Report: Kim Jong Un fed uncle alive to 120 starved dogs
Arden Dier, Newser10:35 a.m. EST January 3, 2014
What's a fitting way to execute a man labeled "worse than a dog"?
If an unconfirmed newspaper report is to be believed, by stripping him naked, throwing him in a cage, and feeding him alive to 120 hungry hounds. NBC News picks up Hong Kong-based paper Wen Wei Po's account of how Kim Jong Un did away with his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, last month.
Its report claims Jang and his five closest aides were set upon by a pack of hunting dogs that hadn't eaten in days as Kim and his brother, flanked by 300 officials, watched; the report hasn't been verified.
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Wen Wei Po, which has close ties to China's Communist Party, added Jang and his allies were "completely eaten up" in the "quan jue," or execution by dogs — a break from the usual execution by firing squad — over the course of an hour, the Straits Times notes.
Though Kim has championed the execution, there's been no official word from Pyongyang on how it was carried out. The Times sees the publication of the account as an indication that Beijing is none too pleased with North Korea in the wake of the execution and "no longer cares about its relations with the Kim regime."
This follows a previous report that claimed that two of Jang's top men who were killed prior to his own death were executed using antiaircraft machine guns.
Arden Dier, Newser10:35 a.m. EST January 3, 2014
What's a fitting way to execute a man labeled "worse than a dog"?
If an unconfirmed newspaper report is to be believed, by stripping him naked, throwing him in a cage, and feeding him alive to 120 hungry hounds. NBC News picks up Hong Kong-based paper Wen Wei Po's account of how Kim Jong Un did away with his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, last month.
Its report claims Jang and his five closest aides were set upon by a pack of hunting dogs that hadn't eaten in days as Kim and his brother, flanked by 300 officials, watched; the report hasn't been verified.
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Wen Wei Po, which has close ties to China's Communist Party, added Jang and his allies were "completely eaten up" in the "quan jue," or execution by dogs — a break from the usual execution by firing squad — over the course of an hour, the Straits Times notes.
Though Kim has championed the execution, there's been no official word from Pyongyang on how it was carried out. The Times sees the publication of the account as an indication that Beijing is none too pleased with North Korea in the wake of the execution and "no longer cares about its relations with the Kim regime."
This follows a previous report that claimed that two of Jang's top men who were killed prior to his own death were executed using antiaircraft machine guns.