This list is kinda
in that it leaves off Carl and Sasha among others while including people like Officer Dawn and Gregory.
1. Michonne
2. Daryl
3. Carol
4. Morgan
5. Rick
6. Glenn
7. Maggie
8. Hershel
9. King Ezekiel
10. Negan
11. The Governor
12. Eugene
13. Abraham
14. Jesus
15. Tara
16. Shane
17. Dale
18. Andrea
19. Eastman
20. Rosita
21. Tyreese
22. Dwight
23. Deanna
24. Gregory
25. Lizzie
26. Milton
27. Dr. Jenner
28. Denise
29. Paula
30. Officer Dawn Lerner
Full Article: 30 Best 'Walking Dead' Characters

1. Michonne

From the moment she appeared on screen – katana sword at the ready, stoic-gunfigther look on her face, wandering the land with two jawless walkers shackled to her – Michonne has been The Walking Dead’s ultimate bad-ass. She survived on her own for months, figuring out how to thrive in the wilderness under the harshest of circumstances. Yet she's also adapted well to living in a group, and has even started to draw on her pre-apocalypse past as a mother and an academic to start thinking about how best to rebuild society. Savage when she has to be, tender and affectionate with her friends and lovers, both nurturing and deadly as they come, this character (courtesy of Danai Gurira’s continually extraordinary performance) represents this series at its best. Michonne hasn’t lost touch with her humanity. And she's a thrill to watch on a killing spree.
2. Daryl

The Walking Dead is a show that traffics in iconography – and and you do not get more iconographic than the show's scraggly-haired, crossbow-wielding, motorcycle-riding hunter. First introduced as an angry redneck and evolving into one of the series' most striking figures, Daryl has revealed more dimensions over time, and Norman Reedus' performance helping to expose an unsurpassed kindness and commitment to the hero’s closest companions. So far in Season Seven he's been stubbornly resisting Negan's efforts to recruit him; it's been easy to see why his enemy would much rather convert him than kill him. Even without his good brother Merle (R.I.P., the Other Dixon), Daryl is one of a handful of the show's characters who seem like they could get along just fine in this world without any help. Drop him into the wild with no weapons, food, or clothes – and he’d still outlive everyone cowering behind walker-battered walls.
3. Carol

A battered wife, a grieving mother, a good-in-the-clutch friend, a stone-cold killer with a creepily pleasant facade – Mrs. Peletier has been a source of genuine pathos and some dark comedy, made all the more potent by casting-director-turned-actor Melissa McBride's mercurial performance. It’s no surprise that the TV version has long-outlived her comics counterpart, who killed herself instead of getting stronger; McBride has helped turn this once peripheral character into a major part of TWD, whether she's putting on a Susie Homemaker act as a front or rescuing her comrades from certain Terminus doom. A recent crisis of conscience has sidelined Carol some over the course of the past year, but she's always going to be an all-star just based on her arc in the first five seasons. And while the character is in uncharted narrative territory right now, that just makes it all the more exciting to see what will happen to her next.
4. Morgan

Is it a coincidence that four of TWD's strongest episodes are Morgan-centric? He was a crucial part of the pilot, guiding a then-helpless Rick to safety. He came back as a troubled soul in Season Three’s heartbreaking episode "Clear," and then recovered from the loss of his family and moral compass in the extended flashback "Here's Not Here." And in this season's highly entertaining "The Well," he became our guide to the strange and wonderful world of the Kingdom, where his peaceful spirit has been better integrated than it ever was with the spikier Alexandrians. Over the past few seasons, the survivors have had less use for such a gentle, philosophical soul, but the show still badly needs Morgan – both to prove that it’s possible to stay alive without sacrificing every principle and that it pays to speak softly and carry a big staff.
5. Rick

Often with fantasy/adventure shows, faithful viewers love everybody but the hero; the man or woman at the center of the story is too tortured or too square. But while former sheriff Rick Grimes has had plenty of stretches where he's been overwhelmed by his emotions or has made outright idiotic decisions, he's ultimately remained the compelling, charismatic character that he was when we first met him. He represents The Walking Dead's conflicted core, the conduit that writers use to explore both the hard choices a successful survivalist has to make and what it costs people when they become unfazed by death. The role has also turned British actor Andrew Lincoln into a stubbly sex symbol and provided the show with too many unforgettable moments to count. It may be more fun sometimes to hang out with the rest of the cast. But to grasp what the series is really about, it's necessary to understand what the head of the Grimes family is going through as the show moves from one test of will to the next.
6. Glenn
7. Maggie
8. Hershel
9. King Ezekiel
10. Negan
11. The Governor
12. Eugene
13. Abraham
14. Jesus
15. Tara
16. Shane
17. Dale
18. Andrea
19. Eastman
20. Rosita
21. Tyreese
22. Dwight
23. Deanna
24. Gregory
25. Lizzie
26. Milton
27. Dr. Jenner
28. Denise
29. Paula
30. Officer Dawn Lerner
Full Article: 30 Best 'Walking Dead' Characters