The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth

I get if people don't like it, I totally understand, but man, Nope was just a joy to watch, only negative I would say is give the boy Kaluuya some umpth to his character, turning that man into Mos Def.
Like....I get it, some people think he "over does it" with the symbolism or whatever.....but man, he's a breathe of Fresh Air. He simple makes solid work that's a joy to watch. I was watching the behind the scenes doc on it afterwards, and you can tell the dude really loves storytelling. That's something so important to the field.
I get if people don't like it, I totally understand, but man, Nope was just a joy to watch, only negative I would say is give the boy Kaluuya some umpth to his character, turning that man into Mos Def.
Nope could've been better, needed a better supporting cast. Asian dude was fine, but A.V guy was not needed and not funny. Homie at the end should've had more screen time. It's an interesting movie imo but just not a movie for me that sticked the landing. But I did enjoy it more than Us.
what's his next project?
I agree. Been very disappointed in his last 2 projectsAs a "storyteller" he is overrated....US and NOPE proved that
Get out was a fluke