Read this and tell me why it is wrong for a brother to want a pawg

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Reader Sound Off: Ten Reasons Black Women Prefer White Men
Comments (175)
July 26th, 2012 | Posted by Miss Jia | Posted In Reader Sound Off

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Yesterday, Twitter was up in arms when a guy (@OfficiallyIce) wrote an article on In Flex, We Trust titled 10 Reasons Black Guys Prefer White Girls*. With a few people finding the article funny and others thinking that the article was crass, opinions were divided like sh*t.
In steps Trishy (@MeanGirlTrishy), who decided that it’s only fair to write a counter to Ice’s blog post. Prepare yourself, boys and girls. This one is going to be a doozy!
*Before reading Ice or Trishy’s blog posts, you HAVE to know that SOMEBODY in this world does love Black women!
I decided to write this blog after a blog link Cupid Shuffled it’s way across my timeline on Twitter. I immediately rolled my eyes after noticing the post was titled “Officially Ice’s 10 Reasons Black Guys Prefer White Girls”. This is a topic that’s discussed on Twitter damn near every day; why Black men feel White women are superior to… “other races”. After reading the blog, I decided to write a response. I thought to myself, “I wonder how Black men would react if the tables were turned?”, so here goes. Feelings will be hurt, feathers will be ruffled, fukks will not be given.
10. White men take care of their women. Not just emotionally, but financially, too. A lot of Black men come from broken homes and were raised by single mothers. They never saw a man helping their mother out financially, so they don’t see why they should help their woman out financially. To them, seeing a woman struggle is normal. They have that “my mother worked fifteen jobs to make ends meet, why can’t you?” mentality. White men on the other hand are more generous. Nine times out of ten, their woman doesn’t even have to ask for help, they just do it because that’s what real men do.
9. White men have family values. It’s not often that you’ll see White men with eleventeen “baby mamas” all over the place, unlike “other races”… oh, fukk it, unlike BLACK MEN. White men usually come from two parent homes. They grew up seeing their parents in loving marriages and with siblings that all have the same mother and father, and that’s what they one day hope to have.
8. White men know how to manage money. White men aren’t flashy. If you’re looking for a man with fantastic money management skills, get you a White man. White men believe in creating a nest egg or a cushion to fall back on. A White man will save, invest and grow his money. Most Black men don’t even have a savings account… but they got them J’s, though.
7. White men prefer that their woman stays home and will do anything to create a comfortable life for her. A White man will work hard to provide for his lady and his family so that they never want or need for anything. Black men aren’t having that. Again, you’re dealing with men who grew up seeing their mothers busting her ass to make ends meet. They never saw their mother as the “homemaker” or housewife… even if ever became a Wife, she probably didn’t have the luxury of not working and just taking care of home. With a White man, you have options. They love women that are ambitious and want to make her own money, so if she wants to work, she can… if not, that’s cool too. A White man can usually provide for himself and his woman, so her not wanting to work is never a problem. Also, White men are generous. They love to spoil their woman with anything her heart desires, unlike Black men who are usually asking their woman for money to get the latest sneakers.
6. White men know that there are ways to make a lot of money legally. You won’t catch a White man hugging the block or in the “trap”, unlike Black men who only aspire to become a rapper, ball player or drug dealer because those are the only occupations the men they admire have. White men go and get an education for themselves and eventually go on to pursue six figure careers. CAREERS. Not jobs, not hustles, CAREERS.
5. White men are very easy going and laid back. You won’t have to worry about getting smacked down to the ground because you two have a disagreement. You won’t be called out of your name or belittled for having a backbone.
4. White men are gentlemen. These days, Black men meet a woman and within a week, they’re trying to invite themselves over to her house (because they can’t have company at their mama’s house) and fukk. White men court the woman they desire. They will come to your door with flowers instead of texting you “come outside”, they will open the car door for you, take you out for a night on the town, bring you back home and will be satisfied with just that. They usually date to find their Wives and aren’t just trying to get a nut, so there’s no rush to get into your panties.
3. White men cater to their women. Waking up to breakfast in bed is nothing out of the ordinary. And while we’re on the subject of food, White men have no problem cooking for their woman. If she’s tired and says “Baby, can you please make dinner tonight?”, it’s not a problem. Men of “other races” are used to being babied, especially since most of them don’t leave the nest until they’re almost thirty. They don’t care if you had a long day, you better get in there and fry him the big piece of chicken.
2. White men live longer. They take care of themselves, eat right, exercise and GO TO THE DOCTOR regularly, so you won’t have to worry about your husband dying at the age of forty. Let’s talk about going to the doctor for a second, which is something that Black men don’t do often enough. Not only can you trust a White man to take his health seriously, you can trust him to take YOUR health seriously. By that, I mean that it isn’t as scary to sleep with White men as it is with Black men. Most Black men don’t know that they have an STD until they pass it on to their woman. Having unprotected sex with numerous women will not get a White man a gold star next to his name, like it would a Black man.
1. Your children will be half White, with lighter skin and a better grade of hair, which is what most Black men wish they had. Black men usually date outside of their race not because that is their preference, but because they hate the fact that they’re Black. Black men find mixed children (and people in general) to be more attractive. This is why they usually pursue women of other races, not knowing how genetics work and that even if they procreate with a woman of another race, their child can still be black as night with the kinkiest hair. In my opinion, it’s better to marry and procreate with a White man than it is to procreate with a Black man. Why? Well, I don’t have any children, but I can imagine how it feels to watch your son grow up loathing his dark skin, coarse hair, degrading Black women and resenting you, the Black woman who gave him life.

Read More: Reader Sound Off: Ten Reasons Black Women Prefer White Men « Miss Jia: She ain’t for everybody… Reader Sound Off: Ten Reasons Black Women Prefer White Men « Miss Jia: She ain


Jul 15, 2012
The author sounds very ignorant (this is some of the same rhetoric that some black men use to only date non-black women). If you genuinely like someone of another race then I don't see anything wrong with exploring all options. There is no need to make excuses or degrade men/women of your own race. Just do you.


Jul 26, 2012
This is a great thread from a great poster.


May 31, 2012
no bashing the list this list was in response to :usure: ?

here is a surprise
i don't care who you sleep with as long as it is not me. more and more bw adopt this same attitude daily.

i know that eliminates about 75 percent of the thrill of interracial dating, and i apologize for that.


Follow me to the truth
Apr 30, 2012
Bama ass DC
why do people even care anymore. lets all fukk whoever we want and be happy instead of not fukk who we want and not be happy


Each one, teach one...
May 5, 2012
Can't take this broad seriously. Isn't this the same Miss Jia who went by the name "Kina Kara" and used to suck dikk on film for money?