TheColi's Areolae Supremicist

I can't continue this weightloss journey and my art career without you...
I wake up in cold sweats and think about the good times we had...
When me and you was broke and only had $2.50 a piece and we would split a chicken Wang dinner...
I don't like how things have ended between us...
You used to support my art, now you dont....
I just want my Best friend back...

Remember when I did these pieces of our girlfriends? Tiana and LaToya.
We gotta make this right...
Here's a poem I wrote...stole from Z-Ro..but still

"If I ain't never told you I love you, I'm telling you today
Cause you made me, keep my head on straight
When I was talking quitting, you made me keep my infrared on safe
Instead of me sleeping outside, you would open your home
And tend to your homie, even though you had problems of your own
I appreciate you my nikka, it's deeper than art
Somebody else, would of wanted to see me fall off track
See I remember, when I couldn't afford to get a wing dinner
Put my two dollars with yours, and we split a wing dinner"