Literally a perfect movie. I watched it again last year and it's amazing how simple it is, yet every beat matters and works. Seems like a lot of those perfect films - Jaws, Alien, Terminator, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, etc - share similarities. Some are more complex (Matrix) than others but overall each one of them has stuff like...a big action scene at the beginning, or some type of jarring/different beginning (Alien). And then there's the exposition scene, where you learn what's going on.
Raiders has one of the GOAT exposition scenes.
5 minutes of some dudes talking in a room. No action. But the dialogue is so interesting, and the stakes are raised so high that it's just compelling. Nearly all the films I mentioned have a similar scene. Matrix has the scene where Morpheus shows Neo the matrix. Jaws has the scene where Quint explains the Indianapolis shark incident.
Terminator has the scene where Kyle explains the future to Sarah Conner. Jurassic Park has the scene where they show how the dinosaurs are made, and then debate the morality (and danger) of it. Basically all these movies reel you in with these scenes.