Religion vs social norms.


Like a C4.
Apr 30, 2012
Los Angeles
I'm not a writer, but I hope I can clearly state my point:

I know a lot of brehs here aren't religious, and I completely respect that. I can see the logical arguments made against it. I myself am religious, although I do see a lot of hypocrisy in beliefs (to be fair almost any ethos has theirs).

Also I don't have anything against white folks, at all. I can't talk all of this speech about love and say "they all" are at fault. I can't preach all this talk about loving yourself, yet hate a group of people just because they were born white. They had no control, just like none of us had control over how we came out as either. To me, being white isn't a problem at all. There is nothing wrong with being what race you are.

Here's the issue, I think we all need a dragon to slay. One concentrated focus here on this forum and all around the internet and globe. Now I look at studies like this that were released today:
Less Christian more secular, however racial tensions are at an all-time high within the last decade. shyt we see today is no different than:

Here's another study discussed here:’-self-esteem.305261/best-posts

Putting these two together, and I think it's apparent what the problem really is.

I also think because whites (mainly the progressive and liberal ones) who feel ashamed, yet don't want to release their privilege (who would really), point at religion and religious people and use it as a scapegoat to hide and keep their benefits. That way the masses continue their attack on religion, yet don't touch the infrastructure: that simply being white is the emphasis and social norms of everything. That this itself creates at least a subconscious divide. From a white person's perspective: us vs them, from everyone else's perspective: them vs us.The spotlight isn't on the main problem, that every time you turn on the TV one group of people are catered to much more significantly than everyone else. That to me, is the whole problem. Today at least. I don't believe the solution is to make any group the social norm either.

Here's yet another study:
(don't know why the link isn't working) Yet here's the discussion and title of what the study was about on reddit:
Although it doesn't replace solid interacting with other races, having the TV portray things at a fair percentage can still make a significant impact regarding empathy.

The reason why I say "today at least" is because we all know there were racial tensions and bias long before television had it's influence. However I think if we were to make television and other media integrate to an even/more normalized portrayal (black folks aren't all over-the-top, asians aren't all submissive, whites aren't all square, latins aren't all rowdy, middle easterners aren't all barbaric) we can then rely on the communication we have through the internet and or technology to work out issues as a species there.

However, given our current state and the way we use technology today: Sadly maybe we are all just doomed/wired to only see the differences in other people because that's the easiest thing to do?

tl;dr: Religion not really the main problem, simply being born and being white isn't the problem, but "white" as the only social norm (despite tiny pockets of "other") is the leading problem. Making any other group the social norm instead isn't the answer either.
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This isn't a one-answer fixes everything problem.

Its the fact that religion IN ADDITION TO ACKNOWLEDGING white supremacy is a problem.

Religion leaves you open to a range of arguments that are inherently flawed and broken to a degree thats pretty unacceptable. It changes your value of humanity and it challenges your view of how things work

For you to say religion isn't even a problem in the a problem. And you don't see it this way because as a religious person, you'll do whatever you can to defend that paradigm. Its disingenuous.

Look at it this way. People are more likely to put their faith in something instead of actually investing in the technical results of their own efforts and desires.

Religion cheapens the value of hard work and raw progress.


Mar 4, 2015
I also think because whites (mainly the progressive and liberal ones) who feel ashamed, yet don't want to release their privilege (who would really), point at religion and religious people and use it as a scapegoat to hide and keep their benefits.

The thing about this statement (and I'm black...don't hate whites...don't hate anyone...but I am pro-black) is that it is misguided.

Most whites don't feel ashamed. It's not to say that whites are bad for not feeling ashamed, it's just the average white person goes through life and has challenges (the same as everyone else regardless of race) and face their own challenges unique to them. Racial issues are not in the scope of most of them because it isn't something that defines them daily.

We have to get rid of this notion that we and whites live in the same "sphere" . Just like you can't understand what it is like to be a native American, or Asian immigrant, white people don't live the life that we do and will NEVER see things through our lens.

The best analogy I can think of is this: You (we, us, black people) are typically better at sports. When I was growing up I was always the fastest. It was just a part of me. Never once did I ever say "wow...I feel bad for kids not as fast as I am...I should give them my medals...I should slow down for them". It's not natural to think that way. I just lived life and had my challenges and my advantages. If a less advantaged (slower, worse at sports etc) kid would have ever said "slow's hard for me"... I would have laughed at him and not understood his request. We need to understand that is how most whites view white supremacy and us complaining is never going to change anything.

We can't expect whites (or anyone) to acknowledge their advantages. Trust me...there are plenty of them and they are unfair. Where we need to shift our focus is changing things for ourselves. We need to stop expecting other people who are NOT us to understand what it's like to "be us". But we need to change what it means to "be us" on all fronts. None of that is a pass for white supremacy or meant to be a pass at all. But there are things we can change and things we can't and I am not going to spend my life trying to educate someone who will never understand what I go through, I'd rather lend a hand to those who are going through it with me.


Jun 4, 2012
Religion is the social norm....

200k years and counting for black humans. ..
6k years and counting for whites and devils. ...

Hundreds of millions of years so far for us gods.... like @Blackking

Billions for others....


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Religion isn't the root cause of 'cism, but it's an enabler and even worse, it tends to make people complacent.

After all, why do something if you can sit back and pray for god to fix your problems? Gotta have faith, right? :ehh:

Besides, everything that happens is part of god's plan right? Who are we to question him? :ehh:


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
I'm not a writer, but I hope I can clearly state my point:

Less Christian more secular, however racial tensions are at an all-time high within the last decade. shyt we see today is no different than:

Here's another study discussed here:’-self-esteem.305261/best-posts

Putting these two together, and I think it's apparent what the problem really is.

Okay first of all, that's completely ridiculous. 1960s black people were lynched, you're wrong to compare 2015 to such a terrible time in history. Just because twitter and 24 hour news makes it seem like it is.

Secondly, correlation doesn't equal causation. You can't just "put these two together". Obesity rates have been at an all time high, obviously if we put these two together, we can see the real dragon we need to slay is trans fat...:snoop:

The fact is, white liberals don't love coming out and defending a black president as much as republicans love and shytting on one, so that's why racial tensions seem high, all the racists are going bananas. Liberals have notoriously been stand-offish, because instead of taking high ground and just sweeping every election, prefer to let republicans bytch about race and become this terrible monster, so that when they take office they can get bjs in the office or marry their cousin (FDR) and still fall back and act like "Well those guys are racists".

And it takes a lot of balls to blame the non-religious finger pointers. For one, non-religious people couldn't even blame religious folks until 20 years ago without getting their asses kicked, so you're giving them folks a lot of credit. Secondly. GEORGE BUSH INVADED IRAQ BECAUSE GOD TOLD HIM TO! THEN THE TERRORISTS SAID "Jeez, they're trying to take our god!" SO THEY FOUGHT BACK! THIS IS THE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE'S FAULT! Obviously, invading Iraq for absolutely no reason in addition to a bs Homeland Security terror alert color code stressed the country out like scared chickens, so we all ate more and got fat, so that's why obesity rates were high, too, just to bring it full circle.