Neo. The Only. The One.

Odin was swaggin all over folks the whole movie
swagged on Thor
Thor: As king of Asgard -


Thor: ;

swagged on Lofi, the frost giant king
Odin: Let bygones be bygones

Lofi: we're too far past diplomacy, All Father! Your boy just killed 2000 of my troops


swagged on Thor, Sith and the Warriors 3 when they got back to Asgard (and lowkey swagged on Heimdall when he tossed the sword back to him)
swagged on Thor
"You're not WORTHY! NOT WORTHY!!!!"

Thor was spooked when Odin started shouting at him

Thor lowkey hit the

He was

Had Loki even feeling sorry for him, but at the end of the day, Loki ain't want them problems with Odin

Odin a real one

I need an Odin movie

EDIT: Heimdall was swaggin on folks a lil bit too
When Thor and them was on the Frost Giants world and they had that big monster chasing them
"Heimdall, OPEN THE BRIDGE!!!"
