Remember when people were concerned about this (pre september 11th, 2001 related)


Jun 11, 2012

Listen to the lyrics.

Its crazy how this was seen as a conspiracy theory before 9/11. "The new world order"

Now look at the world we are living in and many people think its okay because theyve been conditioned to think so. Folks giving up their privacy and personal information through these smart phones and etc forgetting about how 9/11 was used as an open door for this shyt. The government had to know your business so we could be safe away from the "war on terror". So many people forgot. Obama declared that the "war on terror" was over right after smart phones, social media and basically we were well in a surveillance state.

We went from being worried about the government or "big brother" watching you to looking at people who dont have social media (which is government ran) "hiding" something as if they didnt have the right to privacy. I remember back on sohh before the smart phones and etc where people would accuse so and so of being fake if they didnt post their real life picture. It was still acceptable to be an anonymous user on a web forum. The funny part is posting a picture back then didnt mean anything as you had fake people posting back then too. (Carmeleyes for those that remember. She was a fake person who literally had members going out her way to meet her and she wouldnt show up. Eventually they found out she wasnt real but they had given up shyt like their home address, phone number and other personal information to her.) I know the people born in 2001 wouldnt be able to understand this. Sadly, many people before then dont either
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