Return of The Big Slowwww! Build up. Y'all nikkas gettin sloppy with the war is raw threads!

Capo Dei Capi

Fukk a studio thug, I'm a skinny jeans bigot
May 2, 2012
What soon as a nikka start follow yall switch off? Step yall game up.

Capo Dei Capi

Fukk a studio thug, I'm a skinny jeans bigot
May 2, 2012
1. Has Brock Lesnar awakened the beast within CM Punk?

CM Punk is undergoing tough times. He’s without his coveted WWE Championship, his trust in Paul Heyman has been ripped to shreds and now his body has been battered by Heyman’s monstrous client, Brock Lesnar.

But could Lesnar’s assault backfire for the Heyman camp? Could it actually motivate, rather than intimidate, the man who built his career on fighting through adversity and challenge? Chances are Punk has something up his straight-edge sleeve for this week’s Raw.

2. Big Slow returns!

Ever since losing a match to Chris Jericho in May, The World’s Largest Athlete has been absent from TV, except for his participation on the WWE Payback and Money in the Bank Kickoff panels. During an exclusive interview in June, the angry giant revealed: "I'll take time off any time I want to, for as longas I want to!” Will the 441-pounder reveal who or what he’s after when he returns this Monday on Raw?

3. Is the Hall of Pain poised to induct three new members?

Last week, The Shield added Mark Henry to its list of massive Superstars the group has decimated with its signature Triple Powerbomb. The assault left The World’s Strongest Man down for the count. But Henry is certainly not one to back down from a fight. Could The Shield have bitten off more than they can chew with this latest assault of one of WWE’s most dangerous and unpredictable Superstars? Something says they better watch their collective backs.

4. Is GM Brad Maddox capable of running Raw?

He’s young and inexperienced … and he’s in charge of the longest running weekly episodic television show in history. Brad Maddox was put in power by none other than Mr. McMahon himself. Last week’s Raw was the first under Maddox’s reign, and the exciting night still has the WWE Universe talking. It remains to be seen if the young man has what it takes to truly lead. What do you think?

5. Who will The Wyatts target next?

First it was Kane and R-Truth on Raw, then it was Justin Gabriel and 3MB on WWE Main Event who were brutally attacked by The Wyatt Family. After weeks of hints about when they would officially debut in WWE, the group came out swinging. Now, it’s clear no one is safe from their twisted agenda. But so far, the ragged trio has only offered cryptic clues as to what it’s all about, and especially why Kane was targeted first. Will we learn more about what makes them tick on this week’s Raw?


Capo Dei Capi

Fukk a studio thug, I'm a skinny jeans bigot
May 2, 2012
dude got like one of the top 5 most lucrative contracts in WWE and comes and goes as he pleases. I think he's worth more than Triple H still and gets a mil a year whether he wrestles a hogan schedule or not.

I wouldn't retire either.
me either :bryan: