Today marks 49 years to the day of the loss of one of the major cogs of Black Empowerment and pride.
Today marks 49 years since the death of Malcolm X. A man who was a special blend of Lion and Nastradamus. He knew that the Black Soul and Mind were under attack by a daily assault of degradation and corruption.
Today also marks my public realization of my ignorance about this great man for most of my life and for that, I am truly sorry.
Funny how a Country could condemn this man for his "audacity" to look at hate and confront it with an intimidating courage and bravery.
Funny how a Country so concerned with advancement and power could not realize then, and still does not realize today, that the advancement and fair treatment/education/security of the Black people would have translated to wealth and riches beyond this Country's wildest dreams while still maintaining its soul in the process.
I will say, I do hope to dedicate my life to MLK's vision of showing peace and love to all people, because I'm not a savage. But, as a result of the dire state of the Black people in this Country, the most important mission I will dedicate my life to, will be the re-establishment of the feeling that our Black people are Kings and Queens who should be filled with pride and support, both economical and emotional, when looking at the next black face in front of them and not the disrespect and self hate that has been indoctrinated in us for years.
Black people, love yourself. RIP El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz