
Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
If you were stupid enough to fall for Trumps shyt and voted for him. You should reconsider your life's worth and probably off yourself. How the fukk did anybody fall for this. These people are idiots yet dumb fukks allowed them to get to this level. I still marvel at how fukking retarded people are. :mindblown:

White Supremacy man this is what America has been made of. Bottom Line. They rather have a white man destroy than a Black man or another minority make great.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
If you were stupid enough to fall for Trumps shyt and voted for him. You should reconsider your life's worth and probably off yourself. How the fukk did anybody fall for this. These people are idiots yet dumb fukks allowed them to get to this level. I still marvel at how fukking retarded people are. :mindblown:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
They must have a picture of him with a boy in his bed or some crazy shyt. No way a big shot lawyer like Dowd willingly goes along with some silly shyt like this.
Putin was probably pegging him :upsettrump:


May 7, 2012
yeah they were. You can search on had people actually thinking war would happen between russia and the USA...thats flat out Kremlin propaganda designed to paralyze idiots into inaction against Russian aggression.

among the followers yes they may be dumb enough to believe this might cause war. but the journalists/media figures who push the "you're going to lead us to ww3!" line, IMO, don't truly believe that. it's just what they have to say in order to appear as though their hesitation in pursuing impeachment etc is centered around a desire to prevent war. they're not stupid, just disingenuous.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
I doubt the oompa loompa writes its all his tweets but everything posted on his account is definitely cosigned by him...

It is possible Dowd drafted the tweet and the WH designated tweeter tweeted it...

Dowd needs to say that to Mueller though so he's on record for possible purgery...



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
among the followers yes they may be dumb enough to believe this might cause war. but the journalists/media figures who push the "you're going to lead us to ww3!" line, IMO, don't truly believe that. it's just what they have to say in order to appear as though their hesitation in pursuing impeachment etc is centered around a desire to prevent war. they're not stupid, just disingenuous.
Again, don't attribute to malice what could be explained by stupidity.

A lot of these guys were on that "Hillary is more dangerous" bullshyt.

Look at dweebs like H.A. Goodman.

Heres evidence of that ww3 bullshyt on this very forum:

It's looking like Trump or die more and more each day:francis: b-bbbut Trump's gonna start WW3. fukk :francis:
i think i'm leaning towards trump now.

no he's not the perfect candidate but maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a guy who has a psychotic drive to win and compete in the oval office, someone who has a fresh perspective and isn't loyal to the current establishment. yea he spews a lot of BS in his speeches but i know he's just out there playing politics like hillary is, his is just off color.

he knows he can't hang with her on specifics so he has to engage her on a different level. in the end it shouldn't be about their speeches and their pandering skills, it should be on ideas. trump's ideas don't sound so bad to me. no i don't think we should ban muslims period but he is the only candidate treating this issue with the seriousness it deserves. like someone said it's not like he's gonna be king and get to do whatever he wants.

also it should be obvious by now that the establishment and their corporate interests are what's really killing this country and they are legit shook at the idea of this outsider coming and changing up the status quo. it's a shame they've convinced so many people he's a racist bigot who plans on starting WW3.

all in all i really can't wait for the debates, i really can't.

The corporate media in Spanish is STRONG for Hillary.

They themselves loved Bill and can't stand Trump

But I told them if Hillary wins it's WW3 potential in these streets.

Spread love, brehs

Far less likely than Shilary actually who is pro-intervention like her idol Kissinger...

Trump is for beefing up the military for defensive purposes...He wants us to put an end to the catastophic US policy of playing world police, secure our borders and make our allies carry their own weight...Nothing here screams WW3...Where he goes off the deep end is calling for disbanding NATO which is absolute lunacy...As crazy as that is though, disbanding NATO wouldn't lead to a World War, that would just make us isolationist...

Shilary continuing the policies of fighting proxy wars (funding terrorists) to overthrow governments she doesn't like while destabilizing an entire region is the recipe for doomsday...It also doesn't bode well for Shilary that Putin absolutely despises and has no respect for her whatsoever...He is going to flex on this bytch every chance he gets with no fukks given...

less likely...he will side with Russia not fight them

and there is no potential for WW3 if trump wins? :patrice:

Didn't you retire, Victor?

Hillary posed(she lost, you lost, nap lost) a far greater threat to a potential WW3 scenario than any other candidate. I'm not sure if you've had shades on the past 8 years but the Democratic establishment waged war against seven countries while undermining aspiring democracies and throwing them into the hands of pieces of shyt. That does not absolve Republicans of their filth (Iraq and Afghanistan) but you really should question why you think Dems are on any kind of moral high ground in regards to war. The only party advocating war and increasing tensions right now are the Dems which if we really think about it is absolutely absurd.

This California US Rep thinks he's witty and Nap thinks its hardcore evidence of whatever bullshyt claim he's making today. Straight up fear mongering.
Clinton, huh? :leon: How ironic :mjgrin:

Try to get the Russians to blow up America and start WW3, brehs.

Work for the demonic Elite, brehs. :duck:

Have your plans dismantled by the Most High, brehs :umad:
He probably ain't wrong :ehh:

Trump: Taking back Crimea would trigger World War III
The Republican presidential candidate assessed the geopolitical situation in Ukraine.



8/1/16, 10:15 PM CET
Updated 8/1/16, 10:15 PM CET

World War III would break out if the United States were to intervene and take back Crimea from Russia on behalf of Ukraine, Donald Trump declared Monday, in his latest statement explaining his assessment of the geopolitical situation.

Trump mocked media coverage of his interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that suggested he did not know that Russia had already invaded Crimea, which was a part of Ukraine, in 2014 and subsequently annexed it.

“I know it exactly. Two years ago, approximately. OK? Approximately. It was taken during Obama’s watch,” Trump told a crowd in Columbus, Ohio.
“So when I said believe me, Russia’s not going into Ukraine, all right? They’re not going into Ukraine, the person said, but they’re already in Ukraine,” Trump said, referring to Stephanopoulos. “I said, yeah, well [that] was two years ago. I mean, do you want to go back, do you want to have World War III to get it back? That was during Obama’s watch.”

Trump: Taking back Crimea would trigger World War III
they created the environment for the frankenstein of trolls to take them out :banderas:we're a nation of trolls trolling each other, we might as well have the king of them all as prez. and its not like trump is as foolhardy as it seems. he'd probably cobble together a decent cabinet..meanwhile, back in kennebunkport, 17/20 of george dubya's foreign policy advisors are on jeb's staff :demonic:

in regards to the WW3 comments...both parties are putting in a hawk. i said it before and ill say it again. clinton is a neo-con in foreign policy...hell, trump may wind up being more fastidious than her in foreign policy..he wouldnt want his beautiful buildings put in harms way :steviej:

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
Again, don't attribute to malice what could be explained by stupidity.

A lot of these guys were on that "Hillary is more dangerous" bullshyt.

Look at dweebs like H.A. Goodman.

Heres evidence of that ww3 bullshyt on this very forum:

my post that you quoted doesn't support what you're saying about HA Goodman, nor does it really have anything to do with the guy you're originally quoting's talk on WW3.

i fukking hate HA Goodman, i think jill stein is looney (which is who the thread you're quoting me from is based on) and my post was implying that trump was likely to lead us to WW3 if anything, nothing to do with hillary being more dangerous. i didn't find hillary more dangerous, that's why i voted for her despite her sad excuse for a presidential campaign.

stop trying to brainwash your weird cult in this thread with out of context quotes from me breh.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The Justice Department has agreed to allow congressional investigators to interview a key FBI employee believed to have served as the main contact, or "handler" of, former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele usual, Nunes is trying to stop the investigation

Justice Dept. offers up key witness in Russia probe as House Intel Chair threatens contempt
Washington (CNN)The Justice Department has agreed to allow congressional investigators to interview a key FBI employee believed to have served as the main contact, or "handler" of, former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, who compiled the so-called "dossier" of allegations about President Donald Trump's connections to Russia, according to a department spokesperson.

The interview, the product of a month-long negotiation, comes as a spat between Justice officials and the House Intelligence Committee has spilled into public view without much context.

Shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday, President Donald Trump fired off a tweet taking aim at the Justice Department and FBI -- this time accusing his top law enforcement agencies of stymieing the Intelligence Committee's Russia probe.

Fox News had just aired a report indicating a senior counsel for House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes had recommended he pursue "contempt of Congress citations" against the top leadership at the Justice Department and FBI due to their purported failure to comply with subpoena requests regarding the dossier.
"Give this information NOW!" Trump tweeted.

The House of Representatives seeks contempt citations(?) against the JusticeDepartment and the FBI for withholding key documents and an FBI witness which could shed light on surveillance of associates of Donald Trump. Big stuff. Deep State. Give this information NOW! @FoxNews

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 8:03 PM - Nov 29, 2017

In reality, sources familiar with the negotiations tell CNN that despite Nunes' public accusations of "stonewalling," the Justice Department met with Nunes nearly two months ago, and his Intelligence Committee staff members have reviewed -- over the course of the past two months -- highly classified materials regarding the dossier, including significant details on who paid for it, if anyone, and what, if anything, the FBI did to verify its contents.

Indeed, mere hours before Fox News ran its story Wednesday evening, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- who has stepped into the shoes of Attorney General Jeff Sessions after he recused himself from all matters related to the FBI's Russia investigation -- had been on the phone with Nunes and agreed to permit House investigators to interview FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as long as he's not questioned about special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing Russia investigation.

Nunes escalated the feud over the weekend, accusing the Justice Department of "disingenuousness" and threatening top officials at the department and the FBI with contempt of Congress if they do not meet his subpoena demands by Monday evening.

"We disagree with the Chairman's characterization and will continue to work with congressional committees to provide the information they request consistent with our national security responsibilities," Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores said in a statement Sunday. "The Department has already provided members of (the House Intelligence Committee) and House leadership with several hundred pages of classified documents and multiple briefings -- including, for example, clear answers as to whether any FBI payments were made to a source in question related to the dossier -- and has more recently cleared key witnesses they have requested to testify, including Mr. McCabe, Mr. (Peter) Strzok, and the alleged handler in question."

The dossier

The circumstances surrounding the Steele dossier and its funding sources have proved to be an oft-repeated critique used by the Trump White House amid a political and legal maelstrom of Russia-related investigations.

Originally funded by Republican opponents of Trump during the primary campaign, news reports have since revealed that a law firm for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee later helped fund opposition research on Trump by retaining the intelligence firm Fusion GPS, which in turn hired Steele.
"Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?" Trump tweeted in October, adding two days later, "Justice Department and/or FBI should immediately release who paid for it."

Officials behind the now discredited "Dossier" plead the Fifth. Justice Department and/or FBI should immediately release who paid for it.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 2:59 PM - Oct 21, 2017

Nunes issued subpoenas for Fusion GPS's financial records in October, and later reached a confidential agreement with the research firm and its bank -- a resolution Nunes said at the time would "secure the committee's access to the records necessary for its investigation."
But a separate pair of subpoenas issued by the House Intelligence Committee back in late August to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray, asked for a broad range of documents connected to the dossier, including those related to any payments the FBI made to Steele, efforts to corroborate any information he provided, and whether the FBI used information from the dossier to apply for warrants to conduct surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act on Trump associates, according to a letter obtained by CNN in September.

Despite his public assurance that he was stepping aside from the Russia probe and delegate authority to Rep. Mike Conaway of Texas, Nunes signed the subpoenas.
Nunes became the subject of an ethics investigation after embarking on a clandestine trip to the White House in March to inform the President that his communications may have been swept up in surveillance of foreign targets. Democrats cried foul, but Nunes has denied any wrongdoing.

Intelligence Committee ranking Democrat Adam Schiff, of California, expressed concern Sunday over the subpoena process.

"I am concerned ... that our chairman is willing to use the subpoena and contempt power of the House, not to determine how the Russians interfered in our election or whether the President obstructed Justice, but only to distract from the core of our investigation," Schiff said in a statement.

Nunes doesn't attend briefing

Nunes, a California Republican, has nevertheless forged ahead with his own inquiries related to the dossier, accusing the Justice Department and FBI of failing to cooperate along the way.

"We're trying to work with DOJ and the FBI. We hope that they will comply, but if they don't, they leave us with very little option," Nunes told Fox News last week, adding that the "subpoenas still haven't been complied with" and "stonewalling would be putting it lightly" -- an assertion that left officials at the Justice Department scratching their heads.

By late September, department officials believed they'd reached an agreement with the committee to provide a substantive briefing with the FBI, in bipartisan fashion, to Nunes and Schiff.

When it came time for the meeting, however, Nunes' committee staff insisted it was supposed to be for Republicans only -- leading Justice officials to provide two separate (though substantively identical) briefings, first to Nunes and then to Schiff, according to a source with knowledge of the briefings.

Later in October, Justice Department officials invited Nunes, Schiff, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and their staff members to review certain highly classified materials in a secure location at the department with officials from the FBI.

Nunes didn't show up.

A spokesman for Nunes declined to address why in response to inquiries from CNN.

According to sources familiar with the October review session, Schiff and his committee staff attended along with aides to Nunes and Pelosi. They were permitted to review copies of highly classified materials, a document showing the original establishment of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation and who authorized it, and a read-out from a high-level national security briefing the FBI provided to both presidential campaigns regarding potential foreign interference from foreign actors, including Russia.

Additional questions Nunes' team has been focused on, including what, if anything, the FBI did to verify information in the dossier, whether the FBI paid Steele, and who paid Fusion GPS (including if any Republicans did) were also answered, the sources said.

When CNN asked about what the payment history shows, if anything, the Justice Department declined to comment

Contempt threat

Meanwhile, Rosenstein has been fielding a series of calls not only from Nunes, but also from Speaker Ryan.

After Nunes declined to attend the highly classified briefing at the Justice Department, Ryan's office called Rosenstein to ask that South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, a member of the Intelligence Committee, be allowed to view the materials in Nunes' place, and the department agreed -- ultimately giving Gowdy, Ryan's staff and, once again, Nunes' committee staff time to do so, according to a source familiar with the discussions.

Nunes says it's too little, too late, and is now directing his staff to draw up "a contempt of Congress resolution" against Rosenstein and Wray unless all of his outstanding demands are "fully met" by close of business Monday.

"We are well aware of the DOJ's constant tactics of leaking, spreading false information, obstructing our investigations, and making inane excuses for noncompliance, but none of that will help them anymore -- they have until tomorrow evening to provide us with all outstanding documents," Nunes said in a written statement to CNN on Sunday.

At this point, the sources familiar with Nunes' outstanding requests say that the Justice Department has conveyed that certain highly confidential transcripts he wants simply do not exist and producing other highly confidential raw intelligence reports would likely conflict with the department's national security responsibilities.

Nunes had also asked Justice officials in October why Peter Strzok, who previously led the FBI's investigation into the Clinton email server, was removed from Mueller's team and demoted to human resources at the FBI, the sources said. At that time, the officials opted not to answer, according to sources familiar with the discussions.
After news reports surfaced on Saturday that Strzok was demoted after sending text messages that could be interpreted as showing political bias against Trump, and the Justice Department's inspector general is investigating, Nunes issued a statement slamming the department.

"By hiding from Congress, and from the American people, documented political bias by a key FBI head investigator for both the Russia collusion probe and the Clinton email investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to thwart Congress' constitutional oversight responsibility," Nunes said.

The Justice Department has agreed for Strzok to be interviewed by the Intelligence Committee in the coming weeks.

CNN's Jeremy Herb and Manu Raju contributed to this report.

@DonKnock @SJUGrad13 @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @blotter @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @Cali_livin @GnauzBookOfRhymes @Dracudiddy @Dameon Farrow


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
Again, don't attribute to malice what could be explained by stupidity.

A lot of these guys were on that "Hillary is more dangerous" bullshyt.

Look at dweebs like H.A. Goodman.

Heres evidence of that ww3 bullshyt on this very forum:

We're not the media.

And just because you're afraid Trump might start WW3 doesn't mean Hillary wouldn't have.