My best weight was 122. i was about 5'8 at this time, then i shot up to 6'2 at 15 and was forced to 130. the fights got very very tough, then at 17 i was forced to 135 and i quit. My jab, reach and my ability to tie up on the inside were my strengths, at 135 guys got stronger and more vicious, i had a kid tear my body apart and it was the fight that made me say "fukk this" and i quit for grafiti/girls/job. Im a lanky/skinny guy with very average power, so if you could weave around or take my jab, you could do damage on the inside because i never worked on my inside game alot. I got buy on being taller with great reach.
Even today, i would have eventually grew into a tall welter/lightweight at 140. Im just not a big guy.