Remembering Asia SiVon Cottom one of 9/11 youngest victims

Dynamite James

The Main attraction
Apr 25, 2018
You know

Asia SiVon Cottom was born on January 13, 1990. Asia started at a young age packing in as much living as possible. As a toddler, she crawled only briefly – so briefly that Michelle (her Mother) can’t even remember-because she started walking early, at nine months of age. Asia was an extremely active child. She loved bowling, dancing, putt-putt golf, swimming, jumping rope, biking, skating, rollerblading, and soccer. She also loved all the girly-girl things such as nail polish, dresses, purses, lip gloss, perfume, jewelry, Barbie dolls, and Tweety Bird. Her parents describe her as a wonderful child, a born leader, who was very outgoing and had many friends. Her parents knew she was destine for success. At only 11 years of age she loved reading, math, science and computers and hoped to be a pediatrician when she grew up.
Her parents, Clifton and Michelle Cottom, were so proud that Asia had been chosen to go on a four-day National Geographic field trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary in Santa Barbara, California. The plan was for her to take part in one of the America’s premier undersea projects-the Sustainable Seas Expedition. It was an incredible honor to be chosen. Asia was selected for the trip because she was a good and eager student, she had a bright and energetic personality, and she possessed excellent communication skills.

In the days leading up to her departure, she asked her parents several questions about the National Geographic Society, its projects, marine biology, and pacific ecosystems. If they were unable to answer her questions, she turned to the Internet to search for the information. That’s the kind of girl she was: inquisitive, intelligent, energetic, and full of life.
Asia was one of three exceptional students who had been chosen to go on the four-day National Geographic field trip. Accompanied by her teacher Miss Sarah M. Clark, they were flying from Washington, DC to Santa Barbara, California to go to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Asia and her teacher never made it to their destination. Asia SiVon Cottom, 11, was one of three DC Public School students who died on American Airlines Flight 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001.

The Cottom’s whole world changed on that day. No parent imagines losing a child and no parent is prepared to move on in life without them. Dealing with the loss of their daughter was indescribable for Clifton and Michelle Cottom. In the days and weeks following 9/11 they were amazed by the outpouring of support, even from complete strangers, in the form of cards, letters and money. They began to wonder what to do with the funds, and finally decided to honor their daughter’s memory in a way that highlighted her academic achievements: by establishing a scholarship in her memory.

As part of their healing and Asia’s legacy, they are very proud of the establishment of the Asia SiVon Cottom Memorial Scholarship Fund (ASC). Because of generous contributions, the scholarship awards have helped numerous students on their journey to becoming our future leaders and innovators. Their goal is to continue to grow the Scholarship Fund and assist as many aspiring students reach their dreams of attending higher education as possible. Asia Cottom’s family believes that by helping today’s youth become tomorrow’s leaders, they are helping to preserve Asia’s memory as well as make the world a better place for the future. Asia’s death is not in vain; her life continues to touch others through this scholarship program.


Isiah Batey, Asia’s Brother
The day my sister passed, I thought the world ended. I was coming home from school on the bus, and with the unusually heavy traffic, it took me five hours to get there. When I get home, I see everyone in front of my house and I am thinking we are having a party. I didn’t know what was going on. Then my mom and dad took me upstairs and told me what happened.
I said, “I don’t want to hear no more.” I dropped to my knees and started praying.

Asia and I had fun with each other. I’m six years older than her, but we played together a lot. We also fought like normal brothers and sisters. She made me do things with her I didn’t want to do … like playing dress up and playing with Barbie dolls. She would even get me dressed up like a princess, complete with pink clothes and a crown on my head! If I would protest, she would say, “You gotta do this now or I will call Mommy.” But, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it every time. We would play house. We would put the Barbies in the cars and ride them around. We played Double-Dutch. We also played hide-and-seek in the house and outside.

When Asia passed, I created music for her. I had to do something because at the time I was mad. I was mad at the whole thing that happened. Creating music was a way for me to deal with my pain. I didn’t want that to happen to her. I didn’t want my sister to die.

A couple of months after 9/11, I was just sitting in my house one day and I overheard something on the news about that awful day. The news reports come on unexpectedly, and it brings me right back. Those feelings of being right back amidst the awful tragedy.

To Asia, A Poem from your brother Isiah
Alicia Keys sings songs from the heart
America is falling apart
I wonder why people going to war
It remind me that happen before
I fell in basketball got a sore
We need to stop it make me sad
I think of Jesus it makes me glad
I will never forget Asia SiVon Cottom
My mom had to sit her on her bottom
Sometimes I can’t watch TV anymore
Because it’s an eyesore






Back then, to be honest, during that moment of time I didn’t know how to express myself. I kept saying why is this going on? I would say to God that I wished He would fix this. I would ask my mom the same thing, and she would tell me there is no answer for it. This is just something that we can’t do anything about.
My sister Asia was a loving, caring person. She was never afraid to do anything. She was happy with herself. And the best part is that she loved me just the way I am. If Asia were still here I would want her to go to school and to do whatever she wants to do. I’m still here and I get to do all of those things that she never got to do. Sometimes I just want my best friend with me. No one knew her like I did.

Asia had many friends in her short life, a few of those friends share their thoughts and memories about her.
I believe that in that last hour, or however long it may have been, the real Asia that none of us knew stood up and out of that human body and declared that all who believed Jesus Christ to be the Son of God shall be saved. For as it was given to me, so have I given unto you that if you would confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you shall be saved. Yes, I believe today on that plane, at that time, the real you that was only “given once for all” stood as did Christ on the cross and was salvation to one, if not some, of the terrorists who said “I know that we are about to die, but when you come into your kingdom, remember me.” I believe that maybe one of the terrorists knew who you really were and said surely this was a true child of God and others also said that she is being once given for all. For on that day, thousands got saved. On that day what satan intended for evil, God intended for good. And now as I look back on this whole situation, I am left to wonder if satan had really known that you were on that flight, would he had changed his plan. And if he knew it, did he really know truly who you were and what your mission on earth was. I wonder if your parents, family, and church family were like Jesus’ family, not knowing who you really were and that on 911 you were to be about your Father’s business, the given, once for all.
Bishop Earl A. Ross
Asia's Pastor

Asia was the same age as my oldest son Lawrence but she was partners-in-crime with my youngest son, Matthew. They both loved to tease their older brothers and they were good at it. My sons spent Asia’s last summer with her at Backus so we saw her every day. She loved my Venture with the automatic sliding passenger door. Every day she would jump in and say Ms. Deborah I am going home with you. At night she really did not understand why she could not sleep with the fellows. September 11th changed how we feel about this country and took away the security we felt about the safety of our home. It took the life of a precious young girl, on the verge of becoming a woman with all her dreams and aspirations from us….I was Ms. Deborah to Asia but to me she was one of my children.
I remember our Youth & Young Adult choir days. The Three Musketeers: Natalie, Asia and Myself, all anxious yet excited to sing our Soprano note during the bridge of Rock of Ages “…The Lord God Is My Rock, He Is The Hope Of My Salvation!” I remember our stories, our secrets, our giggles and our laughter, but most most importantly I’ll ALWAYS remember her. She was beautiful, she was pleasant, she was entertaining and above all, she was a child of God. I love you Asia!!!!!

Many children have passed through New Smyrna but none have touched lives the way Asia did. Yes we do remember the way she died. But more significantly we remember her because of the way she lived. She was ever present; she flitted about with purpose, always going from one person to another laughing, talking, and making herself known. It was as though she was engraving her memorial personally in our minds and in our hearts. One moment you would see her with her own age group; then you would find her sitting among the teens and young adults; then listening and helping the Mothers of the church; and finally running out the side door having been summoned by one of her parents so that they could make their way home. And this is the way I remember her… preparing to take the trip of a life time.
Asia's 1st Lady

What I always remember is when Asia and I went to the skating ring on Branch Avenue, she was younger then and we had the best time ever skating and laughing and just enjoying each other, yes at the age of xxxxxx I was still skating, I am just sorry that I did not have a chance to spend more time with the greatest great niece in the whole wide world. Love you baby girl.

Dynamite James

The Main attraction
Apr 25, 2018
You know

Bernard C. Brown II


Eleven-year-old Bernard Brown was clever, a quick wit, the kind of boy who kept his teachers on their toes. Estella Cleveland, who taught his fifth-grade class last year at Leckie Elementary School in Southeast Washington, loved him.

“He used to give the fourth-grade teacher fits. But he turned it around last year. Everybody noticed it,” Cleveland said.

That’s why Cleveland gave Bernard’s name to her best friend at Leckie, sixth-grade teacher Hilda Taylor, when Taylor asked whom she should take on a four-day National Geographic trip to California.

Taylor drove from her home in Forestville before dawn Tuesday to Bolling Air Force Base, where Bernard lived with his parents, Bernard and Sinita Brown, in naval housing. Taylor left her car on the base, and the boy’s mother drove the two travelers to Dulles International Airport. An official at the Brown’s house said they did not want to speak about their son’s death. Cleveland said she was devastated about her former student’s death.

“He was fun-loving,” she said. “He was the joy of the class.”
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Dynamite James

The Main attraction
Apr 25, 2018
You know
Rodney dikkens

Rodney dikkens grew up in tough Washington neighborhoods where danger lurks on most every corner, but he avoided it.

Then he went to Dulles International Airport with a teacher from Ketcham Elementary School, boarded American Airlines Flight 77 to California, and became part of the deadliest tragedy in U.S. history.

Rodney was an 11-year-old sixth-grader who had always made the honor roll, as have his two sisters – one a year older, one a year younger. His little brothers, ages six and four, will be expected to do the same thing.

Rodney loved reading, playing computer games, and playing with his siblings. He was close to his mother, LaShawn, who is raising the youngsters as a single parent, with the help of her large extended family.

But his favorite thing in the world, said his aunt, Cynthia dikkens, was watching professional wrestling on televi- sion. He’d watch in the family apartment in Congress Heights and his grandmother’s apartment a few blocks away. He’d go to his uncle’s house to catch pay-per-view.

“I don’t care what he was doing, he made it home to see wrestling,” Cynthia dikkens said.


Apr 30, 2012
I was watching something on 9/11 yesterday and they showed the names at the memorial around the two pools. It said the name of some woman, and her unborn child. I never knew that. Just a terrible tragic event in human history. I never really hear about these kids that died on 9/11 either. Shout out to OP for the thread.