
Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
Not Spicy - people that go the Budd Dwyer route usually have some sense of personal honor (no matter how twisted) that causes them to take the step.

For instance, Dwyer offed himself so that his family would be able to collect his various government pensions. Had he been convicted all of that would have been forfeited. They ended up getting more than $1.2M.

I think Flynn is a prime candidate because of his military background, and because he seems to be the person that knows the most damaging information. If he has the same twisted sense of loyalty to Trump, he may commit that.

SPicy and all these other figures will do whatever it takes to avoid prison.
Great post, I agree 100%


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
Not Spicy - people that go the Budd Dwyer route usually have some sense of personal honor (no matter how twisted) that causes them to take the step.

For instance, Dwyer offed himself so that his family would be able to collect his various government pensions. Had he been convicted all of that would have been forfeited. They ended up getting more than $1.2M.

I think Flynn is a prime candidate because of his military background, and because he seems to be the person that knows the most damaging information. If he has the same twisted sense of loyalty to Trump, he may commit that.

SPicy and all these other figures will do whatever it takes to avoid prison.

Really? I see a person who is defeated and wants to get out but can't, especially after the snub to meet the Pope. He doesnt even defend Trump the way he did before. He says, the tweet speaks for itself, the president comments speaks for itself. I think he's had it and that could be reason they are floating this new position for him.


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
We'll see. I bet there is going to be some "missile in the sea" action that Trump has to flex his muscles about coming in the next couple of days. He doesnt know how to keep his head low and govern.
And he will probably name the missile "Obamas shame" or some sh1t, it is 100% that he brings the Obama administrations "non action" into this, because it's his go to move


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
Really? I see a person who is defeated and wants to get out but can't, especially after the snub to meet the Pope. He doesnt even defend Trump the way he did before. He says, the tweet speaks for itself, the president comments speaks for itself. I think he's had it and that could be reason they are floating this new position for him.
Fukk him forever, never forget, it was him and Conway that set the stage for this "war on the free press" with his first press conference. He set all this in motion, and will forever be remembered as the fukking coward a$$ tool that he is.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Not Spicy - people that go the Budd Dwyer route usually have some sense of personal honor (no matter how twisted) that causes them to take the step.

For instance, Dwyer offed himself so that his family would be able to collect his various government pensions. Had he been convicted all of that would have been forfeited. They ended up getting more than $1.2M.

I think Flynn is a prime candidate because of his military background, and because he seems to be the person that knows the most damaging information. If he has the same twisted sense of loyalty to Trump, he may commit that.

SPicy and all these other figures will do whatever it takes to avoid prison.
The Oliver North example is the only reason Flynn is holding out.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
We'll see. I bet there is going to be some "missile in the sea" action that Trump has to flex his muscles about coming in the next couple of days. He doesnt know how to keep his head low and govern.
Nothing will happen.

The real NK line is a lot farther than you think it is.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State



@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3@Cali_livin @Menelik II @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman
Last edited:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

House Dems question Flynn disclosures of Middle East travel

House Dems question Flynn disclosures of Middle East travel


WASHINGTON (AP) — Two top House Democrats are questioning whether Michael Flynn failed to report a 2015 trip to the Middle East to federal security clearance investigators, a potential omission that could add to the legal jeopardy President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser faces over the truthfulness of his statements to authorities and on government documents.

The lawmakers — Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., and Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y. — said in a letter released Monday that they believe Flynn may have violated federal law by failing to disclose the trip and any foreign contacts he had during another 2015 trip to the Middle East, which they believe involved a proposal to develop nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia.

The letter from Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House oversight committee, and Engel, the ranking Democrat on the House foreign affairs committee, is the latest to call attention to potential problems with what Flynn reported to the U.S. government about his foreign travel, contacts and business after he left the Defense Intelligence Agency in August 2014.

Federal and congressional probes have been looking closely at Flynn’s foreign travel and contacts as part of investigations into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election and any possible collusion with associates of Trump or his campaign.

Separately, federal investigators have been scrutinizing Flynn’s work for a Turkish businessman and the Defense Department’s inspector general has been looking into whether Flynn failed to get U.S. government permission to receive foreign payments. Among those payments was more than $33,000 he received from RT, the Russian state-sponsored television network that U.S. intelligence officials have branded as a propaganda arm of the Kremlin.

Flynn’s attorney, Robert Kelner, declined to comment on the allegations in the letter.

In their letter, Cummings and Engel said they believe Flynn was not forthcoming about a trip he took to the Middle East in the summer of 2015.

They cited a recent Newsweek report that Flynn flew to Israel and Egypt that summer as part of an effort promoting a U.S.-Russian partnership to construct nuclear reactors for civilian power needs. They also point to an inconsistency in what Flynn said during June 10, 2015, testimony before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee and what Flynn later reported to security clearance investigators about his foreign travel.

During the House committee hearing, Flynn told lawmakers he “just came from a trip — fairly extensive trip to the Middle East,” during which the issue of developing nuclear energy in the region came up. But Cummings and Engel said it “does not appear that General Flynn disclosed this trip or any foreign contacts as part of his security clearance renewal process,” noting that intentionally concealing such information from a security clearance form is a felony.

Cummings and Engel also raised questions about another trip to the Middle East in October 2015, which Flynn did report as part of his security clearance review. The review took place in the early months of 2016.

The lawmakers say Flynn recorded the trip on his security clearance questionnaire and later told security clearance investigators that he traveled to Saudi Arabia with a friend to speak at a conference, stayed at a hotel called the King Khaled International Hotel and had the trip paid for by a “work sponsor.”

But congressional investigators could not confirm the existence of such a hotel, though they note the airport in Riyadh shares that name. They also could not find any evidence of a conference that Flynn would have attended during the time frame, noting that three speakers’ bureaus that Flynn worked with did not report being involved with the trip or a conference in Saudi Arabia.

In financial disclosures Flynn provided earlier this year to White House and government ethics officials, the former military intelligence official said he had served as an adviser between August 2015 and last December to an entity identified as X-Co Dynamics/Iron Bridge Group. X-Co Dynamics is a Virginia-based consulting firm headed by former U.S. Rear Admiral Michael Hewitt, whose board of retired military advisers included former National Security Agency chief Keith Alexander and former Marine Corps General James “Hoss” Cartwright, who was prosecuted last year for lying to the FBI in a leak investigation.

A representative for Hewitt reached by the AP on Monday afternoon said he was not available because he was traveling.

Flynn did not detail his work with X-Co Dynamics in the disclosure, but a Newsweek report earlier this month alleged that he flew to Israel and Egypt in summer 2015 as part of a private effort by the firm to advance the idea of a massive ring of atomic reactors that would be built by the U.S. nuclear industry and the Russian government and largely bankrolled by Saudi Arabia.

According to an internal memo obtained by Newsweek, the project was the brainchild of ACU Strategic Partners, a U.S. firm promoting the idea of a partnership between the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates to build and operate 40 nuclear power reactors across the Middle East. Russia would have financial incentive to join the project, according to the ACU plan, because it would take the lead in building the plants and providing a burial ground for their waste.

ACU Strategic Partners managing director Alex Copson did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Newsweek reported that Flynn’s role in the project, via X-Co Dynamics, was to design and put into play “a vast security network for the entire enterprise.” Flynn’s financial disclosure did not show any financial payment from X-Co Dynamics for his involvement.

Newsweek reported that the proposed deal was scuttled by the Obama administration. Saudi Arabia later signed a deal with Russia’s nuclear agency, Rosatom, to build 16 reactors.


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Follow Chad Day on Twitter: Chad Day (@ChadSDay) on Twitter

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3@Cali_livin @Menelik II @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Flynn’s Work on Saudi-Russian Nuclear Proposal
Top Dems Raise New Concerns.
House Oversight DemsJun 19

Today, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings and Rep. Eliot L. Engel, the Ranking Members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, sent a letter requesting documents relating to the work of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn regarding Saudi Arabia, Russia, and other countries, as well as his failure to accurately report his foreign travel and contacts when he submitted an application to renew his security clearance in 2016 and was interviewed by security clearance investigators.

On June 9, Newsweek reported that Flynn traveled to the Middle East in the summer of 2015 on behalf of X-Co Dynamics Inc./IronBridge Group to promote a “harebrained” and “fantastical plan for a joint U.S.-Russian (and Saudi-financed) program to get control over the Arab world’s rush to acquire nuclear power.” The article reported that “the genius idea” developed by the Americans “was a U.S.-Russian partnership to build and operate plants and export the dangerous spent fuel under strict controls.” The Saudis would recoup their costs by selling energy to other Middle East countries, which in turn would buy “Russian military hardware” to substitute for Russian profits from “military sales to Iran.”

Soon after Flynn reportedly took this trip, Saudi Arabia announced an agreement with Russia’s state nuclear corporation, Rosatom, that resulted in a $100 billion deal in 2016 to build 16 nuclear power units.

“In contrast to this report, we have no record of General Flynn reporting this trip or any contacts with foreign officials on his security clearance renewal application or in his interview with security clearance investigators,” Cummings and Engel wrote. “Most troubling of all, we have no record of General Flynn identifying on his security clearance renewal application — or during his interview with security clearance investigators — even a single foreign government official he had contact with in the seven years prior to submitting his security clearance application.”“If this press report is accurate, General Flynn’s failure to report this trip and any contacts with foreign government officials about this Saudi-Russian nuclear proposal appears to be a potential violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001,” the Ranking Members wrote. The statute provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines and/or up to five years imprisonment.
Flynn reported a later trip to the Middle East on his security clearance renewal application — to Saudi Arabia in October 2015 — but “omitted key details,” according to the Ranking Members. “He reported that he traveled to Saudi Arabia with a friend for six days to speak at a conference, that he stayed at the King Khaled International Hotel, and that his expenses were paid by a ‘work sponsor.’ However, General Flynn failed to disclose the identity of the friend who accompanied him; officials from General Flynn’s speaker’s bureaus could not identify any conference he may have attended during this time period; there does not appear to be a hotel with the name General Flynn provided; and General Flynn failed to disclose who sponsored his trip.”

Cummings and Engel raised questions about the possible effect of these undisclosed foreign interests on Flynn’s actions as National Security Advisor.

“Saudi Arabia was the first foreign country that President Trump visited, the Trump Administration recently concluded an arms deal with Saudi Arabia reportedly worth $350 billion over ten years, and the President’s hotel in Washington D.C. received approximately $270,000 in payments linked to Saudi Arabia while that country has continued to press for limiting the rights of U.S. citizens to sue the Saudi government,” the Ranking Members wrote. “It is unknown what advice or input General Flynn may have offered relating to these matters, if any.”
The Ranking Members requested documents and communications relating to the work of the Flynn Intel Group, X-Co Dynamics Inc./IronBridge Group, and ACU Strategic Partners.

Click here to read today’s letter.

@DonKnock @The Black Panther @SJUGrad13 @88m3@Cali_livin @Menelik II @Hogan in the Wolfpac @wire28 @Atlrocafella @Ss4gogeta0 @smitty22 @Reality @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Call Me James @Blessed Is the Man @THE MACHINE @OneManGang @duckbutta @TheDarceKnight @Ed MOTHERfukkING G @dtownreppin214 @The Taxman


May 20, 2012
Fukk him forever, never forget, it was him and Conway that set the stage for this "war on the free press" with his first press conference. He set all this in motion, and will forever be remembered as the fukking coward a$$ tool that he is.

The irony is Trump blames Spicer when every mistake Spicer has made is due to Trump's bumbling leadership. From the Inaugural crowd size to the Comey firing.

Trump orders his people to go out and tell flat out lies and mislead the press and then he blames them for the blow back.

If Spicer had any self respect he would quit and pull a dikk Morris.