Stone were part of this collusion operation. There was also a massive effort to weaponize disinformation about the content of the email leaks on the part of the Russian govt, in collusion with at least Roger Stone, possibly infowars (may have been incidental), definitely Wikileaks
Nothing so far has been reported that Trump was part of this effort directly, but while investigating the Russian hacking, through incedental intercepts, Paul Manafort's name has come up, so after some journalistic investigation into Paul Manafort, it has been proven that Paul Manafort has very strong ties to the pro-Putin party in Ukraine, and should have registered as a foreign agent. That investigation is on going.
All the while, Mike Flynn, Trumps pick as the NSA, was a foreign agent on behalf of Turkey, and also took money from the Russian state run media group. We all know what happened there.
How we got to where we are now, 2 things, 1 Trump most likely obstructed justice by trying to get heads of IC departments to let Flynn off the hook, 2 Trump to this point has refused to admit or say that Russia tried to interfere with our election, which doesn't make any sense at this point.
Now that there is a special investigation, we are slowly finding out about secret meetings with members of his administration and Russian actors, some of the dossier has been confirmed, and then he fired the FBI director, went on TV and admitted it was because of the Russia investigation. With the team that Mueller is assembling, it is obvious at this point that they are following the money, and he has always had dirty money.
It's pretty obvious, optic wise, at this point that he has some kind of Russian connection through money, historically, but we are going to find out how recent and deep those ties go through this investigation. He is not doing himself any favors at all not renouncing Russia's attempts to interfere with our elections, at least as the president of the United States, even with all the pressure on him to do so, he just flat out refuses. That of course does not make him guilty, in the United States, innocent until proven guilty, but, imo, you have to have the blinders on to not be bracing for something to break.
In this thread, we are prepared, putting the pieces together through others investigative journalism, and for the most part all agree on the fact that with all the nefarious actions by Trump and his administration, that folks are gonna get their issue.
There are so many things that I am leaving out, but that's what the thread is for, so many things in here.
I'm presenting you with my perspective, which I'm sure is shared by many in this thread. Nobody is going to change our minds on what we see, through senate and house investigations, investigative journalism, testimony under oath, etc.. there is enough evidence there to confirm to the contributors in this thread that this president and administration is corrupt, unethical, and guilty of crimes including, but not limited to obstruction, treason, fraud, and perjury.
Trolls derail this thread, and try to get the contributors of this thread off message, off topic, that is why we want them out. I respectfully have been keeping out of the Trumpset threads and will try my hardest not to engage the Trump fans on this site in threads created by Trump fans, because I realize we shouldn't b1tch about trolls and then go and fukk with those folks in their own threads.



Nov 26, 2013
Her legacy will be forever tied to the work she is doing in regards to this sh1t bags presidency. She has been absolutely masterful in the last 6 months, and it took ALOT to convert me to her show, I used to fukking despise her. Even after that tax return gaffe, MORE people are tuning in to see her show, and staying. She is the perfect media foil to Trump sicko fans, btw, because all they have to make fun of her about are the fact that she is a lesbian, which makes them look just awful, the sh1t they say just confirm and reinforce all the hateful, sexist stereotypes that they claim that they are very unfairly tagged with. She gets the best guests, and is a host that actually takes the time to make her guests explain to the audience the content they are providing, which is very important, I don't know how many times I went into watching a segment not know what the fukk they were talking about, and then perfectly understanding after they pretty much eli5. My only complaint lately has been the overuse of the word "contemporaneous", but that's not just her, I have heard that term more in the last 2 weeks than I have in my entire life.
I am a fan for life based on her Trump Russia take down, she is riveting