Good day to everyone. I am in need of some help. My activity on the forum has gone down quite a bit from months back as i dont post as often anymore especially on weekdays, juggling with the stress and pressing demands of university studies
as well as some temporary financial issues i am dealing with as a student have taken a toll. i have never made a facade of being rich or living comfortably on here and have always been grateful for every thing given to me and tried to be as thoughtful as i can to others predicaments, every income i get is either through family/cousins help or part time work i do on the weekends. I am asking for no more than 200 dollars to take care of my most immediate needs and responsibilities, and to help me weather through this process.
until i have some more leeway hopefully before Christmas next month. I am grateful for anything that can be spared or given.
I am open to taking on a loan and paying back, and willing to provide my private details, contact information, home address, ID etc
as a form of bond in the process as a guarantee to pay back . I have a PayPal.