Real Talk: Fanboys don't realize they are fanboys

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
If anybody considers themselves fanboys, please enter this thread and say you are.
If nobody does it, then this threads title is 100% correct :manny:

While I wait for the 100's of posters to enter to say how they are, let me tell you why I'm not, and then show you how some of you ARE fanboys.

For me, I don't believe just owning all the systems makes you NOT a fanboy. You might just be rich :hula:
Or maybe you don't like the games the other system has. Now if you never played any of those games, you are being a fanboy.
And the one thing I've noticed from fans of sony is how they repeat "Xbox only has Halo and Gears" and then they trash Halo and Gears. So then how does Xbox have it if you just trashed it :what:

Its too easy to see who is a fanboy and who isn't. If you a fan of sony, there is a 99% chance you are a fanboy because what sony offers is reactions to what its competition offers. It stopped leading and now follows. A fanboy has already tuned out :russ: saying you would rather have a lag filled hacked experience over XBL to save $4 a month is not just asinine, but its asiten, asileven, asitwelve :comeon:
So if "its free" was ever a factor then you sir, are either extremely broke or :umad: like a good fanboy would be
I've told my story 100x already. I didn't like how sony knew it had a Disc Read Error problem, PS2's at launch would not work out the box. Sony didn't have any warranties on systems back then unless you bought one from the store you purchased the system from. People didnt need warranties for gaming systems back in those days. The PS2 was the system that made warranties mandatory moving forward (Tru Story)
So what happened to plenty of ppl, and would of been me as well was I would of been STUCK with a broken PS2
The fact sony knew about this, and said they would do nothing about it (behind closed doors, not openly of course) is what enraged me and put me off of sony. Because I was a consumer they fukked over and was proud of it. So please understand my reasons for not liking them. At the time, I was told I was lying cuz a rep wouldn't tell me that :laff:
yeah ok, reps don't talk with the employees of the stores they visit. They didn't see the 20+ PS2's that were pilled up weekly in every store. We'd never ask what is being done about it, and he'd never have to say something. Gotcha!!!! :umad:

For those still in the dark, sony ends up losing a class action lawsuit in late 2005, same year the next systems release :wow:
So if anyone wants to put up a class action lawsuit against one of these companies realize you won't be heard til next gen.
My favorite game this gen? PS3's Uncharted series. How can a fanboy say this now, say this ever? Have I ever said differently I guess that puts me in a different category? MGS4 and its 5hrs of gameplay isn't impressive. Nobody buying Unpolished 3 on here isn't something to overlook. People running around invisible on The Last of Us is not something to just go "Uh, well I haven't seen it"
Its a huge deal if you a gamer. But its not a big deal if you a fanboy :ufdup: Let me show you a fanboy...

nikka the offical xbox thread is 23 pages vs 90 pages deep in the ps4 thread. All y'all doing is marching on the battlefield when the war's been over since e3
So because the ps4 thread is bigger means PS4 is the better system :mindblown:
And he even said its been over since E3? Sony lost E3 by the widest of wide margins. E3 is about the games and systems
Xbox One games and system features >>> PS4 games and features. and its not even close.
But if you a fanboy? You'll change the purpose of E3 and turn it into something else. In this case, whoever fanbase screams the loudest is the winner. King Sun is a fanboy and doesn't even know it. Anyone else fit that description???

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
yo gabba gabba

No its everyday you make threads like this that goes over your agenda to convince people on here that xb1 should be their system of choice but In reality you turn people off with these rants and psychological ducktales about a corporation you don't like. You and your just for men club make more ps4 threads than you make xb1 threads which is why I brought up the xb1 thread being :rip: . No matter how many threads you make the ps4 is currently killing m$ In preorders,gamers, and national and international media and all you're doing is helping towards the cause. You want to help promote your beloved system? Stop talking about ps4 and ps fanboys and every thread you make or better yet start a google + blog or some shyt about everything xbox and maybe you will pick up a job actually stanning m$. But at the end of the day you're just going to ignore everything I said and bring up some irrelevant article of some dude saying the xb1 will win next gen :salute:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
No its everyday you make threads like this that goes over your agenda to convince people on here that xb1 should be their system of choice but In reality you turn people off with these rants and psychological ducktales about a corporation you don't like. You and your just for men club make more ps4 threads than you make xb1 threads which is why I brought up the xb1 thread being :rip: . No matter how many threads you make the ps4 is currently killing m$ In preorders,gamers, and national and international media and all you're doing is helping towards the cause. You want to help promote your beloved system? Stop talking about ps4 and ps fanboys and every thread you make or better yet start a google + blog or some shyt about everything xbox and maybe you will pick up a job actually stanning m$. But at the end of the day you're just going to ignore everything I said and bring up some irrelevant article of some dude saying the xb1 will win next gen :salute:
Well, that is what I should post up because you think you said something significant :bryan:
All you did was showcase exactly what makes you a blind dumbass fanboy. This thread is for that topic, so everything else you saying is irrelevant. I'll explain. You start off by saying "my agenda" well my agenda is for the fanboys to realize they are that. Did you realize that yet? Doubt it. You didn't even answer the question, you just ran in here on some :cape: shyt like a true fanboy would :salute:

Then you mention the size of the official threads again like if that is some sort of proof of what is going on? :laff:

Could you link me to a page that has info in the PS4 thread or is it more so a chatbox for PS-heads :ufdup:

Somehow, this topic on fanboys turns into how PS4 is killing M$ in preorders?
But reality was PS4 was killing them for one week. Then Xbox been killing PS4 in preorders and now its known that there will be more xbox one's available at launch
^^^^ Now he's been here enough to seen this article before, but he chose to ignore anything that doesn't say PS4 is da best!!! ^^^

He then ends his rant by saying I should stop talking about PS fanboys and just anything PS related like if he is the authority on anything really :lolbron:
He even said I should make more threads on Xbox One. I have made dozens of threads on Xbox One.
I'm the only person asking for sony to do better. I said PSN would charge this gen too, thats sony acting like they gonna do better.
But the fact they not showing or telling anything is a huge problem for anyone who isn't a fanboy and wishes they could play Grand Theft Auto 5 online without worring about hackers ruining the online experience. Oh wait, according to King Sun I'm supposed to shut up or create a blog ELSEWHERE :laff: Fanboys, you gotta love em sometimes :whew:

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
nikka go on amazon right now its not hard to tell and actually further proof of your stupidity from the article states

"Despite losing the headline battle at E3, Microsoft's Xbox One appears to be regaining some momentum, in part due to the used and online policy tweaks,” Sebastian noted. “Importantly, our supply chain checks suggest Microsoft may have the benefit of a 2-3x unit advantage at launch compared to Sony's PS4."

You do know he meant more xb1 will be available for lunch vs ps4's right? How are you this old with children with a reading comp below at 5th grader unless you're :troll: (as we know you are) LOL at ps4's outselling for only a week

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
nikka go on amazon right now its not hard to tell and actually further proof of your stupidity from the article states

"Despite losing the headline battle at E3, Microsoft's Xbox One appears to be regaining some momentum, in part due to the used and online policy tweaks,” Sebastian noted. “Importantly, our supply chain checks suggest Microsoft may have the benefit of a 2-3x unit advantage at launch compared to Sony's PS4."

You do know he meant more xb1 will be available for lunch vs ps4's right? How are you this old with children with a reading comp below at 5th grader unless you're :troll: (as we know you are) LOL at ps4's outselling for only a week
1.) No, I'm not trolling. You want this thread to be viewed as that so fanboys like yourself don't get further exposed. You wanna answer the question, are you a fanboy. Yes or No :popcorn:

2.) Yes. my reading comp is low. Thats why you mentioned I have kids and my age. You not much younger than me. Why do you keep talking about ages, family, everything but gaming when discussing games? Umad or something? U so mad, your reading comprehension gets screwed up and you blame others for it :wow: Peep this line I wrote and tell me it doesn't make you look like... well, you :snoop:
Then Xbox been killing PS4 in preorders and now its known that there will be more xbox one's available at launch
That bolded part makes your whole rant about reading comprehension ironic now doesn't it :ufdup:
This is what its like having convo's with fanboys/trolls/small time posters.

You mentioned Amazon, but you didn't post a link showing the weekly sales to back up your claim. So what you did there was make up a lie you know cannot be proven real or false. My reading comprehension is pretty up there, thats why I can comprehend you have nothing for me. Move along now village idiot, your not a good representative for your loser cause :umad:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
To reiterate my point, lets examine this post made by our volunteer in this thread.
Now remember, this guy made this comment just a moment ago...
for someone "more educated" than me you sure do have a serious reading comprehension problem. You and court need to put up that hooked on phonics asap
So now after this guys reading comprehension fails him miserably, he continues on as if he isn't the dumbass here :wow:

Then other fanboys take everything this idiot says as fact, and they run with it for all eternity. :facepalm:

So everyone else, when you enter. Say what you want, but state whether or not you are a fanboy when you do enter. Thanks
King Sun has proven how clueless a true fanboy will be. Don't be like that, Real Talk :handshake: