Rec room Celebrity chat: w/Courtdog

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
The truth is below...

Sohh anyways... I would like to discuss a trend if you will. In the non serious Microsoft thread created by grand cuckold, a poster I never seen post here didn't like a comment I said and called me a trump supporting cac. I replied by playing up the role and called him a silly nikka, negro? :merchant: (I don't remember) all I recall was he was acting very nikkardly. I'm more offended that nikkardly would be an actual word in the dictionary but let's stay focused.

I view myself as a cross between Malcolm and Martin when it comes to black excellence. I grew up full king way of thinking, as an adult I see how X has his points as well. I don't believe in going full retard for either ways of thinking. When it comes to black issues or issues of equality I don't subscribe to the monkey see monkey do mentality that runs white America and also runs the coli :ufdup:

I don't like a racist of any kind. And just because "cacs" are showing their true colors does not mean that gives this community a pass. Or this website :ld:

Let's make this very clear, when it comes to black issues, I'm 100 toes deep, I am the people you read about if you don't experience racism. Have you been pulled over by the police 100x in your life, most of the white people I know say less than 5x. Do you have teenage children who are facing the same world you grew up in? That face the injustices they broadcast on the news?

I bring this up because in another thread where I was apparently banned from. I seen the narrative of how I'm a c00n because I dapped a post. The problem is KamikazeRevy isn't black but is talking :dwillhuh:
Rekka gets a pass because besides being my ace boon c00n, there are layers of fukkery that are too deep for the average poster to understand. Ultimately the poster who was spitting that c00n pilgrimage shyt was a regular poster (like Hood) and we all know likely still post here, just under a different name. If you don't believe that, how long have you been member of the sohh-coli-community :dame:

Let me tell you what c00ning is, having a STRONG problem with a poster saying racially charged comments because they rep a different console. Now that comment may not apply to everyone :hula: but it would apply to everyone who supported the poster HOOD. The reason Hood got a pass is because at one time the lions den was known to be just jokes. Now the same people who handled community business that way wanna act all righteous now? :skip:

If anyone has a question pertaining to me and my blackness, please ask here. I expect a bunch of cacs, c00ns and Cac00ns to disrupt as usual. @LÍQUIDO who's idea was it to make it so the Courtdog username cannot edit post :gucci:


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
The Mattress Man himself :Kobesmirk24:

blessin’ us with another Flopped Thread:mjdisappoint:

Reverence him:ohwow: