1. Cena vs CM Punk - maybe I'm biased but it's the 2nd best match I've ever seen live and period (1st being Austin/Rock at WM17, first PPV I ever watched live). The build, atmosphere, pacing and ending was damn near flawless.
2. HHH vs Stone Cold - probably my fav build up ever. Triple H fake signing the 'no contact until the PPV' contract led to so much fukkery. As a kid I legit thought Austin would kill him, especially since the last match he flipped H in a car

. I love how Austin losing led to his doubt and paranoia which led to his heel turn at WM17.
3. HBK vs Jericho - Excellent and pretty unique build up at the time. Flawless storytelling during the match. The fact that it stole the show in most people's eyes (not mine, I thought Brock vs Angle was better) on the most stacked Mania speaks volumes,
4. Angle vs Shane - probably the most unexpected classic match ever along with Cena/Umaga. Kurt getting smashed through the glass had me like