Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women getting the vote is wrong.

the next guy

May 2, 2012

A controversial Alabama reverend and occassional Fox News guest said allowing women to vote was "one of the greatest mistakes America made" during a jaw-dropping sermon explaining how women's rise in power caused the downfall of America.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a fundamentalist Christian, delivered the sermon in March on the Sunday service webcast “Exploring Your Destiny.” Peterson heads the conservative group Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) and is an occassional guest on Sean Hannity's Fox News program. Hannity sits on the advisory board for BOND.

The full 12-minute tirade was uploaded to YouTube in March and unearthed by Raw Story on Tuesday, shortly after Peterson's most recent appearance on Fox News.

"We should have never turned [the vote] over to women," Peterson said during the sermon. "And these women are voting for the wrong people. They're voting for people who are evil, who agree with them, who are gonna take us down the pathway of destruction."

The misogynistic tirade continued, with the reverend warning againt women in positions of power because they "freak out” and “go nuts" if confronted with an issue.

"They can't handle stress. They can't handle anything,” he said. “You walk up to them with an issue, they freak out right away. Especially if they can't get the problem resolved right away … they go nuts. They get mad. They get upset. Because it's not in their nature. They don’t have patience. They don't have love."

He said wherever women are in control, evil finds its way through, referencing homosexuality and gay marriage as examples.

”Wherever woman reins, evil is taking over," he said.

Fox News has hosted Peterson as a guest since the sexist comments were made public.

The reverand appeared on Hannity's Great American Panel last Tuesday alongside Fox host Kirsten Powers.

Veering off subject of politics, Powers challenged Peterson for his “misogynistic” statements, Mediaite reported.

"You are a pastor distorting God's word for misogyny," she said during the panel.

After a few minutes, Hannity intervened to steer the conversation back to the scheduled topic. A Fox spokeswoman referred the Daily News to the recent Hannity segment when asked for comment.

Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch appeared to try distancing himself from the controversial views, albeit possibly by accident.

"Women voting is best thing in a hundred years," Murdoch tweeted to his more than 230,000 followers Tuesday, an apparent reference to Peterson’s rant.

Politico speculated the tweet was likely meant to be a private direct message to an individual user.

Peterson has a history of making offensive comments.

Shortly after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, he called the city’s residents “welfare-pampered,” “lazy” and “immoral,” reported Yahoo News.

He has called Islam an evil religion, said African-Americans should be sent back to the plantation to learn a proper work ethic, and said "thank God for slavery" because it brought Africans to the U.S.

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