Ray Donovan is a reflection of white america.


Aug 29, 2013
So as I watched the season finale of Ray Donovan, it occurred to me that the show almost perfectly reflects White America.

You got Ray who spends all his time fixing the problems of everyone around him and he's not appreciated...to the point he's basically a walking sack of depression. Can't express any emotion besides anger and sadness.

You got Abby, who is almost useless. Her husband busts his ass all day long and all she does is complain and get into petty fights/arguments with her kids and Ray. And while Ray is out trying to get things from falling apart, Abby is day drinking and cheating on him with that cop....and almost did it with Terry. -- side note -- #GMB

The son is basically ignored. Seriously. That kid is a herb weakling and has no impact on the family or the show. You didn't even know his name is Conor, did you? You forgot? Of course you did. All you remember is that he fukked a mattress a few episodes ago. Sounds like the IT guy at your office.

Then you got the crown jewel of miserable c*nts: Bridget. Good lord the only more annoying female in the history of television had to be Brody's daughter on Homeland, Dana. Bridget is an uncultured loser with no friends who wants to fukk her teacher and basically does anything that goes against her parents because she just has to be a rebel for no fukkin reason.

Bridget's lie about being at Mick's house made Terry go over there to get her...and it nearly got him murdered.
The show makes everyone lose their minds over Bridget wanting to fukk a teacher. And just casually ignores the fact that Bridget was using the teacher's prescription drugs. Because drug use is no big deal in White America. Just a rite of passage.

Meanwhile, her brother Conor fukked a prostitute at like 16 and nobody gives a fukk. :camby:
Because it's only a commotion when a white woman is getting penetrated. :sas2:
Bridget gets so upset that her parents don't want her fukkin a grown man that she runs away. Yeah. White girls overreacting to shyt? Never seen that before. :skip:

And by the way, did we forget how pissed off Ray was when Bridget was dating that black rapper dude Marvin? :mjpls:

I'm done with this show, brehs.
They need to bring back The Wire or something.



Jun 6, 2012
New York
I stopped after Season 2. So the daughter passed the wife in c*ntiness?! Hilarious, Ray's life is so fukked. If he moved away from everyone without a trace could you really blame him?