Remember this name Pete Buttigieg - South Bend, IN Mayor - Black problem? Corporatist??


In my own league.
Mar 25, 2014
Outer Space
Kyle fukking went in :dead:

I love his channel. :russ:

Here's Pete BootyJudge calling people like Bernie "Angry Liberals." Pete is heavy on the elitist atittude.


Bernie already told everybody if they keep personally attacking him, he's going to sound off the flutes on folks. :bustback:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I love his channel. :russ:

Here's Pete BootyJudge calling people like Bernie "Angry Liberals." Pete is heavy on the elitist atittude.


Bernie already told everybody if they keep personally attacking him, he's going to sound off the flutes on folks. :bustback:

These guys are going to play themselves if they keep thinking Bernie is the only worthy candidate.


Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
I love his channel. :russ:

Here's Pete BootyJudge calling people like Bernie "Angry Liberals." Pete is heavy on the elitist atittude.


Bernie already told everybody if they keep personally attacking him, he's going to sound off the flutes on folks. :bustback:

This is exactly why people despise Bernie Sanders supporters..I'm not at all convinced on Buttigieg but this he's talking about Bernie because he said "angry liberal" is hilariously stupid.


Jan 26, 2017

Buttigieg is the Democrats' flavour of the month. Just don't ask what he stands for

Nathan Robinson

Pete Buttigieg is a man with a lot of ‘gold stars’ on his résumé, but why should anybody actually trust him to be on their side?

Tue 16 Apr 2019 07.25 EDT Last modified on Tue 16 Apr 2019 15.42 EDT



‘As he puts it, he has the right alignment of attributes.’ Photograph: John Gress/Reuters
For being the mayor of the fourth-largest city in Indiana, Pete Buttigieg has been shockingly successful in carving out a national political profile. Buttigieg has only just formally announced that he is running for president, but already he is placing near the top of some polls, and being given cover stories in national magazines, touted as a “wonder boy” and the “Democrats’ heartland hope”. But for all the buzz, an important question still hangs over Buttigieg: what, exactly does he stand for?

US presidential candidates can’t afford to ignore welfare reform

Zaid Jilani

Read more

Himself, mostly. The New York Times says Buttigieg puts “storytelling first, policy details later”. Media coverage of Buttigieg dwells on what his favorite socks are or his dogs’ personalities. Pete is all about Pete: Buttigieg is frequently evasive about his actual substantive agenda, preferring rhetoric about “freedom”, “democracy” and “security”. His campaign’s branding and graphic design have been hailed as “radical”. As for his actual policies … he’s working on them.

Buttigieg represents the apex of a kind of “politics of demographics”. Why is the mayor of a small city suddenly on the national political radar? It’s not as if Buttigieg’s tenure in office has been especially noteworthy – his signature policies were technocratic improvements like improving sewer technology along with some fairly middle-of-the road, even conservative, development initiatives. Buttigieg is not attracting attention for anything he has done, but for who he is. He’s a man who checks all the right boxes.

In fact, that’s even how he pitches himself. Asked what sets him apart as a candidate, Buttigieg says:

“You have a handful of candidates from the middle of the country, but very few of them are young. You have a handful of young candidates, but very few of them are executives. We have a handful of executives but none of them are veterans, and so it’s a question of: what alignment of attributes do you want to have?”

In every profile of Buttigieg, you’ll inevitably hear the following facts: he went to Harvard, he was a Rhodes Scholar, he served in Afghanistan, he became a mayor before he was 30, he’s gay and he speaks half a dozen languages. These, along with some impressively well-constructed stump speech rhetoric, are s Buttigieg’s sole claims to deserving the presidency. As he puts it, he has the right “alignment of attributes”.

But politics shouldn’t be about people’s attributes, it should be about their values and actions. Buttigieg is a man with a lot of “gold stars” on his résumé, but why should anybody actually trust him to be on their side? (Amusingly enough, in his campaign book Shortest Way Home, Buttigieg describes an incident in which a voter asked him how he could prove that he wasn’t just another self-serving politician. Buttigieg couldn’t come up with an answer.) The available evidence of his character is thin. Has he spent a lifetime sticking up for working people? No, he worked at McKinsey before he entered politics. Has he taken courageous moral stands? No: while Gary, Indiana, declared itself a sanctuary city in response to Donald Trump’s immigration policies, Buttigieg’s city of South Bend did not.

In fact, for progressives there are very concerning signs about Buttigieg. After Israel massacred Palestinian protesters, Buttigieg appeared to pin the blame on Palestinians. He has professed himself “troubled” by the clemency Barack Obama granted to Chelsea Manning, even though Manning is a national hero who was tortured after blowing the whistle on US government crimes. He has called for “democratic capitalism”, the same phrase used by Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council in the 80s as a euphemism for corporate-friendly neoliberalism. When his words aren’t vacuous, they’re troubling.

Buttigieg’s pitch embodies what Luke Savage has called the “West Wing view” of politics: the idea that the best candidates for high office are the “smart” ones who went to elite schools and have a wonkish command of the facts. Indeed, Buttigieg loves the West Wing and has already recorded a parody of it as a campaign ad along with a video featuring “Josh Lyman” himself, the actor Bradley Whitford. But the presidency of Barack Obama should have showed us the flaws in this view. It leaves out the importance of vision and moral courage. It lacks a clear understanding of what’s right, what’s wrong and what’s worth fighting for.

Buttigieg is clearly a skilled politician. He knows exactly the right words to say to his audience to get them on his side – it’s not surprising that a man who prides himself for being multilingual can slip into the dialect of progressivism or conservatism depending on which group he is trying to court. But he’s a classic “empty suit”, a package without contents. He stands for nothing except his own advancement. Let’s hope his time as the Democratic “flavor of the month” is rapidly coming to an end.


Jan 26, 2017
very good article on the voters he's targeting

Pete Buttigieg, Barack Obama, and the psychology of liberalism
Buttigieg is going for the “hope and change” voters.
By Ezra Klein@ezraklein Apr 16, 2019, 8:00am EDT



Mayor Pete Buttigieg hugs his husband, Chasten Glezman, after announcing that he will be seeking the Democratic nomination for president.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
There was a word missing from the speech Pete Buttigieg gave in South Bend, Indiana, announcing his presidential campaign. It’s a word you heard twice in Bernie Sanders’s and Beto O’Rourke’s announcement speeches, nine times in Cory Booker’s, 21 times in Kirsten Gillibrand’s, 23 times in Kamala Harris’s, and 25 times in Elizabeth Warren’s.

That word? “Fight.”

Instead, Buttigieg returned to a word those speeches shied away from, a word whose relative absence from the Democratic primary is all the stranger given its potency in past Democratic campaigns.

That word? “Hope,” which Buttigieg said eight times, Gillibrand said three times, O’Rourke uttered once, and Sanders, Harris, Warren, and Booker avoided entirely.

Bill Clinton, famously, was “the man from Hope.” Barack Obama ran on “hope and change.” But hope has become unfashionable in the Democratic primary. Partly, that’s because Democrats are trying to build a legacy distinct from Obama’s and are looking for language of their own. Partly that’s because the lesson many Democrats took from Sanders’s strong showing in 2016, and Donald Trump’s victory, is that an angry country is looking for fighters — and no matter how many times Hillary Clinton played “Fight Song” at rallies, a critical mass of voters didn’t think she really meant it (more on the gendered dynamics of this in a minute).

Buttigieg’s rise has been unexpected and, to be honest, a bit weird. Young mayors of midsize cities don’t typically vault ahead of talented presidential fields to poll third in Iowa and New Hampshire before they’ve even officially announced their campaigns. “Candidly, I don’t even know all the reasons why this is going so well,” Buttigieg told New York magazine.

But there is a reason, and it’s bound up in the psychology that attracts liberals to the word “hope.”

Hopeful liberals, concerned conservatives
Liberals and conservatives have different ideologies, different philosophies, different policies, different parties. But beneath all that is the fact that they have different psychologies.

In their book Open Versus Closed, Christopher Johnston, Christopher Federico, and Howard Lavine write that “Democrats and Republicans are now sharply distinguished by a set of basic psychological dispositions related to experiential openness — a general dimension of personality tapping tolerance for threat and uncertainty in one’s environment.”

A similar argument, using slightly different data, can be found in Marc Hetherington and Jonathan Weiler’s Prius or Pickup:

Of the many factors that make up your worldview, one is more fundamental than any other in determining which side of the divide you gravitate toward: your perception of how dangerous the world is. Fear is perhaps our most primal instinct, after all, so it’s only logical that people’s level of fearfulness informs their outlook on life.

In Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences, John Alford, John Hibbing, and Kevin Smith write:

Numerous studies have linked these personality dimensions to differences in the mix of tastes and preferences that seem to reliably separate liberals and conservatives. People who score high on openness, for example, tend to like envelope-pushing music and abstract art. People who score high on conscientiousness are more likely to be organized, faithful, and loyal. One review of this large research literature finds these sorts of differences consistently cropping up across nearly 70 years of studies on personality research. The punch line, of course, is that this same literature also reports a consistent relationship between these dimensions of personality and political temperament. Those open to new experiences are not just hanging Jackson Pollock prints in disorganized bedrooms while listening to techno-pop reinterpretations of Bach by experimental jazz bands. They are also more likely to identify themselves as liberals.

These differences show up in surveys, in experiments, and in lifestyle choices. People high in openness are more likely to enjoy trying new foods, traveling to new places, living in diverse cities, keeping a messy desk. They’re less sensitive to threatening photos and disgusting images, even when measuring physical indicators like skin connectivity, eye tracking, and saliva.

At the core of this worldview divide is hope, in its most basic, literal form. Are you hopeful about new things, new people, new places? Does change excite you? Does difference? If it does, you are more likely to be liberal. If you look at the new, the different, and feel a spike of fear, you’re more likely to be a conservative.

Not every liberal is high in this kind of openness, and not every conservative is low in it. But these associations are present and strong across huge numbers of studies spanning dozens of countries. In one meta-analysis of the literature, John Jost, Chadly Stern, Nicholas Rule, and Joanna Sterling looked at 134 surveys in 16 countries and found “a significant association between subjective perceptions of threat and conservatism.”


Supporters hold up their Make America Great Again hats as US President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall in Tampa on July 31, 2018.
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
Over the past 50 years, America’s political parties have increasingly sorted themselves into ideologically and demographically distinct coalitions, and part of that sorting has been psychological. As the Democratic Party has diversified, it’s become particularly attractive to people who see difference as strength and who are excited by the idea of a changing country. The Republican Party has experienced the same process in reverse.

Obama and Trump, in their respective campaigns, took this subtext of American politics and made it into bumper stickers. A black man with a strange name won the presidency tying together the words “change” and “hope.” He was succeeded by a white man who won the presidency promising to turn back the clock, who built a campaign around the word “again.”

All this has supercharged America’s psychological sorting. Johnston, Federico, and Lavine find that the more politically engaged someone is now, the more intensely correlated their psychology and their voting behavior becomes. Hetherington and Weiler, who measure a related basket of traits they call “fixed” and “fluid,” find that now, “among the fixed, 84 percent of those who chose one of these two labels chose conservative,” while “among the fluid, 80 percent of those who chose one of them chose liberal.”

Democrats miss Obama
Most of the Democrats running for president have tried, in their own ways, to out-Trump Trump. They promise to be the populist fighter he only pretends to be.

But a lot of liberals, temperamentally and psychologically, don’t want a fight. They don’t want politics to be an endless war; they believe that mutual understanding is possible, that the country will respond to someone willing to believe and call forth the best of it. That’s not just their view of politics; it’s their view of life. It’s the view that Obama spoke to in the speech that made him a star:

Even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America — there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.

And again in his 2008 campaign announcement speech:

You came here because you believe in what this country can be. In the face of war, you believe there can be peace. In the face of despair, you believe there can be hope. In the face of a politics that shut you out, that’s told you to settle, that’s divided us for too long, you believe that we can be one people, reaching for what’s possible, building that more perfect union.

And even if Mitch McConnell has disabused many liberals of the notion that this style of politics will pass laws, it still describes the candidates and messages they find themselves drawn to. Obama appealed to them because he represented them, because he was one of them, and if they could, they would put him back in office a third time. There are a lot of these Democrats, but there’s not, at the moment, a lot of competition for them.


Jan 26, 2017

President Barack Obama presents the Medal of Freedom to Vice President Joe Biden.
Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images
You can see the yearning in Joe Biden’s persistent lead in the polls. Biden’s popularity frustrates lefties who think him insufficiently progressive and liberals who see him as an out-of-touch white guy. But Biden knows that a lot of his supporters aren’t really supporting him. They’re supporting Obama by supporting him. An Associated Press story on Biden’s planning suggests channeling this longing will form the foundation of his campaign:

Joe Biden is finalizing the framework for a White House campaign that would cast him as an extension of Barack Obama’s presidency and political movement. He’s betting that the majority of Democratic voters are eager to return to the style and substance of that era — and that they’ll view him as the best option to lead the way back.

Biden’s weakness is that temperamentally, demographically, and stylistically, he’s not that much like Obama. He was brought onto Obama’s ticket to add balance, to offer reassurance. If you looked at Obama and saw too much change too fast, you could look at Biden and see a familiar face.

As Rebecca Traister wrote, “Biden’s role has been to comfort the lost, prized, and most fondly imagined Democratic voter, the one who’s like him: that guy in the diner, that guy in Ohio, that guy who’s white and so put off by the changed terms of gendered and racial power in this country that decades ago he fled for the party that was working to roll back the social advancements that had robbed him of his easy hold on power.”

This is where Buttigieg has found an opening.

Pete Buttigieg’s play for the “hope and change” vote
Buttigieg can’t run as the heir to Obama’s administration. But of the candidates, he’s the one who uses his personal story and political message to most closely echo Obama’s appeal.

Buttigieg began his announcement speech by doing exactly what Obama did in his early speeches: He framed the choice America faces as embracing a moment of change with hope — or rejecting it out of fear.

“Change is coming, ready or not,” Buttigieg said. “The question of our time is whether families and workers will be defeated by the changes beneath us or whether we will master them.”


Mayor Pete announced his intention to run to become President Pete.
Scott Olson/Getty Images
As Obama did before him, Buttigieg turned his own life story — in which an alienated, closeted teen watches his country change enough to not only accept him, but embrace him — into an argument that America is a place worth being hopeful about:

If I could go back into the past, it wouldn’t be out of a desire to live there. No, if I went into the past, it would be just 20 years back, to find a teenage boy in the basement ...[and] to tell him he’ll be all right. More than all right. To tell him that one rainy April day, before he even turns 40, he’ll wake up to headlines about whether he’s rising too quickly as he becomes a top-tier contender for the American presidency. And to tell him that on that day he announces his campaign for president, he’ll do it with his husband looking on.

“How can you live that story and not believe that America deserves our optimism, deserves our courage, deserves our hope?” Buttigieg asked.

And in perhaps the most Obama-like flourish in the speech, Buttigieg used the jumble of his own identities — a Midwest mayor, a married gay man, an Afghanistan veteran — to argue that the divisions of our politics obscures the grandeur of our common humanity:

When I was overseas, each one of the 119 trips I took outside the wire driving or guarding a vehicle, we learned what it is to trust one another with our lives. The men and women who got in my vehicle, they didn’t care if I was a Democrat or a Republican. They cared about whether I had selected the route with the fewest IED threats, not whether my father was documented or undocumented when he immigrated here. They cared about whether my M-4 was locked and loaded, not whether I was going home to a girlfriend or a boyfriend.

It was a speech aimed right at the Obama wing of the Democratic Party, down to the homage-like jokes about being a young kid with a funny last name. It was a speech aimed at voters who look to the future with excitement, who find themselves thrilled by the word change.

“It’s time to walk away from the politics of the past,” Buttigieg said, “and toward something totally different.”

That Buttigieg trusted that line to be received with applause spoke volumes about his intended audience.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012


May 7, 2012
Everything they’re saying we said already in this thread.

I don’t see him winning the nomination - but he will be influential and a possible VP. Dems love virtue signaling more than winning.