My take for 20 somethings
1. Make rules for yourself and write them down if need be. Occasionally review them and make necessary changes.
2. Understand the notion that goals are completed through discipline and consistency.
3. Get your education, certification, etc. Don't let making a check today interfere with your goals for tomorrow.
4. As for work, understand "relationships" will get you promoted faster than hard work. Something I learned the hard way.
5 As for relationships, having the hard conversations will pay dividends down the road even if the relationship doesn't work.
6. Understand attracting a mate is a skill and so is sustaining a relationship.
7. Again relationship. You may experience the cheapest dates in the beginning may lead to better outcomes. A walk in the park, picnic, museum, biking, etc.
8. Look for a woman who doesn't require constant validation from social media and people outside the relationship.
9. Budget your money and that includes budgeting your bullshyt spending.
10. Get in the habit of reading.
30 somethings
1. Everything above still applies.
2. Don't think you are too old to go back to school or get a certification.
3. Even if the title isn't a mentor, have people you can talk to about careers, relationships, etc. I know some may find this difficult if your father wasn't around but think of the benefits you can receive. You are at an age where you know you don’t know everything.
4. Bad things may happen which may not have been your fault but you are responsible for dealing and hopefully coping with it in a healthy manner.
5. Drop the pride and talk to a therapist if needed. If you do, don't bullshyt their recommendations and do the work.
Come on old heads, drop some advice the youth can use.
1. Make rules for yourself and write them down if need be. Occasionally review them and make necessary changes.
2. Understand the notion that goals are completed through discipline and consistency.
3. Get your education, certification, etc. Don't let making a check today interfere with your goals for tomorrow.
4. As for work, understand "relationships" will get you promoted faster than hard work. Something I learned the hard way.
5 As for relationships, having the hard conversations will pay dividends down the road even if the relationship doesn't work.
6. Understand attracting a mate is a skill and so is sustaining a relationship.
7. Again relationship. You may experience the cheapest dates in the beginning may lead to better outcomes. A walk in the park, picnic, museum, biking, etc.
8. Look for a woman who doesn't require constant validation from social media and people outside the relationship.
9. Budget your money and that includes budgeting your bullshyt spending.
10. Get in the habit of reading.
30 somethings
1. Everything above still applies.
2. Don't think you are too old to go back to school or get a certification.
3. Even if the title isn't a mentor, have people you can talk to about careers, relationships, etc. I know some may find this difficult if your father wasn't around but think of the benefits you can receive. You are at an age where you know you don’t know everything.
4. Bad things may happen which may not have been your fault but you are responsible for dealing and hopefully coping with it in a healthy manner.
5. Drop the pride and talk to a therapist if needed. If you do, don't bullshyt their recommendations and do the work.
Come on old heads, drop some advice the youth can use.