Robert Griffin III


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
It seems this story is playing out like the typical mr. "friend to everyone" negro gets a cold reality check from mr "friend to none of ya" white man.

Mike Shanahan allowed RG III to go against what was RG iii's personal best interest and continue playing in that game that ultimatly injured him permanently. RG iii went against his personal best interest by continuing to play in that fateful game for the sake of that white mans organziation.

Now the tables have turned. It is the white man who is now faced with the decision of going against what is in their personal best interest and continue showing faith and starting RG iii. Will they? From the way it looks, no. I mean, im on today and see quotes from named redskin players stating flatly that he doesnt need to be on the field. If that player is not fined by the redskins it seems clear to me that they green lighted that comment to be made and are now positioning themselves to switch quarterbacks. What a fukking shame.

To all the white man please negros out here, please learn something from this story.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Didn't Mcflabb warn this widemouth faggy about shannyhand

Last year, it seemed the Shanahan’s had again won in the never ending debate on whether McNabb was right in 2010 or the Shanahan’s. RG3 led the Redskins to their first division championship since 1999. (oddly enough, the year McNabb was drafted)
Even so, questions about how the Shanahan’s used RG3 last season raised concerns across the football landscape.
The Shanahan’s exposed their rookie quarterback to more hits than any quarterback in NFL history by running him too frequently in the read option and even running him in the triple option for a few games till he was knocked unconscious vs Atlanta and suffered a concussion.
They threw their hopeful franchise QB and new toy to the wolves as a rookie at the expense of getting to the playoffs for one season.
RG3 was hit like a running back all season, although he is build more like a wide receiver and the punishment took a toll on his body.
In 2012 RG3 sustained a concussion while running with the ball in a game versus Atlanta. Later on in the season RG3 sustained a severely sprained lateral collateral ligament (LCL) in his already surgically repaired right knee – from college – on a scramble play when he was hit on the side of his knee by the Baltimore Ravens pro bowl defensive lineman – Haloti Ngata.
RG3 would go on to miss only one game, eventhough it was obvious he should have missed 3 to 4 as most players do with a sprained knee ligament.
When RG3 returned to the field after Cousins led us to a win vs the Browns game, RG3 was a shell of his former self. He wasn’t able to cut on his right leg,
He has lost his explosive speed and he even hobbled around some on that leg.
Still, the Shanahan’s kept pressing on with him. It was clear they saw their jobs and making the playoffs in 2012 as more important than RG3′s long term future. In fact, that was evident in week 1 vs the Saints where he took a lot of punishment in that win. The Shanahan’s risked a decade long worth of playoff runs and division championships and maybe a Super Bowl or 2 in the next 12 to 15 years for one playoff run.
Ultimately, their decision to play a hobbled RG3 backfired when he landed wrong on his right leg and tweaked his right knee after throwing touchdown pass versus the Seattle Seahawks in the Redskins first home playoff game in 13 years.
Many media members and fans pleaded with their computers or television sets to get RG3 out of the game at that moment and insert Kirk Cousins to finish the game and hopefully deliver a victory.
At that point, everyone knew a victory on this day wasn’t as important as having RG3 around and healthy for the next 12 to 15 years.
Everyone but Mike Shanahan.
We all know what happened next. RG3 struggled and hobbled through the next two quarters not able to run, not able to pass accurately and our offense failed to do anything at all. Coincidentally enough, that’s exactly how our offense has looked in the first halves of every game this season.
Then it happened, RG3 fumbled a low snap and his knee bent awkwardly as he tried to pick it up instead of falling on it, forgetting that he had a badly sprained LCL or possibly already a torn LCL.
RG3 was done for the game and left us all to question his future.

Amare's Right Hook

Southeast World Champion
May 1, 2012