How would she fit in character-wise with the Bloodline though? Have we ever seen her be that much of a heel? Team B.A.D. were heels, but I don't remember anything about them. Was she believable as a heel?
I've seen one or two posters on here refer to Bianca as the female Sting.
Along that same line of thinking, Naomi is the female...who?
She was surprisingly believable as a heel. The problem was, they mostly turned her heel just so Nikki Bella could have another heel to challenge her during her long ass reign. Even during Team BAD — the group with the most intrigue out of Bellas/Alicia and Team PCB — they managed to lose the most, which was gross.
Also, as far as this Sonya thing, you have a chance to have a storyline about a black woman getting overlooked and can present this as something real for the crowd to rally behind, but knowing the WWE, either Sonya will come out on top, or they’ll just gradually forget about it all together. Remember the feud with her and Mandy? It was a very entertaining feud that they actually made long term based on stuff stemming from Tough Enough. But, again, the problem was, Mandy was heel and was set to try to breakup the marriage between Naomi and Jimmy, and Mandy WON the feud

Naomi only pinned Mandy in tag matches, while Mandy (and Sonya) convincingly beat her. That’s as stupid as HHH winning his feud with Booker T that was based around race.
The Bloodline thing would be easy to connect, but there’s just no reason to boo Naomi. She’s basically been steadily over her whole career and they need to take advantage of that.